首页> 外文会议>Israel annual conference on aerospace sciences >Sensor transfer function imperfection effect on sculling motion errors in strapdown inertial navigation systems

Sensor transfer function imperfection effect on sculling motion errors in strapdown inertial navigation systems




Sculling compensation algorithms implemented in strapdown inertial navigation systems are designed to treat low frequency acceleration signals originated from a simultaneous linear and angular high frequency vibration through the strapdown navigation equations nonlinearity. However, if the inertial sensor transfer functions are imperfect due to, e.g., bandwidth limitations, data report delays or scale factor errors, the low frequency terms might not be completely compensated, thus causing an effective bias in the accelerometer output. In the present work a quantitative analysis of the uncompensated sculling errors caused by the sensor transfer function imperfections is carried out in the case of the pure sculling motion. The obtained results can be used to facilitate the selection of the appropriate inertial sensors to meet the prescribed navigation accuracy requirements. The presented analysis is especially important if low cost (e.g., MEMS) sensors are considered for implementation in SINS.



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