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never的相关文献在1980年到2023年内共计39138637篇,主要集中在常用外国语、工业经济、中国文学 等领域,其中期刊论文441篇、专利文献39138196篇;相关期刊82种,包括疯狂英语阅读版(含光盘)、英语角、语数外学习:高中版等; never的相关文献由50000位作者贡献,包括不公告发明人、王伟、张伟等。



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    • 江艾; 谢杰文(指导)
    • 摘要: “A teacher affects eternity;he can never tell where his influence stops.”Henry Adams said.I am glad I have met so many kind and helpful teachers who have had great influences on me during my high school.But when it comes to my favourite teacher,that will definitely be Mr.Luo,my Politics teacher and head teacher in high school.There are numbers of reasons why I like Mr.Luo,and here are a few of them to share with you.
    • 摘要: New bus fleet partnership will help transform Zimbabwe’s transport system It was a parade the likes of which had never been seen in Zimbabwe’s capital Harare.As its name suggests,Harare is a city that never sleeps or stops moving;but recently it came to a standstill when hundreds of buses drove along one of its main street,Samora Machel Avenue.
    • 摘要: ‘Making Fashion Accessible’(May)This topic talks about researchers trying to make[fashion]accessible for people with Down syndrome,providing them[with]suitable and good clothes.I have never thought about their daily challenges-such as clothing-among the community with motor deficits before.As soon as I finished my reading,a reminder appeared in my mind that I should be grateful for my healthy body.Maintaining regular exercise and[a]healthy diet are important to me.Secondly,always thinking[about]others1 needs is a key to keeping my[mind]healthy,not taking everything for granted.In the end,[I]encouraged myself to offer services for people in need,brainstorming[for]solutions for others.
    • Dean
    • 摘要: The First Experience初体验Billy and Johnny are both 10 years old.They live in a rural area.They are taking a train to the city for the first time.The attendant gives them bananas.The boys have never eaten such a fruit.Billy starts to eat his banana,and then the train enters a tunnel.He cries,“Johnny,don''t eat it!I took two bites and can’t see anymore!”
    • 摘要: Roald Dahl is one of the best children''s authors of the twentieth century;if not the best.His books are enfertaining(令人愉悦的),full of jokes and were my favourite choice for a bedtime story.Roald Dahl is an author that you can never grow tired of;I still enjoy reading his books from time to time.
    • 摘要: Task 1 I’ve worked in llie factories surrounding my hometown every summer since I graduated from high school.But making the transition between school and full-time blue-collar work during the break never gets any easier.For a student like me who considers any class before noon to be uncivilized,getting to a factory by 6 o’clock each morning is torture.My friends never seem to understand why I’m so relieved to be back at school or that my summer vacation has been anything but a vacation.
    • 于艳琴
    • 摘要: 温多·姆比利兹虽然在难民营长大,但是面对苦难,他积极乐观,充分挖掘自己的天赋,充满激情地面对生活,追求梦想,并最终实现了自己的梦想。Each person is blessed with diverse abilities and talents.Some find their talent by themselves while others require a little help from others.Either way,talent is never hidden and can never be avoided.It is a trait that sets a person apart from others and distinguishes him or her from the rest of the crowd.If found at the right age,talent can be nurtured,which can help that person create a career out of it later in his or her life.Similar was the case with Wendo Mbilizi.
    • Edith Nesbit
    • 摘要: Scene 1 Train and newspaper火车和报纸Life at the white house was never quite the same again.Jim’s leg got better and better,and he told them stories about his school.And now Mother was not writing stories every day.She was able to teach the children their lessons."I wonder if the railway misses us,"said Phyllis one day."We never go and see it now.""It seems ungrateful,"said Bobbie."
    • Edith Nesbit
    • 摘要: cqvip:Scene 1 Train and newspaper火车和报纸Life at the white house was never quite the same again.Jim’s leg got better and better,and he told them stories about his school.And now Mother was not writing stories every day.She was able to teach the children their lessons."I wonder if the railway misses us,"said Phyllis one day."We never go and see it now.""It seems ungrateful,"said Bobbie."
    • 王奇
    • 摘要: Fred:"Why do elephantswear red nail polish(指甲油)?"Bob:"I don’t know, why?"Fred:"To hide in cherrytrees."Bob:"But I’ ve neverseen an elephant in a cherrytree."Fred:"See, it works."
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