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job的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计186篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、肿瘤学、常用外国语 等领域,其中期刊论文158篇、专利文献28篇;相关期刊123种,包括中小学心理健康教育、新东方英语(中英文版)、今日工程机械等; job的相关文献由330位作者贡献,包括熊禾根、史双元、李建军等。



论文:158 占比:84.95%


论文:28 占比:15.05%





  • 熊禾根
  • 史双元
  • 李建军
  • 任丹妮
  • 何彪
  • 余永康
  • 俆遐龄
  • 刘春建
  • 刘臻哲
  • 周伟
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 赵博
    • 摘要: 日前,船舶设计公司C-Job分享了一项全新研究,表明核能用作商船动力的潜质,其优势不仅包括设计航速的提升、燃料使用及排放的减少,还在于可以消除因燃料成本波动造成的商业不确定性。随着航运业的发展,以及船舶脱碳需求推动,海事界加快了对于新型核能在商船应用的研究与探索,核能作为商船动力源重新受到极大关注。为了了解更多,本刊记者采访了C-Job首席船舶设计师Niels de Vries。
    • 摘要: 近日,芯和半导体正式发布了其基于微软 Azure的 EDA 云平台。 传统的工程仿真高度依赖于包括高性能计算集群的 IT基础架构,但随着设计周期和上市时间 的缩短,工程仿真分析对高性能计算的需求时常波动很大和不可预测,基于满足峰值需求来创建 IT 基础设施不仅变得很有挑战而且也不经济。芯和半导体表示,其基于微软 Azure的 EDA 平台恰 好能够解决这些问题,保证了高性能 EDA 仿真任务所需的扩展性和敏捷性。此外,芯和半导体的电 磁求解器支持多核并行和分布式并行,适合于云环境,自带的调度程序 JobQueue 可以管理计算资 源和安排仿真作业的优先顺序。这些优势结合微软 Azure提供的资源,确保了芯和可以帮助用户实 现仿真作业的成功扩展。
    • 赵乐; 尼克·泰纳格尔(图); Yo2(图); 碧莎(图); 摩伊(图); NLXL(图); Seletti(图)
    • 摘要: 以夸张著称的荷兰设计工作室Studio Job成立已超过20年。作为该工作室的合伙人之一,相较于戏精的"另一半",尼克·泰纳格尔(Nynke Tynagel)显得低调,甚至高冷。尼克的平面设计师角色,却让Studio Job突破设计的边界。Bisazza的瓷砖、Moooi的家具、NLXL的墙纸还有Seletti的餐具等,这些充满辨识度的人气产品都来自尼克的设计。
    • 摘要: 位于美国加利福尼亚圣克鲁兹的Joby航空日前完成了C轮融资,融资总额5.9亿美元,日本汽车巨头丰田凭借3.94亿美元的投资,成为其中最大投资者。Joby最近发布了其飞行出租车的原型机。其外观看起来像放大号的多旋翼无人机,配有6台电驱动螺旋桨,全部螺旋桨可以倾转,实现从垂直起飞到水平飞行的转换。一次充电可以飞行240千米.最大速度320千米/小时--如果真能实现,这算是相当不错的参数。这种飞行出租车可以载客4人外带一名飞行员--配有飞行员可能是为了更容易通过管理部门的适航审定。毕竟有人驾驶共享类城市飞行器尚未取得应用资质,再在其上附加无人驾驶技术,在通过审定问题上可能周折更多。
    • 摘要: Dear Women of China,I am an artist.I read on your website that Pei Yanli,president of a company that specializes in decorative wooden crafts,has been committed to promoting wood pain ting at home and abroad for over a decade.That was amazing.She did a great job.
    • Mansour Al-Manea; Abd Alhadi Hasan
    • 摘要: Background: Nurses leaving the profession are of concern to the government. This turnover can take the form of leakage and waste of both human and financial resources for governments that spend money on training nurses. Little is known about the intention to stay or determinants of job satisfaction among nurses in the Makkah region of Saudi Arabia. Aims: The study explores the determinants of intention to stay, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and self-efficacy among nurses. Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed, with a total of 175 nurses in the period between March 2017-July 2017. Results: No statistically significant differences were identified in intention to stay, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and self-efficacy between the psychiatric and the general nurses. A significant correlation was found between nationality, education and income, and intention to stay, job satisfaction, organization commitment and self-efficacy (p Conclusions: The study added various determinants of nurse turnover to the existing body of knowledge, relating to the factors concerning intention to stay, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and self-efficacy amongst general and psychiatric nurses.
    • Ahmad Batran
    • 摘要: Background and Aim: Work-Related Stress in nurses is considered a common problem worldwide. Therefore, this study aims to identify the sources of stress among nurses in Saudi Arabia to understand the effect of these stressors on their mental health and physical health. Materials and Methods: A self-administrative questionnaire to assess sources of work stress, physical health, and mental health was administrated to 213 nurses working in intensive care units. Results: The results demonstrated that workload, lack of resources and support, and dealing with death and dying are the principal sources of work’s stress. Nurses reported that back pain, headache, and fatigue are the most common health problems while nervousness (32.4%) and exhaustion (30%) were the most frequent mental health problem. Moreover, the results revealed a positive correlation between Work-Related Stress and Health Problems. Conclusion: This study contributes to the emerging body of knowledge about work-related stress in the nursing profession and it is strongly supporting the need for strategic plan and intervention programs to reduce stress symptoms among nurses in Saudi Arabia.
    • Rihab Al-Wotayan; Mahmoud Annaka; Maqsood Nazar
    • 摘要: Objectives: To measure the level of job satisfaction among primary health care physicians Ministry of Health (MOH) Primary Healthcare Center (PHC) physicians, to evaluate the physicians’ mental health, and to assess their associated factors. Study Setting: Kuwait Ministry of Health, Primary Care Centers. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Data Collection: The study was conducted from July to September, 2017. Of 746 questionnaires distributed to all PHC physicians in the MOH, 417 questionnaires were completed. Information was collected on socio-demographic characteristics, work and health-related factors, job satisfaction (using the Warr-Cook-Wall job satisfaction scale), and mental health (using General Health Questionnaire). Principal Findings: Of participants, 40.8% were male, and 24.9% were Kuwaitis. Median overall job satisfaction was 71.4%. There were significant differences in overall job satisfaction with the physician rank (p = 0.008) and governorate (p = 0.05). The GPs were moderately satisfied with work surroundings;work freedom;recognition;degree of responsibility;salary;opportunity to use abilities;attention given to suggestions;relationship with hospital physicians, colleagues, and fellow workers;relations between management and workers;working hours;and the amount of variety in their job, but more satisfied with their immediate supervisors. Conclusions: Job satisfaction of PHC physicians is critical for the improvement of health systems. This study showed that GPs (General Practitioners) were more satisfied overall than previously reported studies done in Kuwait. They were moderately satisfied with their salary and the amount of variety in work.
    • Ghiath Al Aqel; Xinyu Li; Liang Gao
    • 摘要: The flexible job shop scheduling problem(FJSP) is considered as an important problem in the modern manufacturing system. It is known to be an NP-hard problem. Most of the algorithms used in solving FJSP problem are categorized as metaheuristic methods. Some of these methods normally consume more CPU time and some other methods are more complicated which make them di cult to code and not easy to reproduce. This paper proposes a modified iterated greedy(IG) algorithm to deal with FJSP problem in order to provide a simpler metaheuristic, which is easier to code and to reproduce than some other much more complex methods. This is done by separating the classical IG into two phases. Each phase is used to solve a sub-problem of the FJSP: sequencing and routing sub-problems. A set of dispatching rules are employed in the proposed algorithm for the sequencing and machine selection in the construction phase of the solution. To evaluate the performance of proposed algorithm, some experiments including some famous FJSP benchmarks have been conducted. By compared with other algorithms, the experimental results show that the presented algorithm is competitive and able to find global optimum for most instances. The simplicity of the proposed IG provides an e ective method that is also easy to apply and consumes less CPU time in solving the FJSP problem.
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