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IPC的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计2324篇,主要集中在化学工业、自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术 等领域,其中期刊论文2117篇、会议论文12篇、专利文献195篇;相关期刊421种,包括精细石油化工进展、覆铜板资讯、印制电路资讯等; 相关会议12种,包括2011水泥工业节电与变频技术研讨会、第二届工程建设计算机应用创新论坛、中国计量协会冶金分会2007年年会等;IPC的相关文献由1447位作者贡献,包括孙占宁、陆爱红、郑薇等。



论文:2117 占比:91.09%


论文:12 占比:0.52%


论文:195 占比:8.39%



  • 期刊论文
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  • 专利文献





    • 郝毅楠
    • 摘要: 近年来,随着新技术的应用,高端制造业得到了快速的发展,大大提高了劳动生产率和加工制造精度。新设备和新技术的投入使用,对电气维修人员的维护、维修水平提出了更高的要求,基于Beckhoff IPC技术的运动控制实训系统,就为电气维修人员提供了硬件组态、程序设计、仿真运行等实操平台,对提高电气维护维修水平,具有很好的作用。
    • 贺轶
    • 摘要: 随着OLED技术的不断发展,与OLED技术相关的专利文献量也日益增加。传统的IPC检索在该领域具有很大的局限性,寻找高效、有针对性的检索方法,从而提高检索效率以及准确性,在OLED领域的专利审查中具有重要意义。本研究对OLED领域CPC分类号进行初步分析,根据CPC检索实际案例的过程,比较CPC检索和IPC检索的效果,实际检索证明,使用CPC分类号在OLED领域进行检索,相比IPC检索,能够更快地定位对比文件,从而提高检索有效性和准确性。
    • 摘要: 德国赫优讯netJACK可互换模块是一种通用解决方案,具有封闭的IP40外壳,用于升级工业网络主站或从站的通讯功能。所有变体也具有相同的机械结构,具备相同的软件界面。netJACK可互换模块无需工具即可在供应链的各环节轻松安装,即便是最终客户。
    • 林波; 周国银
    • 摘要: 有效推行IPC-1401标准可以提升客户满意度,提升投资者满意度,提升员工满意度,提升CSR审核得分和ESG评级得分,降低员工流失率,降低供应链风险。过去6年,笔者一直在参与国际电子工业联接协会(IPC)的IPC-1401企业社会责任(CSR)管理体系标准的编制工作,最初是以专家志愿者的身份加入工作,2018年开始有幸作为IPC-1401标准开发技术组副主席身份跟其他专家志愿者一起合作。
    • 邓晓波; 陈聚阳; 陈红奎; 李闪
    • 摘要: 注射成型模具是塑料成型领域重要的部件之一,其在工业生产体系中具有重要作用。本文对该领域中IPC和CPC的分类体系进行了介绍和分析,按照模具部件特征对相关分类号进行整合、梳理,并结合实际案例,分析使用IPC和CPC分类号在注射成型模具领域检索中的特点,验证了梳理的有效性,有助于检索人员了解CPC分类体系在该领域检索中的优势,从而能够快速、准确地对该领域的专利文献进行检索。
    • 陈聚阳; 邓晓波; 陈红奎
    • 摘要: 2010年10月,欧洲专利局和美国专利商标局在IPC架构的基础上共同创建新的专利分类体系--联合专利分类体系(Cooperative Patent Classification,简称为CPC)。CPC分类体系按照IPC的等级结构,以ECLA、ICO为基础,融入UC的部分内容,兼具欧美两大局的分类实践经验。CPC与IPC具有高度的兼容性,并且具有分类较细、多重分类、更新及时等特点,利用CPC进行检索能够提高检索效率和检索质量。3D打印技术IPC/CPC分类体系概况近年来3D打印技术快速发展,相关3D打印技术发明专利的申请量也以较快速度增长.
    • 李川; 张叠; 张仕聪
    • 摘要: 2010年10月,美欧宣布合作开发联合专利分类体系(简称CPC)。2010年10月25日,CPC首次公布,其按照国际分类号体系IPC的标准和结构进行开发。CPC整合了ICO引得码、IPC引得码、ECLA和ICO中的重要关键词,以及USPC中的商业方法细分类、交叉引用技术文献及摘要等,是欧美两局分类实践的融合,其保持了ECLA的9个部,细分条目已达到25万个。自诞生以来,该分类体系已经被多个审查机构所使用,覆盖的审查员超过25000人。
    • 陈育新; 卢俊; 韩毅
    • 摘要: 颠覆性技术作为引领经济发展的关键动力与技术创新的重要抓手和突破口,探测其动态发展过程,实现颠覆性技术识别与预测,对国家或企业优化研发布局,积极抢占科技制高点具有重要意义。本文从技术与市场角度出发,构建颠覆性潜力测度指标,结合滑动窗口和LDA(latent Dirichlet allocation)构建探测技术主题颠覆性潜力的动态趋势识别方法,以美国人工智能领域专利文献为样本验证该方法在识别与预测颠覆性技术方面的可用性,并结合颠覆性技术主题中关联强度较高的前10个IPC大组共同表征颠覆性技术内容,进一步检验方法的实践价值。研究结果表明,深度学习、图像识别与处理技术是人工智能领域的颠覆性技术,二者关联紧密,协同发展趋势明显,其中深度学习技术聚焦于电数字数据处理领域,图像识别与处理技术则应用于自动驾驶、医疗诊断、电视通信等主流领域。本文样本实证数据表明,多指标融合方法在颠覆性技术识别方面更具优势;将样本数据的指标测度与发展趋势预测紧密结合,从时间序列的迭代连续性探索历史发展趋势能更好地揭示颠覆性技术的演化细节及其内在依赖性。
    • Charl Mattheus; Nitin Roy
    • 摘要: Introduction: The study revealed that many healthcare professional students begin their academic studies with positive and high expectations towards interprofessional collaborative studies. Unfortunately, students lose interest if their initial expectations are not met with consistent opportunities to enhance their communication skills and better understand the different healthcare professions. The study aimed to explore health science and public health students’ attitudes toward IPE. The participants’ backgrounds and demographics were used as the variations for the study. Methods: A pre-post semi-quantitative anonymous survey was designed to assess health science and public health undergraduate students’ attitudes toward IPE. The reason for this design was to capture the participants’ attitudes toward IPE at the start of a semester when they had no academic exposure to IPE. Qualtrics was used to collect the research data. A valid and reliable scale was used to measure attitudes toward IPE. A post-survey was included to measure the participants’ change in attitude toward IPE during the semester. The goal was to measure the IPE curriculum effectiveness. There were 21 survey questions. The questions were divided into four validated subscales. The first seven questions (Questions 1 - 7) pertained to the participants’ demographics s, such as gender, age, race, ethnicity, major field of study, and prior education. Questions 8, 9, 16, & 20 were designed to determine how the participants perceived their roles and responsibilities in their future healthcare careers. Each IPE attitude question’s central tendency and demographic variations were measured. The correlation between demographics and IPE attitudes was measured. Results: The pre-survey had 192 participants, and the post-survey had 97 participants. The pre-survey had 87% of participants in the age group 17 - 25 years, while the post-survey had 82.5% in the same age group. Only 5.7% of the participants were 36 years or older in the pre-survey and 9.3% in the post-survey. The participants were 80.70% female in the pre-survey and 85.6% in the post-survey. The largest healthcare career field concentration was nursing, with 42.7% and 45.4% in the pre- and post-surveys. The other three larger career fields were healthcare administration, community health education, and physician assistant. The participants’ attitudes toward learning with different healthcare career students and becoming more effective members of a healthcare team increased from 4.36 (SD = 0.13) to 4.40 (SD = 0.17). Two negative IPE attitude questions showed an increased value: 1) The function of nursing therapists is mainly to provide support for doctors (3.51, SD = 0.19 to 3.12, SD = 0.24, p-value ≤ 0.004) and 2) Clinical and healthcare problem-solving skills could only be learned with students from the same career field (3.73, SD = 0.13 to 3.31, SD = 0.24, p-value ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: Interprofessional Education in an academic setting is essential to help healthcare students prepare and succeed in their future healthcare careers. The study results show that health science and public health students understand IPE and value academic exposure to the IPE process during their studies. Academic healthcare programs should continue integrating the IPE learning model and content throughout the student’s academic journey. The variations in IPE attitude do not significantly vary based on demographics and healthcare career fields. This study only represents a sample size of the many healthcare careers. Interprofessional communication and collaboration are essential to the future healthcare delivery challenges we face. For this reason, IPE should be integrated into healthcare education for all health science and public health students. It is recommended that more research should be done on creative curriculum design to get students more engaged in various healthcare IPE learning activities.
    • 张一山(文/图)
    • 摘要: 在锐龙4000系列移动处理器大获成功后,AMD推出了Zen 3架构的锐龙5000系列桌面处理器,凭借超高的IPC和优异的架构设计,夺下了桌面市场处理器性能之王的宝座。接下来,AMD把Zen 3处理器带向了移动市场,它就是本文的主角—AMD锐龙5000系列移动处理器产品。
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