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FDM的相关文献在1987年到2023年内共计1299篇,主要集中在机械、仪表工业、自动化技术、计算机技术、金属学与金属工艺 等领域,其中期刊论文308篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献989篇;相关期刊197种,包括科技视界、中国铸造装备与技术、铸造设备与工艺等; 相关会议2种,包括2005两岸三地先进成型与模具技术研讨会、第15届全国计算机新科技与计算机继续教育学术会议等;FDM的相关文献由2326位作者贡献,包括不公告发明人、黄部东、隗德民等。



论文:308 占比:23.71%


论文:2 占比:0.15%


论文:989 占比:76.14%





  • 不公告发明人
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  • 隗德民
  • 马睿
  • 杜银学
  • 彭凡
  • R·A·M·希克梅特
  • 杜文军
  • 杨保
  • 虎成
  • 期刊论文
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  • 专利文献





    • 李春霖; 刘阳; 姜腾; 申雅雯; 尹子旭
    • 摘要: 3D打印技术在近年来飞速发展,被广泛应用于各行各业,在教学中也受到越来越多的重视。本研究设计问卷,调查桌面级3D打印技术在水产学科教学中的应用现状和需求,根据调查结果设计3D数字模型,利用FDM (fused deposition modeling)熔融沉积成型和LCD (liquid crystal display)光固化两种桌面级3D打印技术,打印包括头足纲、腹足纲、海星纲、甲壳纲以及微藻等典型水生生物模型,对比分析两种3D打印技术的优缺点以及打印不同模型的适用性。结果表明,上述模型均能够通过3D打印技术实现并进行教学上的应用,FDM和LCD适合打印的模型有所不同。最后提出了3D打印技术在水产学科教学中应用的问题和展望。
    • 沈钦龙; 许艺鸣
    • 摘要: 为了研究FDM 3D打印中常使用的材料作为机械结构件(阶梯轴)的可行性,采用三维建模软件设计了标准拉伸样件和阶梯轴零件,基于有限体积法,使用Ansys Workbench软件分别对三种材料PLA、ABS和PC进行模拟分析。结果表明,PC材料具有较高的屈服强度和较小的变形,抗拉强度和抗弯强度高,适合作为机械结构件。
    • 王勇刚; 吴学呈; 高文杰; 职山杰; 黄双君; 高泰
    • 摘要: 传统熔融沉积工艺(FDM)3D打印机只能打印单色或双色模型,为了实现多色彩模型三维实体快速成型,对普通FDM双喷头3D打印机的机械结构以及控制逻辑进行深入研究,设计出了一款支持在任意双喷头3D打印机上安装的3D打印机多色切换模组。实际多色打印测试结果表明,基于该设计方案加工的多色切换模组可以精确、稳定地完成多色彩模型三维实体快速成型。实验表明打印温度为180°C,采用200 mm/s的打印速度时,产品打印质量较高为FDM多色3D打印提供了新的实现方法。
    • 初少刚; 张自强; 刘金敏; 戴非凡; 李美宣
    • 摘要: 目前3D打印多采用彩色丝材拼接打印方式,仅实现双色、三色分层打印,该文提出基于减法混色法的彩色3D打印方法,以青、品红和黄三种颜色丝材作为原料,按照固定颜色配比,将熔融单色丝材混合形成彩色丝材,设计了挤出装置、传动装置、打印平台等机械结构,通过三进一出挤出方式实现单喷嘴彩色丝材的挤出打印成型。该文提出的彩色打印方法和研制的3D打印机解决了彩色分层拼接打印的问题,实现了基于FDM技术的彩色3D打印。
    • Saeed J. Almalowi
    • 摘要: Statistical and Quantum numerical method was implemented in this study to solve various cases in partial differential equations (PDEs) in engineering applications. One-dimensional with two lattices arrangements as well as two-dimensional with nine lattices arrangements is employed. The stability and the accuracy have been investigated either using statistical technique or using Euler’s method. The numerical limitations of using LBM method have been obtained and compared with those obtained by Euler’s method finite difference method. The main goal of this study is to investigate the ability of a statistical method in solving various ODEs or PDEs in energy and momentum equations and comparing them with those obtained by a classical numerical technique. The results show the ability of the statistical method for solving ODEs and PDE’s with more stable and accurate results. Therefore, the motivation of utilizing the statistical technique is the stability and it is easy for a complex fluid flow application.
    • 殷海眯; 欧佳顺
    • 摘要: 以航空钣金件为原型,通过FDM打印PLA扁平试样,采用正交实验法,探究了填充方式、打印速度、打印温度对试样底面边缘边角翘边的影响。结果表明:在试样底面成形过程中,各个工艺参数都能影响试样边缘翘边,其中打印温度影响最大,顺序为打印温度>填充方式>打印速度。以三角形作为填充方式,试样底面打印后未发生翘边现象,以30 mm/s打印下试样成型质量更高,打印温度设定为210°C,能有效提高试样成形质量,还可以通过打印底板来提高试样底部表面质量。
    • 冯丹艳
    • 摘要: 通过采用FDM成型技术进行3D打印典型的机械零件,对其成型的不同材料进行仿真实验研究其静应力比较研究,并得出零件成型质量的影响因素。研究表明:(1)FDM技术及模型制件精度的影响因素主要有4个方面,包括使用不同的材料的时候,不同的成型温度、不同的收缩率以及不同的性能,将直接得到不同的成型过程及成型精度;喷头的温度决定3D打印材料的丝材流量、堆积性能、挤出丝宽度以及黏性;挤出速度增大,挤出丝的截面宽度就会逐渐增加,形成“挤出涨大”现象;分层叠加是FDM技术的成型原理,层厚越大,样条的成型时间越短;(2)基于Soliworksd的simulation仿真分析ABS和PC两种材料的静应力。对实验结果的处理,包括分别对ABS和PC两种材料进行单独讨论,其中每一种材料可以根据不同的打印参数进行打印,主要有打印温度、填充率、轮廓圈数、层厚、填充角度以及填充方式等6个工艺参数。ABS和PC材料的成型零件在相等的力矩下,其最大变形位移量不一样,PC材料的变形量比ABS材料变形量稍大。在进行3D打印时可以根据零件的实际情况选择更合适的成型材料。
    • Daša KrapežTomec; Angela Balzano; JureŽigon; MilanŠernek; Mirko Kariž
    • 摘要: As additive manufacturing technologies advance,new opportunities are opening up for their application in the furniture industry.Wood remains one of the leading raw materials in the furniture industry;therefore,possible options for combining it with 3D printing have been researched.The bonding of 3D-printed polymer parts with wood or 3D printing with wood-plastic composites is already known,but in our research we attempted to directly 3D print polylactic acid(PLA)on wood surfaces.The effect of printing parameters,as well as the surface preparation of wood on the shear strength of the bond between wood and on-printed material was tested.Microscopic images of cross-sections of samples were analyzed.The results show that with a lower initial layer thickness(0.1 mm),a higher printing temperature(220°C),and with the use of polyvinyl acetate(PVAc)primer on the wood surface before 3D printing,a higher bond strength(5.4 MPa)was achieved,but the values for the bond strength remain low compared to the conventional bonding of wood to wood with PVAc adhesive(around 10 MPa).Microscopy studies revealed barely visible penetration of PLA into the lumens of the wood cells.However,the PVAc adhesive used as primer penetrated more into the cell lumens and served as interface layer between deposited melted PLA and the wood,thus creating stronger joints.
    • 谭富德; 王克用; 郭根清; 张凯; 曾人宇
    • 摘要: 熔融沉积建模(Fused Deposition Modeling,FDM)型3D打印机工作时,喷头部位的温度场与喷头结构设计与散热性能有关,如果温度分布不均容易导致喷嘴堵塞,从而影响打印机运行。基于此,利用SolidWorks进行建模,并且用ABAQUS对FDM型颗粒挤出3D打印机喷头以及部件进行仿真分析,分析了喷头3D模型的温度场分布。基于温度场有限元分析结果对喷头结构以及部件材料进行针对性优化,从而有效提升FDM颗粒挤出型3D打印机的运行效能,改善打印质量。
    • Viviane Pestano; Mariana Pohlmann; Fabio Pinto da Silva
    • 摘要: FDM is a widely used additive manufacturing process, however, it has some limitations, such as surface finish, due to the staircase effect caused by the layer-by-layer deposition. Studies have been conducted on surface finish of ABS parts with the use of acetone, but the process parameters and the resulting effects have not been fully investigated in the literature. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of acetone vapor smoothing process on surface finish and geometric accuracy of fused deposition modeling ABS parts. Specimens with different geometries were created and printed using two directions in different scales. The parts were exposed to acetone vapor for 20, 30 and 40 minutes. 3D deviation maps, roughness and microscopic analyses were conducted. The staircase effect was reduced at the expense of some geometric deviations, which varied according to the exposure time and part orientation. The smoothing process applied to the flat surfaces proved to be quite effective in reducing roughness by 90%, however, this reduction led to an undesirable rounding of the sharp edges. The results obtained in this study are consistent with those found in the literature and may help improve the quality of the ABS printed parts.
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