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跃层的相关文献在1987年到2023年内共计395篇,主要集中在建筑科学、海洋学、经济计划与管理 等领域,其中期刊论文142篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献159048篇;相关期刊87种,包括海洋通报、数字家庭、住宅科技等; 相关会议2种,包括祝贺郑哲敏先生八十华诞应用力学报告会、第十六届全国水动力学研讨会等;跃层的相关文献由694位作者贡献,包括孔凡营、初光、初安琪等。



论文:142 占比:0.09%


论文:2 占比:0.00%


论文:159048 占比:99.91%





  • 孔凡营
  • 初光
  • 初安琪
  • 郭宏
  • 王练
  • 姚中贵
  • 孙中一
  • 孙长贵
  • 房辉
  • 倪园芳
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 西班牙Studio Andrew Trotter; Salva Lopez(摄影); 秋落(编译)
    • 摘要: 10AM Lofts的改造始于5年前,当时创始人Eva Papadaki在雅典Gazi地区发现了一座20世纪70年代的6层工业建筑,其中包含4套公寓和公共空间,全部可供出售。她敏锐地捕捉到其中的机会,将其全部买下,并邀请建筑事务所Gavalas loannidou和室内设计工作室Andrew Trotter共同参与这一总面积为500 m2的项目改造。最终,地下层、一层的公共活动空间以及上面的跃层公寓被改造成风格统一的整体,其中一层活动空间为一个独特的创意中心,主要用于电影拍摄、沙龙、晚宴。
    • 李泽熙
    • 摘要: 一、试题设计阅读图文材料,回答下列问题。材料一海水跃层是指海水温度、盐度、密度、声速等状态在垂直方向上出现突变或不连续剧变的水层。因为海水跃层的影响,黄海海域在夏秋季节,海面下20米~30米的地方,水温突然降低到10°C以下,出现了一个延伸至海底的巨大冷水团,我们把它称为“黄海冷水团”,黄海冷水团与跃层同步消长,每年春季开始形成,夏季达到最盛,秋季开始衰退,冬季消失。
    • 贺浩
    • 摘要: 丽景的新办公室,位于白莲泾河畔的宏慧.音悦湾。800m^(2)建筑面积、9m层高和Loft的跃层设计,巧妙地将办公室划丽分为前台/会客区、展厅、办公等不同区域,简洁大气。与黄鹏飞的访谈,则在Loft 3层西南角的办公室中进行,久违的阳光透过南面落地窗播撒到房间的每个角落,仿佛预示着春天已悄然来到。
    • 邬柯; 唐浩; 杨斌; 杨新超; 李敏; 吴寒
    • 摘要: 针对高寒地区钻井对固控系统在性能、空间、运移、保温及安全等方面的要求,开展了高寒列车钻机固控系统结构优化设计关键技术研究.分别从空间结构设计、模块动力学仿真分析等方面着手,以期突破传统固控系统平铺式布局,并研发了新型跃层固控系统.通过研究发现该跃层式复合固控系统与传统固控系统相比,减少了布局长度、散热面积和保温空间,有效节约了井场面积,降低了建造成本,大大降低了保温能耗.另外,分析了固控系统在多种复杂工况下的动力学特性,确保了固控系统的安全可靠.
    • 心灵
    • 摘要: Baptiste Bohu和他的设计团队近期完成了一间跃层公寓的新项目。这个公寓是由知名的世茂集团在苏州张家港暨阳湖苑开发的公寓项目。公寓跨越了四层,包含酒窖、私人画廊、主空间、茶室和屋顶花园。整个公寓呈现出高端卓越的生活品质。
    • 邓冰; 张宇飞; 张铭
    • 摘要: 利用二维非静力数值模式,对海洋跃层中剪切背景流下内波做了线性和非线性模式的数值试验,结果表明:在本文所取的初始场和环境参数下,海洋内波密度扰动大值中心始终出现在密度跃层附近,被跃层所俘获,这与实际观测相一致;线性情况下,流函数扰动中心与密度扰动中心有很好地配合,密度扰动正、负中心附近分别存在流函数扰动的正、负单圈环流中心,且单圈环流垂直贯穿整个水体.线性模式中内波扰动强度在调整适应期后一直呈指数增长发展,剪切背景流是不稳定的;而非线性情况则呈准线性增长发展,以后增长停止而进入稳定期,且后者的增长也比前者要慢;非线性效应抑制了内波增长而使之趋于稳定,具有维稳作用.随着积分时间增加,线性模型中内波波包波形基本不变.波包的负、正振幅大体相同,整个波包宽度也基本不变,仅振幅有所增长;内波波包传播速度与其振幅无关,且传播速度基本不变.非线性情况下内波波包的形状则发生改变,其负、正振幅之比越来越大,波峰前的陡降也越来越强;并且内波传播速度与其振幅和波形有关,通常非线性效应越强,内波传播越慢.从本文中海洋内波的波长、周期和传播速度来看,该内波属于高频内波(短周期内波),性质为内重力惯性波.%Numerical experiments of oceanic internal waves in pycnocline with background shear flow were conducted with two-dimensional non-hydrostatic linear and nonlinear numerical models.With the initial field and parameters prescribed by present study,it shows that he maximum density disturbance always ap-pears within pycnocline,or captured by the pycnocline,consistent with in situ observations.In linear model, the stream function coincides with the density disturbance,with its negative/positive center corresponding to negative/positive center of the density disturbance,which is vertically distributed from ocean surface to bottom.The intensity of internal waves in linear model grows exponentially after adj ustment period,and the background shear flow is unstable.But in nonlinear model,internal waves shows a quasi-linear develop-ment,then develop slowly till reaching a steady period.Thus the growing rate of internal waves in linear model is larger than that in nonlinear model,suggesting that the nonlinear effect reduces instability internal waves.As the integration of model continues,the shape of internal wave packet in the linear case is basically unchanged,except that the amplitude of internal waves increases.The propagation velocity of the wave packet is independent of its amplitude.But in nonlinear case,the shape of internal wave packet changes,and both its amplitude and the sudden fall before the wave crest increases consistently.The velocity of internal wave is related to its amplitude and wave shape,and the stronger nonlinear effect is,the more slowly the velocity of internal wave is.Based on the wave length,period and propagating velocity,the internal waves in the numerical experiments should be classified as high frequency inertial gravitational waves (or short-peri-od waves).
    • 薛谷香
    • 摘要: 一热。睡醒起来,从开空调的卧室走到不开空调的跃层客厅,瞬间浑身冒汗,是而十分理解坊间有"我的命是空调给的"一说。杭州已经连续第五天预报40°C了,实际上估计还不止40°C。儿子已经从英国放暑假回来,还十分恋家,温度再高也根本没有外出避暑的打算。先生依旧上班,早出晚归。
    • 王宇
    • 摘要: 苏宁滨江壹号项目建筑规划为分散布局,立面造型为祥云弧线体,可充分延长户内观江,居住部分与公共会所部分在形态上统一,功能使用上实现了很好的区分,功能动静分区明确合理。此项目由三栋超高层公寓、一栋多层会所组成,户型为平层豪宅加顶楼跃层豪宅。
    • 潘长明; 高飞; 李占桥; 李佳讯; 陈符森
    • 摘要: In order to analyze the water mass distribution and temperature/salinity daily variation character-istics,the investigation conductance temperature depth(CTD)data in the east shallow-water area of ZhouS-han with 1 hour of temporal resolution were used in this paper.Firstly,the data were averaged to study their characteristics of temperature/salinity structure.Then,the water mass was classified of the investi-gation area with Fuzzy cluster method.Lastly,according to the cluster result,a statistic analysis of ther-mocline was made respectively,and the temperature/salinity daily variation amplitude extreme difference calculated to research the spacial distribution characteristics of the daily variation.The major results are as follows:(1)The research area can be classified into coastwise low salinity water mass,alongshore mixture water mass,Kuroshio water mass,and East China Sea middle-deep water mass,East China Sea middle-deep mixture water mass.(2)With the influence of mixture and sinkage of Kuroshio branch and coastwise current,the water of middle and deep layer takes on the characteristics of relative low salinity and high temperature.(3 )In the area of coastwise and Kuroshio,the temperature/salinity daily variation is big between the layer of 10~20 m which corre-sponds to the thermocline depth,while whose surface and subsurface layer is small and the bottom layer is almost equal to zero.(4)In the area of alongshore mixture water,the upper depth of thermocline is the biggest,while the average intensity of thermocline is lowest,and the daily variation of the surface and bottom layer is bigger.%为了探索舟山以东浅水海域夏季水团分布及温、盐日变化规律,基于舟山以东浅水区域时间分辨率为1 h的温盐深(CTD)站点数据,首先对数据剖面取平均以研究其温、盐场结构特征,然后利用 Fuzzy 聚类法对该区域进行水团划分,最后根据水团划分结果分区域统计分析跃层特征,并计算温、盐日变幅极差值以研究其日变化空间的分布特征。结果表明:研究区域可分为沿岸流水团、近岸混合水团、黑潮水团、东海中深层水团、东海中深层混合水团;受黑潮支流与沿岸流混合下沉的影响,调查海域中部中深层水体相对高温、低盐;沿岸流区与黑潮水区10~20 m深度层的温、盐日变幅较大,与跃层深度对应较好,表层、次表层的较小,底层的近似为0;近岸混合水团跃层上界深度最大、平均强度最小,该区域表层、底层日变幅相对较大。
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