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主方程的相关文献在1984年到2022年内共计96篇,主要集中在物理学、无线电电子学、电信技术、生物物理学 等领域,其中期刊论文89篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献41569篇;相关期刊61种,包括生物物理学报、河北工业大学学报、物理学报等; 相关会议4种,包括第十一届全国核结构大会暨第七次全国核结构专题讨论会、第五届“超重核研究”研讨会、第七届全国量子化学学术会议等;主方程的相关文献由197位作者贡献,包括李君清、何济洲、何红波等。



论文:89 占比:0.21%


论文:4 占比:0.01%


论文:41569 占比:99.78%





  • 李君清
  • 何济洲
  • 何红波
  • 周继承
  • 屈军
  • 展永
  • 李义兵
  • 胡岗
  • 胡慧芳
  • 赵恩广
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 程守敬; 桂传友
    • 摘要: 研究了在原子和腔场两信道耗散、纯度、衰变速率,以及不同初态两原子量子失协的动力学演化规律。结果表明:量子失协时间演化的峰值随纯度的减小和衰变速率的增大而逐渐减小;初态为winner态,量子失协随时间直接衰减,初态为一般类Bell态和白噪音混态,量子失协时间演化周期性振荡减小。
    • 笪诚
    • 摘要: 拓扑量子计算是最有希望实用化的量子计算方案之一,它以独有的拓扑保护特性从硬件上给困扰量子计算多年的退相干问题带来解决的希望.但这些都是假定拓扑量子系统是在理想的孤立量子系统中运行的,而实际情况是在开放量子系统中运行的.在拓扑量子计算中量子比特是由Majorana零模态成对构成的,由此有必要考虑开放量子系统中Majorana零模态的退相干问题,发现影响退相干的关键因素,寻求解决方案,为拓扑量子计算最终实现扫清障碍.
    • 王艺澎; 郭树青; 包小军; 邓军刚; 张鸿飞
    • 摘要: 本文首先介绍了两种描述低能重离子核反应的理论,然后基于这些理论发展了一个描述超重核合成的理论模型,即双核模型(dinuclear system model)。不同于Adamian的处理,本文的模型采用数值求解主方程的方法来描述重离子的熔合过程,重点讨论了熔合过程中主方程的发展演化,选择一维至三维不同的宏观自由度说明重离子熔合机制,为今后进一步发展模型与预言新核素提供理论依据。
    • 吴热冰
    • 摘要: 隐马尔可夫模型作为一类重要的统计学习模型,天然适用于和时间序列数据相关的学习任务。但如果在经典计算机上实现或拟合隐马尔可夫模型的时候,其数值计算复杂度会随着隐藏状态维度和观测空间的维度增加而变得难以承受。这在一定程度上是由于经典计算模型本质上是用于解决确定性的问题,因此一个很自然的想法是能否利用量子计算机来替代经典计算机,利用量子系统内禀的随机性模拟动态马尔可夫过程。不仅如此,量子系统独有的状态叠加性为模型赋予了维数巨大的隐藏状态空间,并有可能带来潜在的并行计算加速。
    • 周天寿
    • 摘要: 细胞行为的宏观变化常常是由微观阈值事件触发的.由于细胞内部过程的随机性,因此阈值触发的细胞事件也是随机的.数学上,跨越阈值事件可以归结为首达时间问题.该文以通俗易懂的方式建立起细胞过程中首达时间的一般数学框架,特别是给出了计算首达时间分布和平均首达时间的一般公式,这些公式具有广泛的应用,并用简单的生灭过程例子来说明如何使用该文的理论和公式.
    • 李罗娜; 高一波
    • 摘要: 应用微观主方程和衰减基方法研究了光力系统中的单光子自发辐射。简单的光力系统通过辐射压力将机械振动模与光学腔模耦合起来。与量子光学中常用的主方程相比,微观主方程能够描述能量本征态的衰减,更准确地处理与衰减过程相关的问题。在研究单光子自发辐射过程的时间演化时,应用衰减基方法求解微观主方程。腔模平均光子数的计算结果表明,光力系统能量激发态的衰减过程按照一定的权重叠加共同影响了单光子的自发辐射过程。另外,微观主方程也可用于超强耦合光力系统中相关问题的讨论。
    • 张征骥
    • 摘要: This article firstly reviews the historical developments of the Pelton turbine, based on experimental investigations. Then it introduces, for more details, some new and significant achievements in the past decade based on theoretical analyses. All these achievements are referred to two monographs in both German and English. They include the hydro-mechanical analyses and computations as well as the design methods for Pelton turbines. Firstly, the viscous friction loss has been confirmed to be the biggest loss in the system efficiency, to which the computational method is given. Secondly, the runaway speed of the Pelton turbine can be very simply and accurately computed. Thirdly, the master equation of the Pelton turbine together with the complete characteristics has been presented. In addition, three similarity theorems have been revealed for easily estimating the mechanical stress in the root area of the Pelton buckets. This article, thus, aims to provide a reading guidance to all engineers and researchers in the field of Pelton turbines in form of the most comprehensive technical assistance.%本文首先介绍了冲击式水轮机一百余年来以试验为基础的发展状冴.然后重点介绍了近十余年来在理论创新方面的一些重要成果.其具体内容都以两本专著(德,英文)为基础,主要包括水轮机水动力特性分析计算以及设计方法等.其一,指出了摩擦损失是冲击式水轮机中最大损失幵给出了计算方法.其二,飞逸速度的计算非常简单可靠.其三,给出了冲击式水轮机的主方程与完整特性曲线.此外,还给出了用于计算水斗根部最大机械应力的相似定理等.本文旨在以导读的方式为冲击式水轮机领域的工作者提供尽可能全面的技术帮助.
    • 任益充; 范洪义
    • 摘要: In this paper, we first make a brief review of the general method of solving master equation of density operator, which includes the C-number method method and the super-operator method. The C-number can transform quantum master equation into Fokker-Plank equation or the differential equation of density matrix elements, and this method has a wide applicable range but the Fokker-Plank equation and differential equation are difficult to solve. Besides, the solution is not always applicable for any initial condition. The super-operator method can solve master equation effi-ciently compared with C-number method, however the solving process of super-operator method mostly depends on the characteristics of Lie algebra. For instance, if the corresponding Lindblad operator can be divided into the generators of Su(2) or Su(1,1) Lie group, the super-operator is no longer applicable. Thus although super-operator is more efficiently than C-number method, it has a narrow applicable range. Furthermore, other researchers have made much effort to develop super-operator method, for instance, S.J. Wang proposed the left and right action operator, the left operator is the same as the general operator, while the right action operator from the right side acts on other general operator, thus the explicit formation of super-operator can be given by this method. Fan proposed the thermal entangled state representation which can convert operator between real mode and fictitious mode. All these developments depend on Lie algebra, thus they all have a narrow applicable range just like super-operator method. We introduce a new Ket-Bra entangled state (KBES) method in this paper, which can transform master equa-tion into Schrodinger-like equation with the corresponding Ket-Bra entangled state. Then one can use the method of Schrodinger equation such as time evolution method, perturbation method, etc. to solve the master equation. Compared with C-number method and super-operator method, the KBES method has several merits. 1) A wide applicable range, KBES method is applicable for any master equation of finite-level system in theory. 2) Compatibility with computer programming, the most crucial procedure is to calculate the exponent of Lindblad operator eFt which needs the diago-nalization of F , and all this can be finished by computer. 3) Most mature methods of Schrodinger equation can be used to solve master equation because of the KBES method can transform master equation into Schrodinger-like equation. Then we study the model which two-level qubit is coupled with reservoir under time-varying external field, the corresponding master equation is deduced and solved by KBES method. Furthermore, we analyze the decoherence evo-lution of density operator and we consider the entanglement evolutions of two uncoupled qubit cases. We find that the external field seriously influences the decoherence process. The off-diagonal elements ρ10(t) become damply oscillated when the external field exists, and the frequency of oscillate keeps growing along withΛγ. Besides, the dynamic evolution of concurrence is also influenced by the external field, which leads to the occurrence of both entanglement sudden death and entanglement sudden birth, while the last ESB phenomenon only happens under the external field. Thus, we thought that one can suppress the decoherence and disentanglement process by exerting suitable time-varying external field on the open system, of course, the suitable external field can also be obtained by our KBES method in theory.
    • 施志成; 何济洲; 肖宇玲
    • 摘要: 研究了由两个单能级量子点分别与两电子库耦合而构成的混合驱动量子点制冷机的性能特征.考虑非辐射效应的情况下,论文应用主方程描述电子在传输过程中的动力学特性,导出了制冷机的制冷率和制冷系数,得到了其性能特征曲线,并分析和优化其性能.研究表明,由于非辐射效应的存在,制冷系数会降低,制冷率随制冷系数变化的特征曲线为回原点扭叶型曲线;两量子点能级差或者两库化学势差分别是外界提供的光能或者电能,只要有外界能量的输入,该模型就具有制冷效果.当光能或电能一定时,最大制冷系数下的制冷率和最大制冷率下的制冷系数都存在极大值;外界输入能量一定时,存在最佳温比,使得最大制冷系数下的制冷率达到极大值.
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