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白钨的相关文献在1982年到2023年内共计218篇,主要集中在矿业工程、冶金工业、工业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文95篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献32189篇;相关期刊38种,包括学会、江西理工大学学报、中国粉体工业等; 相关会议3种,包括第七届全国选矿专业学术年会、中国工程院化工、冶金与材料工程第十届学术会议、中国钨工业回顾与展望研讨会等;白钨的相关文献由463位作者贡献,包括谢加文、徐双、王延锋等。



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  • 谢加文
  • 徐双
  • 王延锋
  • 简建军
  • 邓双丽
  • 郑灿辉
  • 郭明杰
  • 黄文璞
  • 万林生
  • 刘庆生
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 张婷; 李振飞; 李平
    • 摘要: 以江西某钨矿山合格矿为研究对象,研究了超声波对白钨浮选过程的强化作用及对尾水沉降速率的影响.研究结果表明,在相同的浮选条件,超声波处理后,矿浆温度有所上升,浮选速度加快,有利于白钨浮选.与自然沉降相比,超声波一定程度上可加快尾水的沉降速率.
    • 王水云
    • 摘要: 白钨选矿行业由于使用大量水玻璃,水玻璃的分散、抑制作用,尾矿水难以澄清,使选矿药剂难以降解.尾矿水中含有的选钨药剂使白钨的回收率降低.目前白钨选矿企业回水只用于末端的选钨,特别是国家对环保要求越来越严格,回水利用率远低于国家标准的要求,对环保造成严重的压力.本研究结果表明,电凝聚对白钨选矿中产生的废水处理效果显著;白钨选矿废水加石灰在尾矿库沉淀后,水不调pH,一次电凝聚处理,对硅酸盐的去除率仅为19.3%,加上二次电凝聚处理对硅酸盐的总去除率仅为52.8%;白钨选矿废水调pH至9.5后,一次电凝聚处理,对硅酸盐的去除率高达89.2%以上,加上二次电凝聚处理,对硅酸盐的总去除率高达98.1%以上.
    • 郭明杰; 王延锋; 简建军
    • 摘要: 河南某白钨尾矿中萤石含量占25%左右,是亟待回收的矿产资源.尾矿中碳酸钙含量在45%以上,属典型的高钙型萤石.尾矿中萤石在白钨加温精选过程的高温条件下受到大量水玻璃的强烈作用,可浮性变差.试验表明,碳酸钙的可浮性明显好于萤石.本研究采用碳酸钙优先浮选—再萤石浮选试验流程,以降低浮选流程中碳酸钙含量和提高萤石浮选粗精矿品位,为萤石精选提供有利条件.闭路流程试验结果表明:碳酸钙优先浮选,可以预先脱除72.44%的碳酸钙,萤石损失率仅为12.98%;最终得到含萤石91.88%,含碳酸钙4.32%,回收率为46.07%的萤石精矿.实现了该钨矿山企业的矿产资源的综合回收目标.%The fluorite content in a scheelite tailings in Henan accounts for about 25 %. The content of calcium carbonate in the tailings is more than 45 %, which is a typical high calcium fluorite. The scheelite floatability became lower after the fluorite was strongly affected by a large amount of water glass under the heated conditions. The test shows that the floatability of calcium carbonate was better than that of fluorite. The flowsheet of Calcium carbonate preferred flotation-fluorite flotation was applied to reduce the content of calcium carbonate and improve the grade of fluorite flotation coarse concentrate. The closed circuit test results show that calcium carbonate can be pre- remove by 72.44 % with fluorite loss rate reaching only 12.98 %. Fluorite concentrate containing 91.88 %fluorite, 4.32%calcium carbonate was obtained, with recovery attaining up to 46.07%. The goal of comprehensive recovery of mineral resources in the tungsten mine is realized.
    • 邓双丽; 王延锋; 亢建华
    • 摘要: The wastewater out of scheelite's heated precession has the characteristics of high concentration of silicate ions, strong basicity and difficult sediment. After the natural sedimentation of tailings ,the residual silicate ions in the recycle water have negative effect on the scheelite roughing recovery. This paper studied the effects of common waste water treatment agent and acid on the removal rate of the silicate ion. The results show that the silicate ion removal rate reaches 93.6 % with the sulfuric acid dosage of 6 g/L. The water after treating is colorless and transparent. Industrial test results show the silicate ion removal rate was 56.20 % with a sulfuric acid dosage of 845.5 g/t in December 2015. The field roughing index was stable. The recovery rate increased by 18.21 % and 5.39 %respectively compared with the same period in the previous two years ,realizing the comprehensive utilization of mineral processing wastewater.%白钨加温精选废水存在硅酸根离子浓度高、碱性强、沉降难等特点,尾矿废水经尾矿库自然沉降后,回水中仍残留大量的硅酸根离子,对白钨矿粗选回收率造成很大的影响.本文研究了常用废水处理药剂以及酸对硅酸根离子去除率的影响,结果表明硫酸对硅酸根离子的去除效果最好,当硫酸用量为6g/L时,硅酸根离子的去除率达到93.6%,上清液呈无色透明;工业试验结果表明:2015年12月份硫酸用量为845.5 g/t时,回水中硅酸根离子的去除率为56.20%,现场白钨矿粗选指标稳定,粗选回收率比前两年同期分别提高18.21%和5.39%,实现了选矿废水的综合利用.
    • 郭蔚; 冯博; 钟志刚; 翁存建; 罗仙平
    • 摘要: 综述白钨与含钙脉石浮选分离抑制剂的研究进展.无机抑制剂在白钨浮选中应用广泛,其抑制机理研究较多,机理解释相对统一,而高分子有机抑制剂具有较强的抑制能力,较好的选择性,但抑制机理暂不明确.因此开发具有特效作用的小分子和高分子抑制剂,查明起选择性抑制作用的关键基团及其作用机理,对白钨与含钙脉石浮选分离有重要意义.%Research development of the depressants for flotation separation of scheelite and calcium-bearing gangue are reviewed.Inorganic depressants are widely used in scheelite flotation, of which the mechanism has been well studied with a uniform explanation.Polymer organic depressants possess strong inhibiting ability and high selectivity.However, the inhibitory mechanism of polymer organic has not been fully revealed.Thus, developing small molecules and polymer organic depressants with special effects, and studying the action mechanism of organic depressants are significant for the flotation separation of scheelite and calcium-bearing gangue.
    • 刀学强; 李山志; 韦文彪; 韩红林
    • 摘要: 滇东南老君山西部已发现多处钨矿床;主要以外接触带似层状云英岩型、矽卡岩成矿系列及花岗岩内接触带长英岩、石英脉成矿系列.本文主要对已发现典型矿床“高棬槽白钨矿(外接触带)”及“花石头锡钨矿(内接触带)”的成矿地质背景、成因及矿化学特征进行分析,提出下步对滇东南老君山西部地区找矿思路和空间.
    • 徐凤平; 冯其明; 张国范; 石晴; 陈伟
    • 摘要: In the ore dressing tests of a scheelite deposit from Hunan Province, technical parameters for pulp conditioning and hydrophobic aggregation were optimized, through which the apparent diameter of scheelite was regulated, and a scheelite bulk concentrate with WO3 grade and recovery of 10. 44% and 86. 72%, respectively, was collected. Compared with the conventional flotation, the scheelite roughing recovery can be up 2. 09 percentage point, while the recovery for fine⁃grained (-10 μm) scheelite can be raised from 64.74% to 75.88%.%对湖南某白钨矿开展了选矿试验研究,通过强化调浆⁃疏水聚团工艺,调整白钨矿表观粒径,可获得品位10.44%、回收率86.72%的白钨粗精矿。相比常规浮选,白钨粗选段选矿回收率提高了2.09个百分点;微细粒级(-10μm)白钨矿回收率由64.74%提高至75.88%。
    • 李茂林; 王旭
    • 摘要: 对甘肃某白钨浮选尾矿再回收白钨进行了可选性试验,考察新型白钨浮选剂FX-6对低品位白钨矿的捕收效果.粗选试验结果表明,药剂用量在碳酸钠为1 800 g/t,水玻璃为2 000g/t,FX-6为1 800 g/t的条件下开路一次粗选,白钨粗精矿WO3品位可以达到1.29%,回收率可以达到69%.粗精矿加温精选,在水玻璃用量70 kg/t时,两次精选后得到了白钨精矿WO3品位为56.86%,回收率为51.93%的良好指标.同时验证了FX-6新型白钨浮选药剂可以有效地用于尾矿白钨再回收.
    • 肖文工; 谢加文; 陈占发
    • 摘要: 悬振锥面选矿机是近年研制的新型专利高效微细粒重选设备。某多金属选厂的白钨加温精选尾矿原采用摇床重选流程回收残余钨,指标较低。采用新型重选设备悬振锥面选矿机与摇床进行对比试验,技术指标明显优于原摇床重选工艺。对悬振锥面选矿机重选新工艺工业改造进行设计和经济核算,得到钨锡混合精矿WO3品位为25.45%,回收率为44.83%;Sn品位为6.93%,回收率为52.32%。数据结果表明,新工艺改造投资回收期为0.73年,经济效益年税后利润1138.5万元。%Suspended vibrating cone concentrator is a newly patent gravity concentrator for treating fine particles of minerals efficiently. The residual wolfram in heating-cleaning tailings of scheelite in Shizhuyuan Polymetallic Ore Processing Mill was recovered with gravity process by shaking table with low technical indexes. Experiments showed the technical indexes by applying suspended vibrating cone concentrator are respectively tungsten-tin mixed concentrate grade 25.45%, WO3 recovery 44.83%, Sn grade 6.93%, recovery 52.32%, which are more favorable than that of the former technology. The payback period of new technological transformation is 0.73 years with annual after-tax profit reaching1.385 million Yuan.
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