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瘘道的相关文献在1990年到2023年内共计125篇,主要集中在外科学、口腔科学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文80篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献60665篇;相关期刊74种,包括沿海企业与科技、江苏卫生保健、中国保健营养等; 相关会议1种,包括第七届全国烧伤创伤学术会议等;瘘道的相关文献由280位作者贡献,包括张诚、宋玲玲、杨玉龙等。



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  • 张诚
  • 宋玲玲
  • 杨玉龙
  • 刘衍民
  • 吴坚
  • 吴平凡
  • 吴萍
  • 孙明
  • 张婷
  • 文辉清
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 其加
    • 摘要: 气管食管瘘是先天性胚胎发育异常形成气管与食管之间有瘘道相连通的一种疾病。病理分型方法很多。1944年美国Ladd曾分为V型:Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ型。Cross氏五型分类:第Ⅰ型:食管上下两段不连接,各成盲端。两段间距离长短不等,无食管气管瘘,此型占4%~8%。第Ⅱ型:食管上段与气管相通,下端呈盲端,两段距离较远。此型较少见,占0.5%~1%。第Ⅲ型:食管上段为盲管,下段与气管相通,这种畸形最为常见,占85%~90%。第Ⅳ型:食管上下段分别与气管相通,也是少见类型,占1%。第Ⅴ型:无食管闭锁,但有瘘与气管相通,又称H型,为纯食管气管瘘,占2%~4%[1]。本文通过我院收治的1例先天性食管闭锁并气管食管瘘患儿,就诊治过程中的体会汇报如下。
    • 徐冬; 朱陈; 陈功
    • 摘要: 胆内瘘指胆囊或胆道与其周围器官如十二指肠、结肠、肝脏等形成瘘道,胆汁经此进入周围器官的现象,其中以胆囊-十二指肠瘘最多见,占60%~86%[1]。若合并的胆石经瘘口进入肠道,可能诱发胆石性肠梗阻(gallstone ileus,GI)。GI占胆石症的0.4%,占肠梗阻的1%~4%,因最早由Bouveret于1896年报道胆石性十二指肠梗阻,因此又称为Bouveret综合征[2]。GI的临床症状及严重程度不一,需根据患者的具体情况个性化制定治疗方案。
    • 李靖
    • 摘要: 非哺乳期乳腺炎是发生在女性非哺乳期的慢性良性疾病,虽然是良性,却被冠名为“最难治的乳腺炎”。因为其坚硬的肿块,“似癌非癌”,临床常常表现为酷似乳腺癌,虽有红肿热痛的症状,但多属于慢性炎症状态,“此炎非彼炎”。更麻烦的是后期还会破溃流脓,形成瘘道及慢性难愈性创面,反复发作,病情迁延数月甚至数年。有些患者可导致乳房瘢痕累累,形态改变,对身心造成巨大伤害。本病西医往往以口服糖皮质激素或手术治疗,由于不良反应多,疗效不理想,常常建议患者中医治疗。
    • 杨玲英; 卢强
    • 摘要: 背景十二指肠残端瘘是胃部分切除术后(毕Ⅱ式)的一种少见并发症,其临床症状因瘘口的大小及腹腔引流是否通畅而异,若不能及时诊断,将引起严重腹腔感染、大出血等并发症,甚至危及生命.病例简介患者因“胃癌行胃大部切除术(毕Ⅱ式)后6 mo,间歇性腹痛4 mo,加重3 d”入院,急诊增强CT检查提示腹壁及邻近腹腔软组织增厚,并见积气,可疑与十二指肠残端相通,未见明显肿块影.在腹腔引流管已拔出的情况下,超声引导下经皮穿刺行腔道超声造影动态显示腹腔瘘口及瘘道形态,并实时引导置管引流治疗,最终瘘口及瘘道闭合,皮肤愈合.结论腔道超声造影能准确诊断腹腔肠瘘,准确定位,指导置管,为临床提供诊断方法及治疗帮助.
    • 吴彬
    • 摘要: 肛瘘属于肛肠科相对严重的疾病,也是生活中发生率较高的肛肠疾病,指的是发生在肛周局部、肛管、直肠之间,形成的肿性肉芽管道。通常情况下,多数肛瘘是因为对肛门直肠进行切口排脓或是脓肿破溃导致。脓肿慢慢缩小但是肠内容物还是逐渐到达的脓腔,在缩小过程有迂曲的腔道产生,导致局部不易愈合、引流不畅,长时间如此有许多疤痕组织在腔道局部形成,进而在内外括约肌附近有感染性慢性管道形成,而外口皮肤常常是较快生长,会发生假性愈性,导致病情反复。结合瘘道与瘘口的深浅、位置、数量,可以将肛瘘区分为高位和低位。肛瘘患者治疗重点,在于对患者肛门功能进行保护,将病灶解决彻底,且使复发率降至最低。肛瘘通常较难自愈,手术是治疗肛瘘主要且相对有效的方法。肛瘘因为发病部位特殊,涉及患者的隐私部位,对于一些检查和治疗操作,患者配合度不尽如人意;同时由于肛门组织结构的特殊性,加之手术操作,术后疼痛在所难免,也常发生尿潴留等并发症,病情严重影响患者的睡眠、饮食等。以上状况,均需要高效的护理,从而保障手术顺利、术后及早康复。那么,应当如何护理肛瘘患者呢。
    • 彭观景; 李称才; 陈博艺; 何涛; 李荣
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨硬质胆道镜经瘘道治疗胆管结石的适应证、可行性及疗效.方法 回顾性分析2014年11月至2016年7月我院86例采用硬质胆道镜经瘘道治疗胆管结石患者的临床资料,按不同治疗方式分两组.经皮肝穿刺胆道引流(PTCD)瘘道组:40例PTCD和瘘道扩张后,经PTCD瘘道硬质胆道镜取石治疗;T管瘘道组:46例经胆总管切开取石术后胆管残石,至少4周后经T管瘘道硬质胆道镜取石治疗.比较两组患者的手术时间、术中出血量、手术并发症发生率及结石残留率等.结果 PTCD瘘道组平均手术时间(77.0±36.5) min,术中出血量(26.5 ±54.1)ml,手术并发症发生率37.5% (15/40),Ⅰ期完全取净结石者33例,Ⅱ期取净者l例,结石残留率15.0% (6/40).T管瘘道组平均手术时间(82.5 ±44.1)min,术中出血量(14.8 ±21.0) ml,手术并发症发生率32.6%(15/46),Ⅰ期完全取净结石者34例,Ⅱ期取净者2例,结石残留率21.7% (10/46).两组患者的结石残留率、并发症发生率及手术时间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).T管瘘道组患者出血量明显低于PTCD瘘道组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 硬质胆道镜可经PTCD瘘道或T管瘘道进入肝内多数胆管或胆总管取石,两者疗效无明显差异,值得推广用于肝内、外嵌顿性结石或铸型结石的治疗.%Objective To study the indications,feasibility and efficacy of rigid choledochoscopy via biliary fistula tracts to remove bile duct stones.Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on the clinical data of 86 patients with bile duct stones treated with rigid choledochoscopy via biliary fistula tracts at our hospital between November 2011 and July 2016.Patients with bile duct stones were divided into the percutaneous transhepatic cholangio drainage (PTCD) group and the T tube tract group.There were 40 patients who underwent lithotomy using rigid choledochoscopy via the PTCD tract and 46 patients who underwent choledocholithotomy using rigid choledochoscopy via the T-tube tract.A comparison was conducted to compare the duration of the procedures,the amount of perioperative bleeding,the postoperative complication rates and residual stone rates between the two groups.Results In the PTCD group,the average operation time was (77.0 ± 36.5) min,the amount of perioperative bleeding was (26.5 ± 54.1) ml,and the postoperative complication rate was 37.5 % (15/40).Complete lithotomy in one-stage was successful in 33 patients,and in two-stages in 1 patient.The residual stone rate was 15.0% (6/40).In the T tube tract group,the average operation time was (82.5 ± 44.1) min,the amount of perioperative bleeding was (14.8 ± 21.0) ml,and the postoperative complication rate was 32.6% (15/46).Complete lithotomy in one-stage was successful in 34 patients,and two-stages in 2 patients.The residual stone rate was 21.7% (10/46).There were no significant differences in the residual stone rates,complication rates and operation time between the two groups (P > 0.05).The amount of operative bleeding was significantly better in the T tube tract group than the PTCD group,(P < 0.05).Conclusions There was no significant differences in the clinical efficacy in the treatment of bile duct stones using choledochoscopy either via the PTCD tract or the T tube tract group.Both approaches can be used for bile duct stones.
    • 朱晓浩; 马昕; 谈希; 陈卓; 王珍祥
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨根治隆乳后难愈性瘘道的新方法,以期提高愈合有效率.方法 选择2013年1月至2016年2月武汉市诠美医学美容门诊收治的注射隆乳术后胸腹壁内聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶(PAAG)混合物移位,造成胸腹壁广泛瘘道的患者178例,将其分为观察组和对照组,每组89例.观察组在清除瘘道后,进一步采用肌膜组织瓣的新设计治疗乳房内瘘道;对照组采取单纯清洗刮去残腔.观察术后创伤愈合面积比例及有效性.结果 PAAG在胸腹壁间隙广泛分布,形成乳腺下、腋窝、胸腹壁瘘道连通.2周时,观察组患者胸腹壁病变面积缩小80%,与对照组病变面积缩小45%比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).4周时,观察组胸腹壁病变面积缩小95%,而对照组为71%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 乳房内PAAG混合物移位所形成的胸腹壁连通的慢性瘘道是造成胸腹壁内流动性包块与巨大空腔的主要原因,局部肌膜组织瓣可明显促进胸腹壁瘘道愈合.%Objective To explore a new surgical method for the treatment of refractory fistula after breast augmentation and to improve patients healing efficiently.Methods This paper had collected two groups,a total of 178 cases of injected breast augmentation,who had shown the polyacrylamide hydrogel(PAAG)mixture shift,and caused abdominal fistula.Among them,89 cases further adopt new design in the treatment of fistula by using breast muscle membrane tissue flap and improve the effect of fistula treatment after the removal of fistula.And the other 89 cases were token the pure clean the cavity away caused by the abnormal material shift into the chest and abdominal wall.Results It was observed that PAAG widely distributed in the chest and abdominal wall and formatted the fistula connected mammary gland,axillary,chest abdominal wall.The area of lesions lacuna shrink by 80% for the group used tissue flap after 2 weeks,but those not with tissue flap shrink by 45%(P<0.01).At 4th week,all the patients of flap group achieved tissue healed,while the completely heal ratio of control group was only 73%.Compared two groups of healing rate,the group with tissue flap was obviously better than ones only with surgical method.Conclusion It suggests that main reasons for the liquidity bag and huge cavity are PAAG mixture shift into thoracic and abdominal wall and formed chronic fistula and connected the chest and abdominal wall.Local muscle membrane tissue flap can obviously promote the chest and abdominal wall fistula healing.
    • 靳瑞娟; 陈小龙; 孙多成; 李福彰; 夏雨; 靳秀丽
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨MRI联合X线瘘口造影在诊断肛门闭锁中的价值.方法 16例肛门闭锁合并直肠会阴瘘患儿,体表瘘口注入20ml生理盐水后常规采用MRI检查,并与瘘口造影进行对比.23例结肠造瘘口造影采用球囊导尿管加压注射造影剂后多方位摄片.结果 16例合并直肠会阴瘘患儿MRI可以显示分型及瘘口位置,准确性达100%,有助于显示骶部、神经管及生殖道畸形,而9例通过瘘口造影发现异常通道并显示走形.23例结肠造瘘口造影,10例对肛门成形术后通道的通畅情况显示良好,11例术前发现异常通道,1例合并巨结肠,1例合并结肠狭窄.结论 低场MRI改良扫描方法后联合瘘道造影诊断肛门闭锁,提高了显示性能.结肠造瘘口造影对肛门成形手术前后均有重要意义.%Objective To discuss the value of diagnosis of imperforate anus by joint fistula radiography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Methods 16 children with anal atresia and rectum perineum fistula were examined by MRI,which were compared with fistula radiography scanned after injection of about 20 ml saline through the body surface fistula.23 children would adopt multi-azimuth radiography after adding pressure injecting contrast agent through the colostomy by balloon catheter.Results 16 cases with rectal perineum fistula displayed the position of fistula and classify type by MRI.The accuracy of diagnosis was 100%.It was helpful to display the malformation of lumbosacral region,neural tube and genital tract.9 cases were discovered connection of fistula abnormal channel by fistula radiography.23 cases were treated with colostomy radiography.10 cases showed good about the channel flow conditions of plastic operation.11 cases were found the abnormal channel before the imperforate anus plastic operation,1 case with the megacolon and 1 case with the colon stenosis.Conclusion Diagnosing the imperforate anus by using low-field MRI improved scanning methods and fistula radiography can improve the display performance.Colostomy radiography has the important meaning before and after the imperforate anus plastic operation.
    • 张亚锋; 杜文武; 陈伟
    • 摘要: Objective To study the clinical effect of internal mucosal resection and repair of fistula for the treatment of high anal fistula.Methods From January 2015 to July 2016,86 patients with high anal fistula were selected in our hospital.The patients were divided into observation group and control group.Observation group were taken the mouth of the mucosal flap to repair the auxiliary fistula partial stripping.The control group was treated with the traditional way to complete the anal fistula incision hanging thread.The clinical efficacy,anorectal pressure,anal function,postoperative pain and sequelae were observed.Results After operation,there was no significant difference in the total effective rate between the observation group and the control group (P> 0.05).The anal resting pressure,rectal resting pressure and anal systolic pressure in the observation group were significantly higher than that in the control group (P <0.05).The subjective score of anal function and anal advice score in the observation group were significantly lower than that in the control group (P <0.05).The VAS score of the observation group was significantly lower than that of the control group (P <0.05).The incidence of anal deformation,anal incontinence and anal dampness complication in the observation group were significantly lower than the control group (P <0.05).Conclusion The internal mucosal resection and repair of fistula for the treatment of high anal fistula patients bring the patient less the pain,the low incidence of complications and good clinical curative effect.%目的 探究内口黏膜瓣推移修补辅助瘘道部分剥除治疗高位肛瘘的临床疗效.方法 选取2015年1月~2016年7月我院收治的86例高位肛瘘患者,根据抽签法分为观察组和对照组,每组43例.观察组采取内口黏膜瓣推移修补辅助瘘道部分剥除术,对照组根据传统方式完成肛瘘切开挂线术.比较两组患者临床疗效,肛门直肠压力情况,肛门功能情况,本后疼痛情况,后遗症情况.结果 手术后,观察组临床总有效率和对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).观察组肛管静息压、直肠静息压、肛管收缩压高于对照组(P<0.05).观察组的肛门功能主观评分、肛门指诊评分低于对照组(P<0.05).观察组的VAS评分低于对照组(P<0.05).观察组的肛门变形、肛门部分失禁、肛门潮湿并发症发生率低于对照组(P<0.05).结论 内口黏膜瓣推移修补辅助瘘道部分剥除治疗高位肛瘘,给患者带来的痛苦较轻,刺激反应小,有利于患者肛门功能的恢复,并发症发生率低,临床疗效良好.
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