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电热联供的相关文献在1990年到2021年内共计82篇,主要集中在电工技术、能源与动力工程、建筑科学 等领域,其中期刊论文63篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献108755篇;相关期刊34种,包括工厂动力、节能与环保、节能等; 相关会议1种,包括2006全国发电机组节能技术研讨会等;电热联供的相关文献由128位作者贡献,包括何斌、周锡卫、张维丽等。



论文:63 占比:0.06%


论文:1 占比:0.00%


论文:108755 占比:99.94%





  • 何斌
  • 周锡卫
  • 张维丽
  • 杨建
  • 檀满林
  • 欧阳陆
  • 陈建军
  • 伍雪冬
  • 刘维亭
  • 周前
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 于苗苗; 侯静; 常泽辉; 贾柠泽; 贾彦
    • 摘要: With the increase of global urban population and development of agriculture science and technology, modern agriculture has increasingly become the focus of the urban planning and construction. Facility agriculture is an important mode of development in modern agriculture, which plays a key role in improving the micro-environment for growth of crops. But some environmental testing equipment and production facilities consume a lot of energy in the facility agriculture. In order to solve the problem of large fossil energy consumption in the facility agriculture, solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have been mounted based on configuration of the facility agriculture which does not need land space unlike PV systems. Facility agriculture integrated with photovoltaic systems can not only provide quality fresh agriculture products, but also fulfill the agriculture’s electricity demand without negative impact on the environment. However, currently, photovoltaic ecological agriculture system increases the distance between the agricultural greenhouses and reduce the economic benefits of the facility agriculture in the unit land area because of the shielding of the solar photovoltaic modules arranged on the back wall of the greenhouse. Therefore, increasing the output power per the unit area of solar cell is imminent. For this reason, there is a growing interest in concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) technologies which are systems made of optical devices that focus light towards decreased area of photovoltaic materials. Thus a novel trough solar concentrating photovoltaic/thermal (CPVT) system in facility agriculture was proposed in this paper. The system had a compound parabolic concentrator (CPC), photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system with steel heat exchanger sandwiched between two identical monocrystalline silicon batteries bonded with glue and tracking device. The two main advantages of the system were their ability to reduce the number of photovoltaic cells of rated electric power output required and to provide heat energy for the crops of the facility agriculture under cold weather conditions. The operational principle of trough type solar concentrating photovoltaic/thermal system was introduced. A 3D model of the concentrator supported with optical analysis software was used to analyze the tracking accuracy. Based on the simulation results, an experimental unit combined heating and power devices driven by solar trough type concentrator was constructed. The output electricity power and heat from the system were tested and analyzed. The results indicated that the tracking tolerance of the proposed trough concentrator held efficiencies of 98.56% to an incident angle of 3.0°, and then dropped to 90% at 3.5°. The maximum output power of the CPVT module on the sunny day was 3.85 W for a solar radiation input of 726 W/m2, which was two times higher than that for flat-plate module. The maximum output power produced by the CPVT system at the water mass flow rate of 2.41 g/s was higher than that of the system at the water mass flow rate of 6.65 g/s by 6.21%. For 2× and 2.41 g/s mass flow rate, the electrical efficiency of system was 7.42% and the overall performance efficiency was 69.88%, the water outlet temperature can reach about 20 °C when the ambient temperature is 2 °C. Then solar energy can be efficiently utilized with the CPVT system and the electrical power output as well as electrical efficiency of the solar cell can be improved. The CPVT system could provide both the power and heat for the facility agriculture simultaneously.%该文针对在设施农业中棚顶安装的光伏组件挡光导致棚间距离增加,提出一种可以用在设施农业中的槽式太阳能聚光电热联供系统,通过减少输出额定电功率所需光伏组件的数量以提高设施农业经济性,同时还可以在寒冷季节为作物生长提供热能。该文介绍了该聚光电热联供系统的工作原理,利用光学仿真软件对聚光器的聚光性能进行了仿真计算,搭建了聚光电热联供系统性能测试台,将电热联供系统组件与平板光伏组件工作温度进行了对比,通过改变换热介质流量,分析了系统综合性能效率随换热介质流量变化的规律。结果表明,在约2倍聚光条件下,换热介质质量流量为2.41 g/s,室外平均气温为2°C时,槽式聚光电热联供系统的输出电功率约是平板光伏组件的2倍,系统综合性能效率为69.88%,系统输出水温约为20°C左右。该研究可以为设施农业与太阳能光伏利用技术的高效耦合提供了参考。
    • 谭礼军; 季旭; 李明; 蔡伟平; 龙星; 罗熙; 冷从斌
    • 摘要: 提出一种改进型的槽式聚光电热联供系统,该系统在电热联供系统的基础上增加一个金属腔体再热级,实现输出高品质电能的同时输出较高温位的热能.构建改进型槽式聚光电热联供系统实验装置,通过测试实验,发现改进型系统的电输出性能和热输出性能均有所提高.分析改进型槽式聚光电热联供系统与单晶硅平板光伏系统、太阳能热水系统三者之间的经济效益,结果表明,改进型系统的经济性能高于单晶硅平板光伏系统,低于太阳能热水系统.
    • 摘要: 2005年12月17日,山东大学举行新闻发布会.宣布中国首次以大米草为原料进行气、电、热联供示范工程实验成功。
    • 叶大均; 李宇红; 周文华
    • 摘要: 本文认为我国天然气的工业应用时代即将到来;影响我国天然气大规模应用的主要障碍是其能量成本,因比价昂贵,在我国,近期内装备先进的以天然气为燃料的大型燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电装置(单纯发电)的条件还不成熟;天然气应以主要城市的服务业为其主要利用方向.文章从经济上和技术上予以分析,提出了城市联合循环热电联供系统是天然气合理又现实的应用领域,应加紧试点,积极推广,并简述了该系统对燃气轮机与热力系统的要求.
    • 刘振奎
    • 摘要: 本文分析了热电联供电站除氧器稳定运行工况的特点,针对热电厂除氧器运行条件研究了除氧器的关键部件和结构,探讨了除氧器在交变负荷工况下的“快速响应”跟踪能力,采取相应对策,收到了预期的效果。
    • 薛春诸
    • 摘要: 本文根据热电联产的节能原理和国家计委对建设中、小型热电厂节能指标的要求,分析了黑龙江省采暖热负荷特点,提出了以供暖热负荷为主的热电厂建设发展的方向,中小型热电厂,应以供暖背压机为主要机型,半年运行,小于20万平方米供暖面积的小城镇应采用集中锅炉房发展集中供热。
    • 李道林; 尤瑞明
    • 摘要: 在某些小型工业企业中热电联供是有节能的特点。曾设计与安装了一个包括一台30台t/h沸腾炉、一台1500KW抽汽透平和一台蒸汽蓄热器的复合系统。
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