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氮素循环的相关文献在1980年到2022年内共计73篇,主要集中在农业基础科学、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、微生物学 等领域,其中期刊论文67篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献183802篇;相关期刊57种,包括楚雄师范学院学报、衡水学院学报、农家女等; 相关会议4种,包括中国畜牧兽医学会动物微生态学分会第四届第九次全国学术研讨会暨饲料和动物源食品安全战略论坛、首届山东省泰山微量元素科学研究会学术研讨会、2018年农业资源高效利用与可持续发展国际学术研讨会暨中国科学院遗传发育所农业资源研究中心成立40周年纪念大会等;氮素循环的相关文献由194位作者贡献,包括关秀清、胡春胜、于井朝等。



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论文:183802 占比:99.96%





  • 关秀清
  • 胡春胜
  • 于井朝
  • 张玉铭
  • 张福锁
  • 徐培英
  • 李晓欣
  • 王玉英
  • 田茂洁
  • 秦树平
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 耿赛男; 李岚涛; 苗玉红; 谭金芳; 王宜伦
    • 摘要: 【目的】为提高轮作系统的生产力和土壤肥力的可持续性,我们从作物根系形态、残留养分有效性和土壤结构等方面,综述了大豆和玉米生产对土壤物理特性和后茬作物氮素供应能力的影响机理及原因。【主要进展】大豆根系呈网状分布,分枝侧根多,生长过程中新老根频繁更替,收获后土壤团聚体由原来的简单形态变为多级复合形态,团聚体内部孔隙增多,利于后茬作物的根系发育。大豆形成的稳定土壤团聚结构也是土壤氮素循环的良好基础,可有效提升土壤有机氮的总矿化和转化量,增强土壤对后茬作物的供氮潜力。玉米生产一般氮肥施用量较高,故收获后残留在土壤中的肥料氮相对较多。残留氮以NO;-N和微生物氮形态存在的比例高,由于NO;-N在土壤中不稳定、易损失,因此,不易于为后茬利用。大豆秸秆C/N低,翻压还田后易于被土壤微生物利用,加速土壤氮循环,易于后茬作物的吸收利用。加之豆科作物生长过程中死亡的根瘤和根形成的沉积物数量大,根系分泌物含有较高的甘氨酸和丝氨酸,且根际沉积物C/N较低,更易矿化转化为后季作物的重要氮源。因此,大豆较玉米更有利于后茬作物的生长和氮素营养。【展望】为更好地利用轮作优势,需要在以下几方面加强研究:提高大豆残留氮素高效利用的关键驱动因素比例;减少玉米收获后土壤残留氮素损失的氮素管理方法;残留氮素转移转化过程中的根–土–微生物互作机制。由于秸秆腐解会加快土壤有机碳的释放,因此减少大豆秸秆还田带来的轮作周年CO_(2)等温室气体的排放,提高土壤的碳汇功能也将成为今后研究重点。
    • 张念鑫; 孔勇; 于君君; 舒凤月; 周晶; 王庆峰; 于国红
    • 摘要: 氮污染已成为影响南四湖水质的重要因素之一,为了解南四湖沉积物中可培养氨氧化细菌的种类和系统发育信息,采用富集培养的方法,从南四湖人工湿地沉积物中筛选出具有氨氮去除能力的细菌,并用格利斯试剂检测细菌氨氮去除能力的强弱,从沉积物中筛选出高效的氨氧化细菌,并对其进行16S rDNA序列系统进化树的构建及分析.结果筛选到5株氨氧化细菌,经鉴定:3号和11号属于异氧硝化菌(Diaphorobacter sp.)、5号属于嗜酸菌(Acidovorax ebreus)、4号和12号属于酯香微杆菌(Microbacterium esteraromaticum).从南四湖人工湿地沉积物中分离出的5株氨氧化菌,既可利用有机氮又可利用无机氮,其营养来源多样,适应力极强.该结论不仅为研究南四湖内部的氮素循环起重要作用,还为污染水体的生物修复提供了菌株材料.
    • 游武
    • 摘要: 种养结合是实现区域生态农业系统良性循环发展的有效途径,福建省按照农牧结合、种养结合、循环发展的生态理念,持续推进生态农业建设.以2018年福建省主要农作物收获物的氮素需求量与畜禽养殖业氮素排放量为研究对象,探索全省种养业氮素平衡问题.经初步测算,2018年福建省单位耕地畜禽氮负荷量为95.08 kg·hm-2,其中龙岩市、南平市、厦门市、漳州市超过全省平均水平;全省单位耕地氮素需求量为161.10 kg·hm-2,其中漳州市、福州市、三明市、厦门市超过全省平均水平.全省畜禽粪便承载力风险值为0.62,整体污染风险不高,但从局部看存在一定环境污染问题.
    • 杨蕾; 邹玉和; 杨靖宇; 余凌帆; 陈德朝; 鄢武先
    • 摘要: 沼泽湿地是湿地生态系统的重要组成部分,在我国天然湿地面积中占有很大比重,作为氮素的源、汇和转换器,其结构和功能对生态系统氮素循环具有显著影响.本文从沼泽湿地氮素的存在形式、输入与固定、迁移转化及影响因素等方面综述了沼泽湿地氮素循环的过程,并对氮素循环过程造成的生态环境效应进行了分析,最后对沼泽湿地氮循环的进一步深化研究进行了展望.
    • 白都荣1; 闫岩1; 安迪1; 梁雷1
    • 摘要: 为了对沙化的土壤进行修复,采用双膜覆盖技术进行水稻种植,并选择自2014年以来采用该技术种植的水稻土作为研究对象,对比了水稻土、草地与荒漠的氮素循环,研究了科尔沁奈曼旗沙地和稻田的氮、磷、钾、有机质含量。结果表明,水稻土中氮、磷、钾、有机质含量皆随着水稻种植年数的增加而增加。至2018年,与未修复的沙化土壤相比,采用双膜覆盖技术种植的水稻土中,总氮增加了230%,总磷增加了750%,总钾增加了100%,有机质增加了146%。总的来说,双膜覆盖技术的应用可以修复沙化土壤,逐步将土壤养分增加到正常土壤水平。沙漠化土壤得到恢复,并为日后植物的生长提供所需营养。
    • 曾凯; 刘琳; 蔡义民; 陈有军; 陈冬明; 孙飞达; 裴姝婷; 周春梅; 申旭东
    • 摘要: 氮素是陆地生态系统初级生产力的主要限制因子之一.地下生态系统中绝大部分氮素以不溶的聚合物形式存在,不能直接被植物吸收,因此其转化为可吸收的离子氮的生态过程受到人们越来越多的关注.本文主要综述了土壤生物与非生物两个自然因素在地下生态系统氮素循环过程中发挥的重要作用.土壤生物通过自身代谢和分泌各种酶类来加速各种形态氮素相互转化;植物根系可以通过影响土壤物理结构和分泌大量有机物质,实现与地下生态系统氮素循环之间的“相互交流”;而由于生物生存与环境因子有直接联系,二者之间的相互作用也对土壤氮素循环起着特殊作用.目前,由于土壤生物种类繁多、营养流通途径复杂、分子生物学实验技术较昂贵以及在全球气候变化背景下对许多自然规律的响应变化认识有限,因此,尚不能完全在分子水平形成一张氮素在地下生态系统的流通网络图,这应该成为今后相关研究工作的方向和重点.%Nitrogen (N) is one of the main factors limiting primary productivity in terrestrial ecosystems due to its role in plant growth and development.In belowground ecosystems,most nitrogen exists in the form of complex polymers,but these forms of nitrogenous compounds cannot be absorbed and assimilated directly by plants.Hence,the ecological process from complex polymers to simple inorganic substances has always been a focus of research;this process is regulated and controlled by a series of complex biogeochemical reactions that occur belowground via symbiotic associations between plant roots and bacteria (e.g.,biological nitrogen fixation).In this paper,we summarize the effects of soil biotic and abiotic factors on the belowground nitrogen cycle.Soil organisms promote the belowground nitrogen cycle through metabolism and release of various enzymes;Plant roots change the soil properties and secrete organic matter.The development of soil organisms is strongly restricted by abiotic factors,so the interaction between organisms and some abiotic factors also exerts important influences on the belowground nitrogen cycle.Currently,due to the high abundance of soil organism species,the complexity of nutrient circulation patterns,the limited understanding regarding the response of nature to global climate change,and the expense of molecular biotechnology,it is still difficult to define the whole nitrogen nutrition circulation network in the belowground ecosystem at the molecular level.This review summarizes our current understanding regarding the belowground nitrogen cycle and how it is regulated by biotic and abiotic factors.
    • 袁承程; 刘黎明; 付永虎; 殷冠羿; 周德
    • 摘要: 为系统分析和评价农业土地利用环境效应,了解农业系统中物质循环规律,提高物质利用效率,本文采用物质流分析方法,通过构建区域尺度农业土地利用系统的物质流分析框架和评价指标体系,以湖南省桃江县为案例区,综合评价了该区域农业土地利用系统中氮素利用效率及环境健康状况。结果表明:(1)1980—2013年,桃江县农业土地利用系统生产输入氮素量和环境输入氮素量显著增加,2013年比1980年分别增加了1.2倍和0.4倍;其中,生产输入方式是桃江县氮素输入总量的主要来源,占2013年总输入量的77%。(2)1980—2013年,桃江县氮素输出总量逐年波动增长,而产品输出氮素量却增加不多,但环境输出氮素量比1980年增长了1.4倍。(3)与此同时,桃江县农业土地利用系统氮肥投入强度逐年增长,至2013年其值达到328.4 kg·hm-2,超过了警戒值(250.0 kg·hm-2);此外,桃江县氮素物质利用效率逐年降低,物质生产效率还处于较低水平,还需进一步采取措施,调整农业结构,提高农产品附加值。(4)1980—2010年桃江县农业土地利用系统生态稳定性和环境健康质量逐年恶化,然而,在2010—2013年桃江县的环境健康质量有所好转,其氮素养分负荷由2010年的208.8 kg·hm-2回落至2013年的154.1 kg·hm-2。%Since the reform and opening-up was launched in 1978, environmental problems have increased due to unreasonable agricultural land use practices in China. Thus systematic analysis and evaluation of the environmental effects of agricultural land use, detailed understanding of material cycle mechanisms in agricultural systems and the improvement of material utilization efficiency have become a key research focus of land science. Substance flow analysis (SFA) is a systematic method of assessment of material flow and stock in a given system in the fabric of space and time. The SFA method is comprised of 3 parts — the sources, the pathways and the sinks. It characterizes the pathways of substances in, out and through a system and therefore an effective support tool for resources and environmental management. In this paper, an indicator system (including material input indicators, material output indicators, stock indicators, material intensity and efficiency indicators, and environmental health indicators) was established based on the SFA framework for the assessment of regional scale agricultural land use systems. The method was also used to assess material use efficiency and environmental quality in agricultural land use systems. Based on the cause-study analysis of Taojiang County (northern Hunan Province), material flow in the SFA framework in agricultural land use systems included productive input, production output, environmental output and stock. The results indicated that: (1) nitrogen derived from material productive input and environmental input sharply increased during the period from 1980 to 2013. The amounts of nitrogen derived from material productive input and environmental input in 2013 were respectively 1.2 and 0.4 times that in 1980. Productive input was the main source of nitrogen in Taojiang County. (2) Production output increased slowly during the period from 1980 to 2013. However, environmental output in 2013 approximatively doubled that in 1980. (3) There was an increasing trend in nitrogen material input intensity in Taojiang County during the period from 1980 to 2013. Material input intensity of nitrogen in 2013 was 328.4 kg·hm-2, exceeding the critical value of 250.0 kg·hm-2. In addition, material use efficiency of nitrogen decreased gradually during the period. Compared with the average value for Hunan Province, material production efficiency in agricultural land use systems in Taojiang County was lowest in 2013. It was therefore important for the local government to take measures to promote the adjustment process of agricultural structure and improve added value of agricultural products in the region. (4) The stability of the ecosystem and the quality of the environment reduced gradually for the period from 1980 to 2010, however, environmental quality improved during the period during 2010 to 2013. Nitrogen load decreased from 208.8 kg·hm-2 in 2010 to 154.1 kg·hm-2 in 2013. Although to a certain extent errors existed in the SFA analysis due to data shortage and difficulties in parameterization, the SFA method was a useful tool for the evaluation of material use efficiency and environmental quality in agricultural land use systems.
    • 解开治; 徐培智; 蒋瑞萍; 卢钰升; 顾文杰; 李文英; 李夏; 孙丽丽
    • 摘要: Objectives]Taking the typical cold waterlogged paddy fields in the South China as a research object, the effects of chemical fertilizers combined with different manures on the grain yield of paddy rice and the abundance of soil nitrogen-cycling microbes were compared. The study could provide scientific basis for the theory and practice of nitrogen mobilization, nitrogen redirection control and use efficiency, and fertilizer application scheme for high yield in cold waterlogged fields.[Methods]A three year-study was conducted to analyze the influences of the fertilizers combined with different organic manures on nutrient mobilization, rice yield and the abundance of nitrogen-cycling bacteria in cold waterlogged soils on the basis of soil properties, enzymatic characteristics and real-time quantification PCR. The field experiment included four treatments:chemical fertilizers (CK), chemical fertilizers combined with pig manure (PIM), chemical fertilizers combined with cattle manure (CAM) or chemical fertilizers combined with chicken manure (CHM).[Results]The grain yields responded positively to both CHM and CAM application, and were increased by 10.2% and 7.6% over the yield of CK, respectively. The soil pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen content and ammonium nitrogen content were all increased after continuous application of CHM or CAM. The abundance of microbial genes related to soil nitrogen-cycling was significantly enhanced by the additions of the three fertilizer formulations. Furthermore, the 16s rDNA abundance of bacteria and archae bacteria, andamoA(ammonia monooxygenase) abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and anaerobic oxidizing bacteria (AOB) presented consistent increasing patterns, and the highest abundances were exhibited in the CHM-treated soil and the increase rate of bacteria 16s rDNA was smaller than others. However, the gene abundances of nitrite reducate (nirK,nirS) and nitrous oxide reducate (nosZ) responded differently to the fertilizer formulations. Correlation analysis showed that the contents of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen appeared to be the key factors influencing the abundance and diversity of AOA-, AOB-,nirK-andnirS-type denitrifying bacteria.[Conclusion]The application of the fertilizers combined with chicken manure could significantly increase the contents of soil ammonium nitrogen and available phosphate, improve the gene abundances of bacteria, archaebacteria, AOA and AOB-typeamoAand enhance the activities of soil urease, protease and phosphatase, thereby improving the productivity of cold waterlogged soils.%【目的】以南方典型冷浸田为对象,研究化肥配施不同有机肥对冷浸田水稻产量以及土壤氮相关功能微生物群落丰度的影响,旨在为冷浸田土壤氮素活化和转化过程的定向调控,氮素利用效率提高及水稻高产施肥提供科学依据。【方法】通过连续3年6季的定位试验,采用土壤理化分析、酶学分析和荧光实时定量 PCR技术深入探讨化肥配施不同堆肥原料有机肥对冷浸田养分活化、水稻产量提升及土壤氮相关功能微生物群落丰度的效应。本试验设4个处理,分别为单施化肥(CK)、化肥配施猪粪(PIM)、化肥配施牛粪(CAM)、化肥配施鸡粪(CHM)。【结果】CHM、CAM处理水稻产量显著高于化肥处理(P<0.05),较 CK平均增产10.23%、7.62%。连续施用 CHM、CAM显著提高了土壤 pH,增加了土壤有机碳、全氮和铵态氮含量。三种堆肥原料的有机无机配施均能够提高土壤氮素循环相关功能微生物基因丰度,其中细菌、古细菌总群落16s rDNA丰度和氨氧化古菌(AOA)和氨氧化细菌(AOB)的氨单加氧酶(amoA)基因丰度提高趋势一致,以 CHM处理最高,但细菌总群落16s rDNA丰度增幅较小。亚硝酸盐还原酶(nirK、nirS)基因和一氧化二氮还原酶(nosZ)基因丰度对不同处理的响应并不一致。相关性分析表明,土壤有机碳和全氮含量是影响 AOA、AOB、nirK、nirS型反硝化细菌的重要因子。【结论】化肥配施鸡粪有机肥能显著提高冷浸田土壤铵态氮、速效磷含量,增加细菌、古菌、AOA和 AOB氨单加氧酶(amoA)的基因丰度,增强土壤脲酶、蛋白酶和磷酸酶的活性,提升冷浸田土壤生产力。
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