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扩展线性支出系统的相关文献在1996年到2020年内共计161篇,主要集中在世界各国经济概况、经济史、经济地理、经济计划与管理、经济学 等领域,其中期刊论文157篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献3770474篇;相关期刊120种,包括学园、人口与经济、商业研究等; 相关会议4种,包括中国环境科学学会2013年学术年会、统计教育与应用统计研讨会、第十二届中国管理科学学术年会等;扩展线性支出系统的相关文献由247位作者贡献,包括余红兵、刘永贵、孔爱玲等。



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  • 余红兵
  • 刘永贵
  • 孔爱玲
  • 何国民
  • 刘丽丽
  • 包玉香
  • 向东梅
  • 吴子玉
  • 周鹏博
  • 唐立健
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 王宏
    • 摘要: 利用扩展线性支出系统(ELES),采用1998-2018年时间序列对黑龙江省城镇居民消费结构进行实证分析.分别从边际消费倾向、需求的收入弹性、自价格弹性等统计指标入手,分析黑龙江省城镇居民的消费规律及发展趋势,为改善和优化全省城镇居民消费结构提供依据.
    • 张文宇1
    • 摘要: 农业食品需求是居民的基本性需求,经济社会发展中,居民对食品需求的数量、质量、体量也在发生变化。运用扩展线性支出系统模型ELES,对2017年中国城市居民食品的边际消费倾向、需求收入弹性、基本需求进行实证分析,结果表明:城市居民对粮食、蔬菜、干鲜瓜果类、肉类、水产品具有较强的偏好;城市居民对食品消费需求的增长小于人均可支配收入的增长,这类需求对收入的变化不敏感;城市居民食品消费的重心主要集中于粮食、食用油和蔬菜上,城市居民应当更加注重饮食均衡,食品消费结构需要进一步优化。
    • 刘丽丽; 谢东梅
    • 摘要: 为了使农村最低生活保障标准的制定能够客观真实反映农村贫困家庭的基本生活需求,在总结福建省最低生活保障制度实施、取得成效以及存在问题的基础上,采用扩展线性支出系统模型,选取代表农村贫困家庭生存权、教育权及健康权(食品消费支出、衣着消费、居住消费、文教娱乐用品及服务、医疗保健等5类)生活消费支出的数据,进行测算福建省农村最低生活保障标准.结果表明,2007-2011年福建省施行的农村最低保障标准与测算标准之间存在着差距,农村低保标准整体偏低.最后,提出结合消费水平度量贫困,建立以公共财政为主体的多元的筹资机制,完善低保资金的省级财政转移支付制度,建立城乡一体化的低保制度,健全综合性的社会救助体系等政策建议.%The implementation, achievements and existing problems of the rural minimum living guarantee system in Fujian were summarized to make it reflect the current conditions of local poor households more objectively and precisely.With extended linear expenditure system model, five categories data of life consumption expenditure referred to the survival, education and health of poor households, including food consumption, clothing consumption, house consumption, teaching and entertainment appliances and service, and medical care, were selected for the calculation on Fujian rural minimum living guarantee standard.The result showed that the existed rural minimum living guarantee standard was generally low during 2007-2011 compared to the estimated one.Therefore several policy suggestions were put forward, including measuring poverty taking consumption level into consideration, establishing multiple financing mechanism with republic finance as the main body, improving the provincial financial transfer payment system for subsistence allowance, constructing the urban and rural integration minimum livelihood guarantee system, and improving the comprehensive social assistance system.
    • 谢东梅; 刘丽丽
    • 摘要: 采用扩展线性支出系统模型,选取代表农村贫困家庭生存权、教育权及健康权的五类生活消费支出数据测算福建省农村最低生活保障标准.测算结果表明,2007-2011年福建省施行的农村最低保障标准整体偏低.究其原因,主要有:以收入为依据确定最低生活保障标准;城乡之间经济发展水平差距较大;受财政承受能力的限制.建议:结合消费水平度量贫困,制定全省统一的最低生活保障标准测算和调整方法;建立以公共财政为主体的多元的筹资机制;完善低保资金的省级财政转移支付制度;缩小城乡最低生活保障标准差距,建立城乡一体化的低保制度;建立健全综合性的社会救助体系.
    • 左文明; 陈少杰
    • 摘要: 选取1980年—2014年广州市城镇居民人均各类消费性支出作为输入,通过有序聚类将居民消费模式发展划分为三个阶段.以收入--消费水平变动和消费结构变动为例分析了消费模式的转型,并利用扩展线性支出系统模型对消费结构进行实证分析.研究发现,有序聚类能有效反映消费模式的变化;期间广州居民的消费需求由生存型转化为发展和享受型;消费品由实物化向服务化转变;交通通讯和文娱教育成为消费热点;消费结构明显优化且趋于稳定.
    • 金菊良; 崔毅; 张礼兵; 周玉良; 吴成国
    • 摘要: 提出了基于多智能体的城镇家庭用水量模拟模型(MA-UHWDS),通过构造不同发展情景,对家庭用水量变化趋势及其影响因素进行了分析.以青岛市为实证城市,采用2003—2012年统计资料,计算分析了居民用水边际消费倾向、基本用水需求和不同收入户人均用水量,并对不同情景下2013—2022年各类收入户人均用水量和城镇家庭用水总量进行了定量模拟预测分析.结果表明:2003—2012年中,城镇家庭平均水费支出占总消费支出的比重仅为0.395%,易造成居民节水意识淡薄,最低收入户人均用水量除2008年外均低于基本需水量,而最高收入户平均超过基本需水量14.16 m3,水价改革需综合考虑低收入家庭的支付能力和高收入家庭的过度用水;2022年7类收入户在水价高增长收入低增长情景下的人均用水量与在水价低增长收入高增长情景相比下,分别减少了16.7 %、18.4 %、18.1 %、16.1 %、15.0 %、17.8 %和13.8 %,水价和收入会明显影响家庭用水量.MA-UHWDS为区域用水总量调控提供了新的研究思路和工具.%In this paper, a model named MA-UHWDS, which can analyze the variation trend and influ?ence factors of urban household water demand by constructing different development scenarios, is proposed for the control objective of total water line and the urban household water shortage. The model is applied in Qingdao City, first to calculate the marginal propensity to consume water, basic water demand, and per capita water consumption of different income households with statistics from 2003 to 2012, then simulation and prediction of the per capita water consumption and total urban household water demand from 2013 to 2022 in different scenarios are analyzed quantitatively. The results indicate that average share of expendi?ture for water use in living expenditure from 2003 to 2012 is just 0.395%, and the shares are so small that the public awareness on water conservation is weak;the per capita water consumption of the lowest in?come household from 2003 to 2012 are all below the basic water demand except 2008, while the highest is 14.16 m3 higher than that, therefore both the payment ability of the low income household and the over?use of the high should be considered in the reform of water price;compared with the scenario of PlIhSlEl in 2022, the per capita water demand of seven kinds of income households in that of PlIhSlEl decrease 16.7%,18.4%,18.1%,16.1%,15.0%,17.8% and 13.8%,respectively,so water price and disposable in?come could obviously impact the household water demand. MA-UHWDS provides new research idea and tool for total water consumption control.
    • 丁小虎; 陈杰
    • 摘要: Three levels of consumption,namely necessity consumption,enjoyment consumption and development consumption are used as the starting point for the trend analysis of the consumption structure of the urban residents in Anhui Province.The panel data of 2000-2012 are used to describe the changes of residents’consumption structure. By using the extending linear expenditure system model (ELES),we calculated respectively the marginal consumption propensity and the elasticity of demand income based on the per capita consumption expenditure in 2009 and 2012. Through an analysis of the increase and decrease of the three-level consumption expenditure,as well as the overall trend judgment,we conclude that the consumption structure of urban residents in Anhui Province is in the basic situation of sound development.Policy suggestions for promoting the upgrading of the consumption structure are put forward from the aspects of increasing residents’income,broadening sources of income,perfecting the social security network,improving the level of social welfare,and promoting the reform of the residents’housing system.%将生存型、享受型、发展型三个消费层次作为对安徽省城镇居民消费结构趋势研究的切入点;采用2000-2012年的面板数据对居民消费结构的变化进行描述性分析,并利用扩展线性支出系统模型,分别计算出2009和2012年人均消费支出的边际消费倾向和需求收入弹性。通过对三个消费层次消费支出的增减分析以及整体趋势判断,得出安徽省城镇居民消费结构呈良性发展的基本态势,并从增加居民收入、拓宽收入渠道、完善社会保障网络、提高社会福利水平、推动居民住房制度改革等角度提出促进消费结构升级的政策建议。
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