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say的相关文献在1985年到2023年内共计39138458篇,主要集中在常用外国语、经济计划与管理、教育 等领域,其中期刊论文262篇、专利文献39138196篇;相关期刊162种,包括中小学外语教学:小学版、中学英语之友(初一版)、音乐世界等; say的相关文献由50000位作者贡献,包括不公告发明人、王伟、张伟等。



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  • 不公告发明人
  • 王伟
  • 张伟
  • 王磊
  • 李伟
  • 张磊
  • 刘伟
  • 王勇
  • 张涛
  • 李强
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献






    • 老艺术家
    • 摘要: 最近有朋友跟我抱怨,自己在英国留学口语能力没变多强,单单就习得了一个癖好,每天只要外出,逢人就忍不住要say sorry——开口就抱歉似乎已经融入每个英国人的血液当中,就跟他们见面就要聊天气那样约定俗成。我还联想到日本。毫不夸张地说,日本人的一天,就是在各种道歉与被道歉中度过的。
    • 摘要: "How are you?"is a nice question.It''s a friendly way that people in the United States greet each other.But"How are you?"is also a very unusual question.It''s a question that often doesn''t need an answer.The person who asks"How are you?"hopes to hear the answer"Fine.",even if the person''s friend isn''t fine.The reason is that,"How are you?"isn''t really a question and"Fine."isn t really an answer.They are simply other ways of saying"Hello"or"Hi"!
    • 梅俊英
    • 摘要: well这个词是英语中较为常用的单词,其常见用法主要体现在两个方面。下面举例说明,希望同学们能够正确、灵活地运用。一、well用作副词,意为"很好地、恰当地、充分地、很可能"等。例如:1.Better to do well than to say well.说得好不如做得好。2.Do these two colours go well together?这两种颜色是否协调?3.Do you think you know her very well?你认为你非常了解她吗?4.He must be well over/past forty.他肯定大大超过40岁了。
    • 祝士伟; 童亦(图)
    • 摘要: 6月,2021年D&AD获奖名单公布,杭州Quinsay Design工作室,凭借与感物品牌合作的《绕着光公转——地板上的二十四节气》系列作品,赢得了木铅笔奖。童亦是Quinsay Design工作室的创始人和艺术指导,与很多艺术生背景的设计师不同,他是一个理科生。
    • 王慧慧
    • 摘要: “拒绝”在日常交际中广泛存在而又非常敏感。面对别人盛情难却的邀请、请求或建议时,直截了当地拒绝往往会危及对方的面子,甚至将关系弄僵。学会委婉而得体地拒绝,对英语交际非常重要。接下来,我们来看看英语中都有哪些表达拒绝的方式吧。
    • 王秀凤
    • 摘要: Long long ago, there lived a couple who had seven sons. But the couple wanted a daughter very much,and finally, they had a girl. She was very pretty and her parents loved her very much. One day the father needed water for the child, so he sent the seven brothers to a well in the forest to get it. Once there, though, the boys began to fight and the water jug(壶)fell into the well. The boys looked into the well and thought of their father. They were afraid to go home.
    • 孙秀玲; 朱秀兰
    • 摘要: so的用法很多,这里做一简要的汇总,希望能对同学们学习英语有所帮助。一、SO用作形容词,意为“属实的;真的”。例如:If what you say is really so,I will have to change my plan.如果你所言属实的话,那我必须改变我的计划。so还用于代替已述的形容词。例如:Of all the careless people,no one is more so than Tom.
    • 胡君祥
    • 摘要: If you''re planning a trip with your family,you''re in for many benefits.Research shows travel is good for mental and physical health,and family relationships.Travel is also an educational opportunity.It''s a rich experience to see different parts of the world and understand other cultures.Before the trip,you can do some pre-reading about the destination.This will help you find where and how learning might occur.You might also get your children to do this.Say you''re going on a trip to the South Pacific.
    • 孙亮
    • 摘要: “我还是从前那个少年,没有一丝丝改变。时间只不过是考验,种在心中信念丝毫未减。眼前这个少年还是最初那张脸,面前再多艰险不退却,say never never give up like a fighter……”2020年,一首名为《少年》的歌火遍全网,而bilibili视频网站在“五四青年节”前夕推出的向这个时代的新青年致敬的宣传片《后浪》,也在社会上引发各方热议。那么,什么是少年?是即便被误解、被轻视、被命运捉弄,也不服、不甘、不妥协。是无论出身,无论境遇,无论他人眼光,无论结果如何,都要披荆斩棘勇往直前,活出生命的无限可能。
    • 蒋慧
    • 摘要: Tom:What did the banana say to the elephant?Nick:I don’t know.Tom:Nothing.Bananas can’t talk.
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