首页> 外文期刊>Pattern Recognition: The Journal of the Pattern Recognition Society >Multi-oriented Bangla and Devnagari text recognition

Multi-oriented Bangla and Devnagari text recognition


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There are printed complex documents where text lines of a single page may have different orientations or the text lines may be curved in shape. As a result, it is difficult to detect the skew of such documents and hence character segmentation and recognition of such documents are a complex task. In this paper, using background and foreground information we propose a novel scheme towards the recognition of Indian complex documents of Bangla and Devnagari script. In Bangla and Devnagari documents usually characters in a word touch and they form cavity regions. To take care of these cavity regions, background information of such documents is used. Convex hull and water reservoir principle have been applied for this purpose. Here, at first, the characters are segmented from the documents using the background information of the text. Next, individual characters are recognized using rotation invariant features obtained from the foreground part of the characters. For character segmentation, at first, writing mode of a touching component (word) is detected using water reservoir principle based features. Next, depending on writing mode and the reservoir base-region of the touching component, a set of candidate envelope points is then selected from the contour points of the component. Based on these candidate points, the touching component is finally segmented into individual characters. For recognition of multi-sized/multi-oriented characters the features are computed from different angular information obtained from the external and internal contour pixels of the characters. These angular information are computed in such a way that they do not depend on the size and rotation of the characters. Circular and convex hull rings have been used to divide a character into smaller zones to get zone-wise features for higher recognition results. We combine circular and convex hull features to improve the results and these features are fed to support vector machines (SVM) for recognition. From our experiment we obtained recognition results of 99.18% (98.86%) accuracy when tested on 7515 (7874) Devnagari (Bangla) characters.



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