首页> 外文期刊>Mineralogy and Petrology >Crystallization conditions of the Wiborg rapakivi batholith, SE Finland: an evaluation of amphibole and biotite mineral chemistry

Crystallization conditions of the Wiborg rapakivi batholith, SE Finland: an evaluation of amphibole and biotite mineral chemistry

机译:芬兰东南部Wiborg rapakivi岩床的结晶条件:闪石和黑云母矿物化学的评估

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The wiborgite and dark wiborgite rapakivi granite phases of the Wiborg batholith in southeastern Finland compose about 80 percent of the total batholith area. A new study of the dominant mafic silicate minerals, in comparison with mafic silicates from more evolved granite phases, hybridized granite and mafic magmatic enclaves provide insights into the overall petrogenesis of the Wiborg batholith. All of the mafic silicate minerals are iron-rich, reflective of the whole rock compositions. Biotite is annitic, calcic amphibole is ferro-edenite to hastingsite, and subsolidus Fe-Mg amphibole is found as accessory grunerite. Temperatures derived from amphibole-plagioclase thermometry suggest crystallization at about approx 740 deg C. Pressure estimates derived from Al in amphibole barometry range between 2.5 and 5.4 kilobars. This is noticeably higher than the previous estimates of 1 kbar for the Wiborg batholith. Oxygen fugacity estimates from biotite suggest low fO_2 initial values and increase from FMQ to above NNO for late stage granite phases.
机译:芬兰东南部Wiborg岩基的辉石岩和深色辉石岩rapakivi花岗岩相约占整个岩基岩面积的80%。与主要的花岗岩相,杂化花岗岩和镁铁质岩浆飞地中的镁铁质硅酸盐相比,一项主要的镁铁质硅酸盐矿物的新研究为维堡岩基的整体成岩作用提供了见识。所有镁铁质硅酸盐矿物均富含铁,可以反映整个岩石成分。黑云母为羊水,钙质角闪石为亚铁辉石至黑闪石,并发现亚固相Fe-Mg角闪石为辅助闪铁矿。由闪石斜长石测温法得出的温度表明在约740℃下结晶。从闪石气压中的Al得出的压力估计值在2.5至5.4千巴之间。这明显高于先前估计的Wiborg岩基的1 kbar。黑云母的氧气逸度估计值表明低的fO_2初始值,后期花岗岩相从FMQ增加到NNO以上。



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