首页> 外文期刊>Marine and Petroleum Geology >Constraints for plate reconstruction using gravity data-implications for source and reservoir distribution in Brazilian and West African margin basins

Constraints for plate reconstruction using gravity data-implications for source and reservoir distribution in Brazilian and West African margin basins


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Evaluation of tertiary sequences of West Africa and Brazil typically requires large budgets and staffs to identify drilling targets.Since these tertiary sedimentary systems extend for hundreds of kilometers (Proc.Petrol.Geol,Deepwater Depositional Syst.(2001) 2;Marine petrol.Geol (1990) 94-122),well beyond the limits of individual 3D seismic surveys,additional information is necessary to interprent the most favourable locations for detailed exploration.Potential field data are powerful but often underutilized assets in building an exploration framework ofr reducing costs and interpretation risks.Although drilling locations are normally based on 3D seismic interpretations,reservoir sistribution is controlled by features mappable with other methods such as potential fields.Other factors crucial to petroleum maturation,migration and trap formation relate to deep-seated controls that are well imaged (and sometimes excluisively imaged) on potential field data.Our observations from potential field data help identify reservoir distribution;source pod locations,source maturity,possible migration pathways;adn potential traps.This paper illustrates the power of combining both regional and basinal scale interpretations based primarily on gravity analyses with extensive knowledge of the underlying geology.We review data sets and methods employed and describe results of a regional overview based on special plate-tectonic peconstructions of the South Atlantic.Examples from basin-scale work offshore West Africa and Brazil are used to illustrate factors important to hydrocarbon exploration.We conclude with a look ahead to improvements in methodology and appliation.
机译:对西非和巴西的第三系层序进行评价通常需要大量预算和人员来确定钻探目标,因为这些第三系沉积体系长达数百公里(Proc.Petrol.Geol,Deepwater Depositional Syst。(2001)2;海洋石油(1990)94-122),远远超出了单个3D地震勘测的范围,需要更多的信息才能对最有利的位置进行详细的勘探。潜在的现场数据是强大的工具,但在建立勘探框架以降低成本和降低成本方面常常未被充分利用。解释风险。尽管钻井位置通常基于3D地震解释,但储层的分布是由可与其他方法(例如势场)映射的特征控制的。对于石油成熟,迁移和圈闭形成至关重要的其他因素与深部控制有关,它们的成像良好(有时会独家成像)潜在的田间数据。现场数据可帮助识别储层分布,源区位,源成熟度,可能的迁移途径,adn潜在圈闭。本文说明了主要基于重力分析和广泛的基础地质知识将区域和盆地规模解释结合的力量。使用数据集和方法,并描述了基于南大西洋特殊板块构造的区域概述的结果。以西非和巴西近海盆地规模工作的实例为例,说明了对油气勘探的重要因素。改进方法和应用方面的进步。



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