
Hacking the quantum revolution: 1925-1975




I argue that the quantum revolution should be seen as an Ian Hacking type of scientific revolution: a profound, longue duree, multidisciplinary process of transforming our understanding of physical nature, with deep-rooted social components from the start. The "revolution" exhibits a characteristic style of reasoning - the hierarchization of physical nature - and developed and uses a specific language - quantum field theory (QFT). It is by virtue of that language that the quantum theory has achieved some of its deepest insights into the description of the dynamics of the physical world. However, the meaning of what a quantum field theory is and what it describes has deeply altered, and one now speaks of "effective" quantum field theories. Interpreting all present day quantum field theories as but "effective" field theories sheds additional light on Phillip Anderson's assertion that "More is different". This important element is addressed in the last part of the paper.
机译:我认为,量子革命应该被看作是伊恩·哈金(Ian Hacking)的科学革命类型:这是深刻的,悠久的历史,多学科的过程,从一开始就根深蒂固地转变了我们对自然本质的理解。 “革命”展现出一种典型的推理方式-物理自然的层次化-并发展并使用一种特定的语言-量子场论(QFT)。正是基于这种语言,量子理论对物理世界的动力学描述有了最深刻的认识。但是,什么是量子场论及其描述的含义已经发生了深刻的变化,现在人们谈论的是“有效的”量子场论。将当今所有的量子场论解释为“有效”场论,则进一步说明了菲利普·安德森(Phillip Anderson)的“更多不同”的主张。本文的最后部分讨论了这一重要因素。



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