首页> 外文期刊>International Geology Review >Crustal-Scale Cross-Section of the U.S. Cordillera, California and Beyond, Its Tectonic Significance, and Speculations on the Andean Orogeny

Crustal-Scale Cross-Section of the U.S. Cordillera, California and Beyond, Its Tectonic Significance, and Speculations on the Andean Orogeny


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A cross-section across northern California from the San Andreas fault to central Nevada exhibits both major east- and west-vergent structures. Fast-vergent structures include crustal wedging and fault-propagation folds in the Coast Ranges, emplacement of the Great Valley ophiolitic basement over Sierran basement rocks, early east-vergent structures in the latter, displacement along the eastern margin of the Sierra Nevada batholith, and thrust faults in western Nevada. West-vergent structures include faults within the Franciscan complex and "retrocharriage" structures in the Sierra Nevada A model of evolution of the U.S. Pacific margin emphasizes the role of ophiolites, island arc-continental margin collisions, and subduction of a large oceanic plateau. Early Mesozoic subduction along the Pacific margin of North America was modified by a 165-176 Ma collision of a major intra-oceanic arc/ophiolite complex. A complex SW Pacific-like set of small plates and their boundaries at various times may have been present in southern California between 115 and 40 Ma. Subduction of an oceanic plateau about 85-65 Ma (remnants in the Franciscan) produced east-vergent tectonic wedging in the Coast Ranges, possible thrusting along the eastern Sierra Nevada batholith margin, and development of Rocky Mountain Laramide structures. The "Laramide orogeny" is herein redefined to include all late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary (75-45 Ma) fold-thrust structures from the Pacific Coast to the Rocky Mountains. A speculative model for collisional involvement in the Andean orogeny is also presented, based upon timing of the onset of the Andean orogeny, the presence of oceanic terranes along the western margin of the Andes, and the presence along part of the length of the chain of a remnant marginal basin.
机译:从圣安德烈亚斯断层到内华达州中部,横跨加利福尼亚北部的断面显示出主要的东西方构造。快速边缘构造包括海岸范围内的地壳楔入和断层传播褶皱,席尔兰基底岩石上的大谷片石质基底的位置,后者中早期的东边缘构造,沿内华达山脉基岩东部边缘的位移以及内华达州西部的逆冲断层。西边的构造包括方济各会内部的断层和内华达山脉的“复古”构造。美国太平洋边缘的演化模型强调了蛇绿岩的作用,岛屿弧-大陆边缘的碰撞以及大洋高原的俯冲。沿北美太平洋边缘的中生代早期俯冲被一个主要的洋内弧/蛇绿岩复合体的165-176 Ma碰撞所改变。在加利福尼亚南部,可能在115至40 Ma之间出现了一组复杂的西南太平洋样小板块及其边界。俯冲约85-65 Ma的海洋高原(方济各会的残余物)在海岸山脉产生了东部趋近的构造楔形,可能沿内华达山脉东部的岩基带边缘逆冲,并形成了洛基山Laramide结构。本文将“ Laramide造山运动”重新定义为包括从太平洋海岸到落基山脉的所有晚白垩世-早第三纪(75-45 Ma)褶皱-冲断构造。还基于安第斯造山运动开始的时间,安第斯山脉西缘的海洋大地的存在以及沿安第斯山脉的部分链长的存在,提出了碰撞参与安第斯造山运动的推测模型。残余的边缘盆地。



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