首页> 外文期刊>American Museum Novitates >A new species of Megacricetodon (Cricetidae, Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Middle Miocene of northern Junggar Basin, China

A new species of Megacricetodon (Cricetidae, Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Middle Miocene of northern Junggar Basin, China


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Dental, mandibular, and postcranial specimens of Megacricetodon yei n. sp., are described. The new specimens, including the complete dentition, mandible, and partial forelimb and hindlimb, represent the most complete materials known for the genus, provide valuable information concerning the interspecific variation of the genus, and lead to the reassessment of the suprageneric position of Megacricetodon. Megacricetodon yei is characterized by having medium-size, clearly split anterocone of M1, presence of the labial spur of the anterolophule and the posterior spur of the paracone in some M1s, medium to long mesoloph in M1-2, frequent occurrences of double protolophules, transverse or posteriorly directed metalophule of M2, and single anteroconid of the m1. Megacricetodon yei is more closely related to Megacricetodon (= Aktaumys) dzhungaricus than to any other species of Megacricetodon, but is more derived than the latter. Based on the new information, the validity of the genus Aktaumys is discussed. The postcranial features of Megacricetodon yei show clear adaptations for terrestrial habits, but as in many ground-dwelling rodents living in burrows, it could also climb or dig. The associated fauna has been correlated to Tongxin fauna from the adjacent part of China and the Belometchetskya fauna of north Caucasus, equivalent to early Middle Miocene age, or MN 6 correlative. The stage of evolution of Megacricetodon yei is consistent with the faunal correlation.
机译:牙cri的牙齿,下颌和颅后标本。等等。新的标本,包括完整的牙列,下颌骨和部分前肢和后肢,代表了该属已知的最完整的材料,提供了有关该属种间变异的有价值的信息,并导致了对超大型齿sup的舌上位置的重新评估。 Megacricedondon yei的特征是M1具有中等大小的,清晰裂开的前圆锥形,某些M1中存在前耳的唇突和后锥后突,M1-2中至中速中枢,双原虫的频繁发生, M2的横向或后方定向的金属滤器,以及m1的单个前圆锥形。与任何其他种类的巨型猕猴菌(Megacricedondon yei)相比,巨型猕猴菌(Metrocricetodon yei)与巨型猕猴菌(Aktaumys)dzhungaricus的关系更为密切,但比后者更为丰富。根据新信息,讨论了Aktaumys属的有效性。 Megacricetodon yei的后颅骨特征显示出对陆生习性的明显适应,但是正如在许多生活在洞穴中的陆栖啮齿类动物一样,它也可能会爬升或挖掘。相关动物区系与中国邻近地区的同心动物区系和北高加索地区的Belometchetskya动物区系相关,相当于中新世中期早期或MN 6相关。大叶猴的进化阶段与动物的相关性一致。



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