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A Test Method to Evaluate Salt Tolerance of Ornamentals


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Because salts in irrigation water decrease plant growth, we wanted to develop a quick and easy method for evaluating salt tolerance that could be used in the greenhouse. Using plastic containers with lids, sea salt, and rooted cuttings, we monitored changes in plant quality, growth, and leaf water potential as electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium (Na) levels increased. In the first of two experiments, we compared sea hibiscus (Hibiscus tilliaceus) leaf water potential and plant quality in solutions with an EC of 0, 2.1, 4.2, 6.1, or 8.2 dS.m(-1) (0, 240, 420, 610, or 1010 mg.L-1 Na). After 14 days, sea hibiscus quality in solutions with an EC of 6.1 or 8.2 dS.m(-1) was less than plants in solutions of 0, 2.1, or 4.2 dS.m(-1). There was no difference in quality among plants in 0, 2.1, or 4.2 dS.m(-1) solutions. To test this method, in Expt. 2, we compared coleus (Coleus xhybridus), copperleaf (Acalypha wilkesiana), ficus (Ficus benjamina), jasmine (Jasminium multiflorum), and plumbago (Plumbago auriculata) plant quality and growth in solutions with an EC of 0, 1.3, 2.1, 4.2, 5.6, or 6.1 dS.m(-1) (0, 170, 240, 420, 520, or 610 mg.L-1 Na). Coleus quality declined at an EC greater than 1.3 dS.m(-1), whereas jasmine and plumbago quality declined at an EC greater than 2.1 dS.m(-1) Copperleaf and ficus declined at an EC greater than 4.2 dS.m(-1). Plant response did vary with low to medium salt-tolerant plants tolerating at an EC up to 1.3 and 170 mg.L-1 Na, whereas plants with a greater salt tolerance tolerated at EC and Na values up to 4.2 dS.m(-1) and 420 mg.m(-1) Na, respectively. The use of this method benefits growers by determining upper EC and Na limits when faced with poor-quality water resulting from saltwater intrusion or when using reclaimed wastewater with greater EC and Na levels.
机译:由于灌溉水中的盐减少了植物生长,我们希望开发一种快速简便的方法,用于评估温室可用于的耐盐性。使用带盖子的塑料容器,海盐和生根切割,我们监测植物质量,生长和叶水势的变化,因为导电性(EC)和钠(NA)水平增加。在两项实验中的第一个实验中,我们将海芙蓉(Hibiscus Tilliace)叶水潜力和植物质量进行了比较,EC为0,2.1,4.2,6.1或8.2 DS.m(-1)(0,240,420 ,610或1010 mg.l-1 na)。 14天后,EC的溶液中的溶液中的海芙蓉质量小于0,2.1或4.2ds.m(-1)的溶液中的植物。在0,2.1或4.2ds.m(-1)解决方案中的植物中的质量没有差异。要测试此方法,请在EXPT中。 2,我们比较菌肤(辣酱Xhybridus),Fickleaf(Acalypha Wilkesiana),Ficus(Ficus Benjamina),茉莉(Jasminium Multiflorum),和脾气(Plumbago auRiculata)植物质量和增长,EC为0,1.3,2.1, 4.2,5.6或6.1 ds.m(-1)(0,170,240,420,520,或610 mg.L-1 na)。 COSEUS质量在大于1.3 DS.m(-1)的EC下降,而茉莉和脾气质量在大于2.1 ds.m(-1)opperleaf和ficus的oc大于4.2 ds.m( -1)。植物响应确实随着在EC至1.3和170mg.L-1NA的EC耐受的低至中耐盐性植物而变化,而在EC和NA值耐受耐受较大耐盐性的植物,高达4.2 DS.m(-1分别为420 mg.m(-1)NA。当面对由咸水入侵或使用具有更高EC和NA水平的再生废水时,使用这种方法使用这种方法通过确定上部EC和NA限制来利用种植者。



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