首页> 外文期刊>AJR: American Journal of Roentgenology : Including Diagnostic Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Nuclear Medicine, Ultrasonography and Related Basic Sciences >Papillary lesions of the breast diagnosed at percutaneous sonographically guided biopsy: comparison of sonographic features and biopsy methods.

Papillary lesions of the breast diagnosed at percutaneous sonographically guided biopsy: comparison of sonographic features and biopsy methods.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to retrospectively assess the potential role of sonographic features and biopsy in the management of patients with papillary lesions diagnosed at percutaneous sonographically guided biopsy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Surgical or sonographic follow-up (> or = 2 years) was available in 123 women (age range, 21-75 years; mean age, 47 years) with 124 papillary lesions diagnosed at sonographically guided core needle or vacuum-assisted biopsy during a 7-year period. Surgical excision results or follow-up sonograms with no change at the 2-year follow-up served as the reference standard. We reviewed the sonographic features, biopsy results, and surgical or sonographic follow-up. Statistical analysis was performed using the Fisher's exact test for the difference of sonographic features. RESULTS: Cancer incidence per BI-RADS category was as follows: category 3, zero (0%) of 21; category 4a, 14 (17%) of 85; category 4b, four (36%) of 11; category 4c, one (20%) of five; and category 5, one (50%) of two. On sonography, two features distinguishing benign from malignant papillary lesions were echo pattern and margins of masses. Core needle biopsy gave a sensitivity of 28% and specificity of 100%, whereas both sensitivity and specificity were 100% with vacuum-assisted biopsy. Of 117 lesions with benign biopsy results, upgrade to malignancy or high-risk lesion was found in 17% of benign papillomas, 24% of atypical papillomas, and 0% of multiple papillomas. CONCLUSION: Vacuum-assisted biopsy was more accurate than core needle biopsy in diagnosing papillary lesions, and both sonographic features and core needle biopsy were not sufficiently accurate. Therefore, surgical excision should be performed for the accurate diagnosis of papillary lesions.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是回顾性评估超声特征和活检在经皮超声引导下活检诊断为乳头状病变的患者管理中的潜在作用。材料与方法:123例女性(年龄范围21-75岁;平均年龄47岁)接受了手术或超声检查(>或= 2年),有124例乳头状病变在超声引导下经针刺或真空检查确诊。在7年的时间内辅助活检。在2年的随访中无变化的手术切除结果或随访超声图作为参考标准。我们回顾了超声检查的特征,活检结果以及手术或超声检查的随访情况。使用费舍尔精确检验对超声特征进行统计分析。结果:每个BI-RADS类别的癌症发病率如下:类别3,零(0%)为21;类别4a,85中的14(17%); 4b类,其中11个中有四个(36%);类别4c,五分之一(20%);和类别5,其中两个(50%)之一。在超声检查中,区分良性和恶性乳头状病变的两个特征是回声模式和肿块边缘。针刺活检的敏感性为28%,特异性为100%,而真空辅助活检的敏感性和特异性均为100%。在117例具有良性活检结果的病变中,在17%的良性乳头状瘤,24%的非典型性乳头状瘤和0%的多发性乳头状瘤中发现恶性或高危病变。结论:真空辅助活检在诊断乳头状病变方面比芯针活检更准确,并且超声检查和芯针活检均不够准确。因此,应进行手术切除以准确诊断乳头状病变。



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