首页> 外文期刊>The Quekett journal of microscopy >Colourimetry of Iridescent Muscle Fibres

Colourimetry of Iridescent Muscle Fibres


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Countless professional scientists with expensive apparatus and government funding continue to strive after a complete understanding of the molecular basis of muscle contraction, but there are still a few humble mysteries to investigate with a microscope at home. I have paged through many scholarly textbooks on muscle biochemistry and biophysics, but I have never found an explanation for the muscle fibre iridescence I sometimes see in my Sunday roast beef. The most likely explanation I can deduce from my experiments at home is that the iridescence is caused by multilayer interference from discs of protein having different refractive indices [1]. This might even have some commercial importance.
机译:在完全了解肌肉收缩的分子基础的完全了解后,无数职业科学家们在昂贵的仪器和政府资金继续努力,但仍有一些谦逊的奥秘在家中用显微镜进行调查。 我在肌肉生物化学和生物物理学上进行了许多学术教科书,但我从未发现过我有时在我的星期天烤牛肉中看到的肌纤维彩虹物的解释。 我可以从家里的实验中推断出最可能的解释是,彩虹病是由来自具有不同折射率的蛋白质盘的多层干扰引起[1]。 这甚至可能有一些商业重要性。



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