首页> 外文期刊>Comparative parasitology >A New Species of Asymphylodora (Trematoda: Lissorchiidae) from Bata, Labeo bata (Cyprinidae), in the Sharda Canal of India, and Amendment of the Diagnosis for Asymphylodora

A New Species of Asymphylodora (Trematoda: Lissorchiidae) from Bata, Labeo bata (Cyprinidae), in the Sharda Canal of India, and Amendment of the Diagnosis for Asymphylodora

机译:来自印度的Sharda Canal的Bata,Labeo Bata(Cyprinidae)的新种Asymheyora(Trematoda:Lissorchiidae),以及修正asymhylodora的诊断

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A new species of Asymphylodora (Trematoda: Lissorchiidae) is described from the intestine of a bata (Labeo bata) collected from the Sharda Canal in Biswan (Sitapur), state of Uttar Pradesh, India. This is the fifth species of Asymphylodora named in India and the largest specimens reported from India (other than Asymphylodora indica, Asymphylodora kedarai, Asymphylodora ritai, and Asymphylodora punctatusi). It is also the second largest known in the genus next to Asymphylodora atherinopsidis. Members of the new species are similar to A. kedarai and A. punctatusi in that they possess the genital pore and cirrus on the right side of body rather than left as in the other species in world. In the new species the prepharynx is well developed, the esophagus is longer, the ceca extend posterior to the end of the testis, the size of testis is much larger, the vitellaria extend to near the anterior end of the ovary, there are both a spiny cirrus and a metraterm, and the body is longer than in both A. kedarai and A. punctatusi. Moreover, specimens of new species possess an ovary overlapping the anterodorsal margin of the testis rather than a pretesticular ovary as in A. punctatusi, and the sucker width ratio differs (1:0.90 in the newly described species versus 1:0.84 in A. punctatusi). The newly described species can be distinguished from A. kedarai by the presence of an undivided unipartite seminal vesicle and in relation to sucker width ratio (1:1.55 in A. kedarai). This is the first report of a species in the genus Asymphylodora from L. bata. Diagnosis for the genus is amended.
机译:从Biswan(Sitapur),印度北方邦北部的Sharda Canal收集的Bata(Labeo Bata)的肠道,描述了一种新的asphyrodora(trematoda:lissorchiidae)。这是印度名为的第五种Asymhylodora,最大的印度标本(Asymhylodora indica,ascymhylodora kedarai,assphyrodora ritai和assysphyrodora punctatusi)。它也是asysphyrodora atherinopsidis旁边的属于该属的第二大。新物种的成员类似于A. Kedarai和A.Punctatusi,因为它们拥有身体右侧的生殖器孔和卷曲,而不是在世界上的其他物种中留下。在新的物种中,普菲芬X很开发,食道较长,CECA延伸到睾丸结束后,睾丸的大小要大得多,Vitellaria延伸到卵巢前端附近,有两个多刺的卷曲和metraterm,身体比A. Kedarai和A.Punctatusi长。此外,新物种标本具有重叠睾丸的亚腔余量,而不是在A.Punctatusi中的预售卵巢,并且吸盘宽度比不同(在新描述的物种中的1:0.90与1:0.84中的1:0.84。 )。通过存在未分开的单一的单粒囊泡和与吸盘宽度比(1:1.55在A. kedarai中的1:1.55)的存在,可以将新描述的物种与A. kedarai区分开来。这是来自L. Bata的属asphyrodora属的物种的第一报告。修改了对属的诊断。



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