首页> 外文期刊>Nanotechnology >Antioxidant activity of hydrated carboxylated nanodiamonds and its influence on water gamma-radiolysis

Antioxidant activity of hydrated carboxylated nanodiamonds and its influence on water gamma-radiolysis


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Water radiolysis involves chemical decomposition of the water molecule into free radicals after exposure to ionizing radiation. These free radicals have deleterious effects on normal cell physiology. Carboxylated nanodiamonds (cNDs) appear to modulate the deleterious effects of gamma-irradiation on the pathophysiology of red blood cells (RBCs). In the present work, the antioxidant activity of hydrated cNDs (h-cNDs) on limiting oxidative damage (the water radiolysis effect) by gamma-irradiation was confirmed. Our results show that h-cNDs have remarkable free radical scavenging ability and preserve the enzymatic activity of catalase after gamma-irradiation. The underlying mechanism through which nanodiamonds exhibit antioxidant activity appears to depend on their colloidal stability. This property of detonation synthesized nanodiamonds is improved after carboxylation, which in turn influences changes in the hydrogen bond strength in water. The observed stability of h-cNDs in water and their antioxidant activity correlates with their protective effect on RBCs against gamma-irradiation.



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