首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service >A practical technique for wearing disposable eye protection

A practical technique for wearing disposable eye protection


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Dear Sir, Disposable masks with inbuilt eye protection shield the wearer from communicable diseases and are readily available, but are often rejected due to overhead light glare or fogging on the visor. These issues can be distracting, thereby detracting focus from an operation or procedure. The senior author developed the following method in Camp Bastion, Afghanistan, in order to overcome these problems. By preparing the visor as demonstrated in Figure 1, the difficulties with fogging and glare are consistently eliminated, irrespective of face shape or additional prescription glasses. The sloped angle of the visor with an additional anteverted lip (Figure 2) protects from fluid spray and does not compromise its original safety function. This method is simple to replicate and can be constructed within 15 seconds. The technique offers a simple and consistent method to wear disposable eye protection in comfort for procedures prone to exposure to bodily fluids, such as trauma emergencies and surgery.



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