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Sunscreen Use on the Dorsal Hands at the Beach


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Background. Since skin of the dorsal hands is a known site for the development of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, an epidemiologic investigation was needed to determine if beachgoers apply sunscreen to the dorsal aspect of their hands as frequently as they apply it to other skin sites. Aim. The aim of the current study was to compare the use of sunscreen on the dorsal hands to other areas of the body during subtropical late spring and summer sunlight exposure at the beach. Materials and Methods. A cross-sectional survey from a convenience sample of beachgoers was designed to evaluate respondent understanding and protective measures concerning skin cancer on the dorsal hands in an environment with high natural UVR exposure. Results. A total of 214 surveys were completed and analyzed. Less than half of subjects (105,49%) applied sunscreen to their dorsal hands. Women applied sunscreen to the dorsal hands more than men (55% women versus 40% men, P = 0.04). Higher Fitzpatrick Skin Type respondents were less likely to protect their dorsal hands from ultraviolet radiation (P = 0.001). Conclusions. More public education focused on dorsal hand protection from ultraviolet radiation damage is necessary to reduce the risk for squamous cell carcinomas of the hands.
机译:背景。由于背手皮肤是皮肤鳞状细胞癌发展的已知部位,因此需要进行流行病学调查,以确定泳客是否像涂在其他皮肤部位一样频繁地在手背涂防晒霜。目标。本研究的目的是比较在亚热带晚春和夏季在海滩上暴露于阳光下时,在手背和身体其他部位使用防晒霜的情况。材料和方法。从上流海滩的人中抽取的方便样本进行横断面调查,旨在评估受访者在自然UVR暴露量较高的环境中对手背皮肤癌的理解和保护措施。结果。总共完成了214次调查并进行了分析。不到一半的受试者(105.49%)对他们的手背涂了防晒霜。女性在背背上使用防晒霜的比例高于男性(女性55%,男性40%,P = 0.04)。 Fitzpatrick皮肤类型较高的受访者不太可能保护自己的手背免受紫外线辐射(P = 0.001)。结论。为了减少手部鳞状细胞癌的风险,有必要开展更多针对手背保护免受紫外线辐射损害的公众教育。



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