首页> 外文期刊>Journal of skin cancer >Ipilimumab: A First-in-Class T-Cell Potentiator for Metastatic Melanoma

Ipilimumab: A First-in-Class T-Cell Potentiator for Metastatic Melanoma


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Ipilimumab, a fully human anti-cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 monoclonal antibody that potentiates antitumor T-cell responses, has demonstrated improved survival in previously treated and treatment-naive patients with unresectable stage III/IV melanoma. Survival benefit has also been shown in diverse patient populations, including those with brain metastases. In 2011, ipilimumab (3 mg/kg every 3 weeks for 4 doses) was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for unresectable or metastatic melanoma. Ipilimumab can induce novel response patterns for which immune-related response criteria have been proposed. irAEs are common but are usually low grade; higher grades can be severe and life-threatening. irAEs are usually manageable using established guidelines emphasizing vigilance and prompt intervention. This agent provides an additional therapeutic option in metastatic melanoma, and guidelines for management of adverse events facilitate clinical implementation of this new agent.
机译:伊匹木单抗是一种完全的人类抗细胞毒性T淋巴细胞抗原4单克隆抗体,可增强抗肿瘤T细胞反应,已证明在先前接受过治疗和未接受过治疗的无法切除的III / IV期黑色素瘤患者中,生存率得到了改善。在包括脑转移在内的各种患者中也显示出了生存益处。 2011年,美国食品药品管理局批准了ipilimumab(每3周3毫克/千克,共4剂)用于不可切除或转移性黑色素瘤的治疗。伊匹木单抗可以诱导新的反应模式,针对该反应模式提出了免疫相关反应标准。 irAEs很常见,但通常是低等级的;更高的成绩可能会严重影响生命。通常可以使用既定的准则来加强对irAE的管理,该准则强调警惕和及时干预。该药物在转移性黑色素瘤中提供了另一种治疗选择,并且不良事件管理指南促进了该新药物的临床应用。



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