首页> 外文期刊>HortTechnology >Weed Control in Sweet Bell Pepper Using Sequential Postdirected Applications of Pelargonic Acid

Weed Control in Sweet Bell Pepper Using Sequential Postdirected Applications of Pelargonic Acid


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Pepper (Capsicum annuum) producers would benefit from additional herbicide options that are safe to the crop and provide effective weed control. Research was conducted in southeastern Oklahoma (Atoka County, Lane, OK) during 2010 and 2011 to determine the impact of pelargonic acid on weed control efficacy, crop injury, and pepper yields. The experiment included pelargonic acid applied unshielded postdirected at 5, 10, and 15 lb/acre, plus an untreated weedy control and an untreated weed-free control. 'Jupiter' sweet bell pepper, a tobacco mosaic virus-resistant sweet pepper with a 70-day maturity, was transplanted into single rows on 3-ft centered raised beds with 18 inches between plants (9680 plants/acre) on 28 May 2010 and 27 May 2011, respectively. Weeds included smooth crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum), cutleaf groundcherry (Physalis angulata), spiny amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus), and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus). Pelargonic acid was applied postdirected each year in mid-June and then reapplied 8 days later. The 15-lb/acre pelargonic acid treatment resulted in the maximum smooth crabgrass control (56%) and broadleaf weed control (66%) at 1 day after the initial spray treatment (DAIT), and 33% yellow nutsedge control at 3 DAIT. Pelargonic acid at 15 lb/acre provided equal or slightly greater smooth crabgrass and broadleaf (cutleaf groundcherry and spiny amaranth) control compared with the 10-lb/acre application, and consistently greater control than the 5-lb/acre rate and the weedy control. Pelargonic acid was less effective at controlling yellow nutsedge than smooth crabgrass and broadleaf weeds. As the rate of pelargonic acid increased from 5 to 15 lb/acre, yellow nutsedge control also increased significantly for all observation dates. Increasing the pelargonic acid application rate increased the crop injury rating. The maximum crop injury occurred for each application rate at 1 DAIT with 7%, 8.0%, and 13.8% injury for pelargonic acid rates 5, 10, and 15 lb/acre, respectively. There was little or no new crop injury after the second postdirected application of pelargonic acid and crop injury following 3 DAIT for application rates was 2% or less. Only the 15-lb/acre pelargonic acid application produced greater fruit per hectare (4784 fruit/ha) and yields (58.65 kg.ha(-1)) than the weedy control (1196 fruit/ha and 19.59 kg.ha(-1)). The weed-free yields (7176 fruit/ha, 178.11 kg.ha(-1), and 24.82 g/fruit) were significantly greater than all pelargonic acid treatments and the weedy control. Pelargonic acid provided unsatisfactory weed control for all rates and did not significantly benefit from the sequential applications. The authors suggest the pelargonic acid be applied to smaller weeds to increase the weed control to acceptable levels (>80%).
机译:辣椒(Capsicum annuum)生产者将从对农作物安全并能有效控制杂草的其他除草剂中受益。在2010年至2011年间,在俄克拉荷马州东南部(俄克拉何马州阿托卡县,莱恩)进行了研究,以确定壬酸对杂草控制功效,作物伤害和辣椒产量的影响。该实验包括以5磅/英亩,10磅/英亩和15磅/英亩的浓度无遮蔽地定向施用壬酸,再加上未经处理的杂草对照和未经处理的无杂草对照。 2010年5月28日将'木星'甜柿子椒(成熟期为70天的抗烟草花叶病毒的甜椒)单行移植到3英尺居中的高架床上,株高为18英寸,植株间(9680株植物/英亩)和分别于2011年5月27日。杂草包括光滑的马鞭草(Digitaria ischaemum),切叶地面樱桃(Physalis angulata),多刺a菜(Amaranthus spinosus)和黄色nuts(Cyperus esculentus)。每年在6月中旬前后施用壬酸,然后在8天后重新施用。 15磅/英亩的壬酸处理在初始喷雾处理(DAIT)后1天达到了最大的平滑马尾草控制(56%)和阔叶杂草控制(66%),在3 DAIT时达到了33%的黄色坚果边缘控制。与10磅/英亩施用相比,15磅/英亩的壬酸可提供相等或稍高的光滑马尾草和阔叶(无刺叶樱桃和刺a菜)对照,并且始终比5磅/英亩施用率和杂草对照更好。相对于光滑的马鞭草和阔叶杂草,壬酸在控制黄色树篱上的效果较差。随着壬酸的比率从5磅/英亩增加到15磅/英亩,所有观察日期的黄色树梢防治也显着增加。增加壬酸施用量可增加农作物的伤害等级。每种施用量在1 DAIT时最大的农作物伤害发生,其中壬酸5、10和15磅/英亩分别造成7%,8.0%和13.8%的伤害。在第二次直接施用壬酸后,几乎没有或没有新的农作物伤害,在施用3 DAIT后,农作物的伤害率为2%或更低。仅15磅/英亩的壬酸施用量就比杂草对照(1196个水果/公顷和19.59 kg.ha(-1)的每公顷水果产量更高(4784个水果/公顷),单产(58.65 kg.ha(-1))。 ))。无杂草产量(7176果实/公顷,178.11 kg.ha(-1)和24.82 g /果实)显着高于所有壬酸处理和杂草控制。壬酸对所有速率的杂草控制均不能令人满意,并且从顺序施用中并未显着受益。作者建议将壬酸应用于较小的杂草,以将杂草控制提高到可接受的水平(> 80%)。



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