首页> 外文期刊>Pure and Applied Geophysics >Modeling the Crust and Upper Mantle in Northern Beata Ridge (CARIBE NORTE Project)

Modeling the Crust and Upper Mantle in Northern Beata Ridge (CARIBE NORTE Project)

机译:对北Beata岭的地壳和上地幔建模(CARIBE NORTE项目)

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The complex tectonic region of NE Caribbean, where Hispaniola and Puerto Rico are located, is bordered by subduction zone with oblique convergence in the north and by incipient subduction zone associated to Muertos Trough in the south. Central Caribbean basin is characterized by the presence of a prominent topographic structure known as Beata Ridge, whose oceanic crustal thickness is unusual. The northern part of Beata Ridge is colliding with the central part of Hispaniola along a transverse NE alignment, which constitutes a morphostructural limit, thus producing the interruption of the Cibao Valley and the divergence of the rivers and basins in opposite directions. The direction of this alignment coincides with the discontinuity that could explain the extreme difference between west and east seismicity of the island. Different studies have provided information about Beata Ridge, mainly about the shallow structure from MCS data. In this work, CARIBE NORTE (2009) wide-angle seismic data are analyzed along a WNW-ESE trending line in the northern flank of Beata Ridge, providing a complete tectonic view about shallow, middle and deep structures. The results show clear tectonic differences between west and east separated by Beata Island. In the Haiti Basin area, sedimentary cover is strongly influenced by the bathymetry and its thickness decreases toward to the island. In this area, the Upper Mantle reaches 20 km deep increasing up to 24 km below the island where the sedimentary cover disappears. To the east, the three seamounts of Beata Ridge provoke the appearance of a structure completely different where sedimentary cover reaches thicknesses of 4 km between seamounts and Moho rises up to 13 km deep. This study has allowed to determine the Moho topography and to characterize seismically the first upper mantle layers along the northern Beata Ridge, which had not been possible with previous MCS data.
机译:伊斯帕尼奥拉和波多黎各所处的东北加勒比海复杂的构造区域,北部为俯冲带倾斜交汇的俯冲带,南部为与穆尔托斯海槽相关的初始俯冲带。中部加勒比海盆地的特征是存在着一个显着的地形结构,即Beata Ridge,其海洋地壳厚度是不寻常的。 Beata Ridge的北部沿横向NE线与Hispaniola的中部碰撞,这构成了形态构造极限,从而导致了慈宝谷的中断和河流和盆地在相反方向上的分叉。这种对准的方向与不连续性相吻合,可以解释该岛的东西部地震活动之间的极端差异。不同的研究提供了有关Beata Ridge的信息,主要是有关MCS数据的浅层结构的信息。在这项工作中,沿着Beata Ridge北部翼缘的WNW-ESE趋势线分析了CARIBE NORTE(2009)广角地震数据,从而提供了有关浅,中,深结构的完整构造视图。结果表明,被Beata岛隔开的东西方之间明显的构造差异。在海地盆地地区,沉积物覆盖层受到测深法的强烈影响,并且其厚度向岛的方向减小。在这个区域,上地幔到达20公里深,并增加到该岛下方24公里处,那里的沉积层消失了。在东部,Beata Ridge的三个海山激起了一种结构完全不同的结构,沉积物覆盖层在海山之间的厚度达到4 km,而Moho上升到13 km深。这项研究可以确定莫霍地区的地形,并在比阿特山脊的北部地区对上地幔的第一层进行地震表征,而以前的MCS数据是不可能的。



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