首页> 外文期刊>Psychology & marketing >The Impact of Branding on Low-Income Adolescents:A Vicious Cycle?

The Impact of Branding on Low-Income Adolescents:A Vicious Cycle?


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This study examines the impact of consumerism and consumerculture on low-income British adolescents. Specifically, it investigatesthe effects of branding and advertising on the formation of self-concept clarity (SCC) and consumer susceptibility to interpersonalinfluence (CSII). A comparative study was conducted between twogroups, low- and high-income teenagers, assessing SCC and CSII bymeans of quantitative scales. It was found that low-income teenagersare less clear in their self-concept and are more susceptible to inter-personal influence than their high-income counterparts. A significantnegative correlation between the two scales revealed that the lessclear one's self-concept is, the more susceptible one is to interpersonalinfluence. It is proposed that an inability to "keep up" with the latestfashion trends (due to restricted consumption opportunities) mayresult in a damaged self-concept among low-income teenagers, whichleads to heightened susceptibility to consumption pressures andhence heightens the negative socio-psychological impacts of living inpoverty. The results of the study are reviewed in terms of branding,advertising, and consumer behavior and a proposed conceptualmodel of branding's impact on low-income teenagers is presentedas a "vicious cycle"



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