首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Small Steps Are Easier Together: a goal-based ecological intervention to increase walking by women in rural worksites.

Small Steps Are Easier Together: a goal-based ecological intervention to increase walking by women in rural worksites.


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OBJECTIVE: Small Steps Are Easier Together (SmStep) was a locally-instituted, ecologically based intervention to increase walking by women. METHODS: Participants were recruited from 10 worksites in rural New York State in collaboration with worksite leaders and Cooperative Extension educators. Worksite leaders were oriented and chose site specific strategies. Participants used pedometers and personalized daily and weekly step goals. Participants reported steps on web logs and received weekly e-mail reports over 10 weeks in the spring of 2008. RESULTS: Of 188 enrollees, 114 (61%) reported steps. Weekly goals were met by 53% of reporters. Intention to treat analysis revealed a mean increase of 1503 daily steps. Movement to a higher step zone over their baseline zone was found for: 52% of the sedentary (n=80); 29% of the low active (n=65); 13% of the somewhat active (n=28); and 18% of the active participants (n=10). This placed 36% of enrollees at the somewhat active or higher zones (23% at baseline, p<0.005). CONCLUSION: Workers increased walking steps through a goal-based intervention in rural worksites. The SmStep intervention provides a model for a group-based, locally determined, ecological strategy to increase worksite walking supported by local community educators and remote messaging using email and a web site.
机译:目的:小步更容易在一起(SmStep)是一种在当地实施的,基于生态的干预措施,旨在增加妇女的行走能力。方法:与工作现场负责人和合作推广教育者合作,从纽约州农村的10个工作地点招募参与者。工作现场负责人被定向并选择了特定于站点的策略。参与者使用计步器,并设置了个性化的每日和每周步数目标。参与者报告了Web日志上的步骤,并在2008年春季的10周内收到了每周的电子邮件报告。结果:在188位注册者中,有114位(61%)报告了步骤。 53%的记者实现了每周目标。治疗意向分析显示平均每天增加1503个步骤。在以下情况下发现移至其基线区域上方的较高台阶区域:52%的久坐者(n = 80);低有效状态的29%(n = 65);活跃程度的13%(n = 28);和18%的活跃参与者(n = 10)。这使36%的入学者处于较为活跃或较高的地区(基线时为23%,p <0.005)。结论:通过在农村工作场所进行基于目标的干预,工人增加了步伐。 SmStep干预措施为基于群体的,本地确定的生态策略提供了模型,以增加本地社区教育者支持的工作场所步行,并使用电子邮件和网站进行远程消息传递。



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