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27/08/2011 - Port canaveral cruise terminal project sets sail


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$60.1 million cruise terminal underway Even as they were celebrating the start of construction of a new cruise terminal, Port Canaveral officials looked ahead to their next big thing: Finding federal and state funds to widen and deepen the port channel to handle the huge new ships of the future. More than 100 community leaders gathered Friday at the port for a ceremony marking the start of construction of the Cruise Terminal 6 complex, which will cost $60.1 million. Canaveral Port Authority Chief Executive Officer J. Stanley Payne urged attendees to start lobbying their federal and state elected official to support a $34 million project to widen and deepen the port's channel. "This is absolutely critical to this port," as it seeks to preserve jobs and attract new ones, Payne said. A major expansion of the Panama Canal that is expected to be completed in 2014 will make it easier for large cruise and cargo ships to go from the Pacific to Adantic Coast ports like Port Canaveral. As a precursor to the larger effort to accommodate larger cruise and cargo ships, the port has completed a $7.8 million project to remove 600,000 cubic yards of dirt from its West Turning Basin. The move will allow larger ships to maneuver in the basin.
机译:价值6010万美元的游轮码头建设正在进行中尽管他们正在庆祝新邮轮码头建设的开始,但卡纳维拉尔港的官员仍在展望他们的下一件大事:寻找联邦和州基金来拓宽和加深港口通道,以处理庞大的新船未来。周五,有100多名社区领导人聚集在港口举行了庆祝仪式,标志着6号邮轮码头建筑群的建设开始,耗资6010万美元。卡纳维拉尔港务局首席执行官J. Stanley Payne敦促与会者开始游说其联邦和州选举产生的官员,以支持一项耗资3,400万美元的项目,以拓宽和加深港口的通道。佩恩说:“这对于这个港口绝对至关重要,”它试图保留工作并吸引新的工作。巴拿马运河的重大扩建预计将于2014年完成,这将使大型邮轮和货船从太平洋前往卡纳维拉尔港等阿拉伯海岸的港口变得更加容易。作为更大的努力来容纳更大的游轮和货船的先驱,该港口已经完成了一项耗资780万美元的项目,目的是清除西转向盆地的60万立方码的污垢。此举将使大型船只能够在流域内机动。



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