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Phytoplankton of artificial ecosystems – an attempt to assess water quality




Phytoplankton changes in canals were described in light of communities in chosen lakes of the Konin lakes system, and links were identified between these changes and water quality assessments based on different biological indexes. Seasonal phytoplankton studies were performed in the Warta-Goplo (WG) and Konin Power Plant (EK) canals. 258 and 223 taxa from six divisions were identified that comprised a maximum biomass of 13.4 mg dm-3 in the EK canal and 9.3 mg dm-3 in the WG canal. The communities in the canals were co-dominated by diatoms, cryptomonads, and chlorophytes. Blooms of the cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae were only noted in the WG canal. The phytoplankton in the EK canal and Lake OElesinskie were closely similar. Consistent water quality assessments were obtained with the saprobic system (moderately polluted and good quality), while the results of the algal genus pollution index indicated there was a high degree of pollution. Classifications using the Shannon-Weaver and indexes (IT) indicated the water quality in the EK canal was good, while in the WG canal the water had low levels of pollution and was at a poor ecological potential. Classification modifications based on the Shannon-Weaver index permit assessing canal water quality analogously to the saprobity index. Using these indexes is proposed as a phytoplankton-based alternative to multi-metric assessments of ecological status or potential in small rivers, streams, and canals. The possibility of performing comprehensive, five-degree classifications was confirmed, thus, permitting the recommendation of this method for water quality assessments.
机译:根据科宁湖系统选定湖泊中的群落描述了渠道中的浮游植物变化,并根据不同的生物学指标确定了这些变化与水质评估之间的联系。在Warta-Goplo(WG)和Konin发电厂(EK)的运河中进行了季节性浮游植物研究。确定了来自六个部门的258和223类群,其在EK管中的最大生物量为13.4 mg dm-3,在WG管中的最大生物量为9.3 mg dm-3。运河中的群落以硅藻,隐孢子虫和绿藻类植物为主。仅在WG运河中发现了蓝藻铜绿微囊藻和Aphanizomenon flos-aquae的水华。 EK运河和OElesinskie湖的浮游植物非常相似。厌氧系统获得了一致的水质评估(中度污染和良好的水质),而藻类污染指数的结果表明存在高度污染。使用Shannon-Weaver和指数(IT)进行分类表明,EK运河的水质良好,而WG运河的水污染水平低,生态潜力很差。基于香农-韦弗指数的分类修改允许类似于腐烂指数来评估运河水质。建议使用这些指数作为基于浮游植物的替代方法,以替代对小河,溪流和运河的生态状况或潜力进行多尺度评估。确定了进行全面的五级分类的可能性,因此,可以推荐使用此方法进行水质评估。



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