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Open Rank Tenure-Eligible Faculty Positions Department of Biostatistics Positions #F38130 and #F38140


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The Department of Biostatistics at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) is seeking to fill two tenured/tenure-eligible faculty positions at the level of assistant, associate, or full professor. For position #F38130, we are seeking applicants with training and research interest in the design and statistical analysis of high-throughput genomic data (e.g., next generation sequencing, microarray, proteomic technologies), bioinformatics, computational biology, or closely related area. For position #F38140, the candidate should have interdisciplinary research interests with the potential for external funding and scholarship that complements existing expertise in the department. Research areas of particular interest for position #F38140 include (but are not limited to) statistical learning and data mining, non-linear modeling, longitudinal and hierarchical modeling, survival analysis, stochastic processes, Bayesian statistics, statistical computing, and risk analysis. Additionally, applicants for both positions should have collaborative research experience. Faculty are expected to maintain extramural grant support, teach and advise graduate students, and provide departmental and university service.


  • 来源
    《AMSTAT news》 |2014年第449期|44-44|共1页
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