首页> 中文期刊> 《舰船科学技术》 >基于Bartlett加权的水下近场多源精确定位




In the passive direction-of-arrival estimation of underwater near-field multi-source,the line array with elements range bigger than half of the wavelength is used. Conventional beam-forming method and Capon beam-forming method have high estimation accuracy for a single source, but have low estimation accuracy for multi sources. Aimed at the weakness of these methods, an accurate direction-of-arrival estimation method based on Bartlett weighting is presented. This method first estimates the coarse direction-of-arrival of sources by using conventional beam-forming method and Capon method, and then accurately estimates the direction-of-arrival of multi sources by using Bartlett beam-forming. The simulation result shows that this method can obtain more accurate direction-of-arrival estimation of multi sources.%水下近场声源被动定位中,为了使用少量阵元获得更高的分辨率,阵元为稀疏布置(阵元间距大于半波长).对于单个声源,利用Capon法可以精确获得该声源的位置.但对于多个声源,Capon法的定位精度将会降低,对多散射点的显示结果造成影响.针对此,提出了利用常规波束形成法和Capon法获得初步定位的基础上,再通过Banlett加权在各声源处进行波束置零以减少其相互之间的干扰,再取Bartlett波束形成器的输出结果的倒数来显示多个声源所处的位置.通过数值仿真对本文所提出的方法进行了验证.



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