首页> 中文期刊> 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 >后现代身体的分裂与聚合--基于政治仪式中身体规训技术的分析




In the postmodern context, the tendency of the fission of the postmodern body directly pre-vents individuals from reaching political consensus and indirectly undermines the stability of the politi-cal power system and the existence of the political culture of nation-states. As a kind of special system of political behavior, the political ritual has two such functions as a continuous physical discipline technique and a stable physical discipline technique. The former function is traditional in that it works externally and forces the split body to combine together; the other is postmodern in the sense that it works internally, enabling the individual citizens to unite together actively by raising their awareness of their innate political rights and duties.%后现代情境中身体的分裂趋向,直接阻碍了个体迈向政治共识的道路,间接威胁到政治权力系统的稳定和民族国家政治文化的持存。政治仪式作为一种特殊的政治行为系统,借助连续性身体规训技术和稳定性社会规训技术,一方面,发挥传统的政治功能,由外而内地对分裂的身体施加一种强制性的聚合力;另一方面,为适应后现代社会而积极转变,通过唤起个体公民对其身份中蕴含着的政治权利和政治责任的重视,由内而外地产生出一种主动性的聚合力。



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