


As one of the most influential and outstanding contemporary Chinese writers, Fang Fang distin- guished himself in the literary circles in the 1980s and 1990s by "originally" portraying the coarse living state of common people in a secular stance as well as the deceit, suppression and alienation of human beings by the rigid and vulgar social reality, thereby becoming a representative writer of "neo-realism". In his novels of the new cen- tury, Fang Fang has realized his transcendence, as is manifest in the change of his narrative, i.e. the change from the portrayal of the survival dilemma of human beings and the alienation of humanity to the depiction of suh contents as "the survival destiny of human beings". "the confusion of humanitv" and "humanism" etc.%方方是中国当代最有影响力的优秀小说家之一。上世纪八九十年代,方方曾以世俗立场“原生态”地描写普通百姓粗鄙化的生存现状,以及僵化庸俗的现实对人的愚弄、迫压和异化而享誉文坛,成为“新写实”派代表性作家。在新世纪小说创作中,方方实现了对自己的超越,体现为叙事的变化,即从描写入的生存困境和人性异化到表现“人的生存命运”、“人性之困”和“人道主义”等思想内容。



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