首页> 中文期刊> 《地质通报》 >黑龙江完达山造山带填图方法实践及意义




The Wandashan accetionary orogenic belt (also called Nadanhada terrane), is located on the continental margin of North?east Asia. It is connected with the Sikhote-Alin orogenic belt in Far East of Russia, which together constitute a great proportion of circum-Pacific orogenic zone. These orogenic belts were closely related to the paleo-Pacific Ocean subduction. So far the research has suggested that these orogenic belts consist of such complex geological blocks as exotic terrain, small continent, island arc, oceanic crust, seamount, oceanic plateau and ophiolite. Nevertheless, the traditional rock-stratigraphy geological mapping method is not suit?able for the study area and it can not reflect the composition and tectonic properties of the complex. Therefore, this geological map?ping practice was aimed at the complex structural area of the orogenic belt and, based on the traditional field geological survey meth?od, the authors used the non-Smith stratigraphic mapping method to carry out the systematic geological mapping work. The results obtained by the authors should be significant for the understanding of tectonic evolution of Wandashan orogenic belt and also will play an exemplary role for orogenic belt mapping.%完达山增生造山带(也被称之为那丹哈达地体)位于东北亚大陆边缘,与俄罗斯远东地区的锡霍特-阿林增生造山带相连,它们共同构成环太平洋造山带的重要组成部分,是中国北方唯一的中生代海相沉积建造出露区.这些增生造山带的形成与古太平洋的俯冲增生作用密切相关,其中包括外来地体、微小陆块、岛弧、洋壳、海山、大洋高原、蛇绿岩等复杂的地质块体.传统的岩石地层填图方法在研究区不合适,无法反映杂岩属性.因此,在传统野外地质调查方法的基础上,采用针对造山带非史密斯地层填图方法,这将对本地区的地质工作有重要的意义.



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