首页> 中文期刊> 《中国舰船研究》 >水面舰船集成优化设计探讨




The maximization of the overall warship combat capabilities and the limited onboard resources, e.g.,space,displacement,energy,information,have always been a contradiction in ship design process⁃es. In view of the problem,the integration and optimization in the warship design is highly demanded. Through summarizing the mature design ideologies abroad,this paper introduces the fundamental concepts and principles of integrated and optimized design for naval surface ships. Some domestic problems in this area are also presented. It is suggested that the overall warship design should focus on the top-level de⁃sign,implement the optimization practically,and strengthen the management of the overall ship and sub⁃systems. Moreover,the structures of the main system need to be optimized so that the level of automatiza⁃tion,intelligentization,informationization,standardization and efficiency of each subsystem may be pro⁃moted. Finally,this paper presents the application outlook of the integration and optimization,particularly in improving the ship capability and reducing the life cycle cost.%  舰船综合作战能力的最大化与舰船资源的稀缺性是舰船设计阶段永恒的矛盾,集成优化设计正是在此背景下提出的解决舰船需求与现实之间矛盾的方案。通过提炼国外水面舰船集成优化设计思想,总结舰船集成优化设计的概念与原则;描述国内水面舰船集成优化设计存在的问题,并在此基础上提出舰船总体应通过做好型号总体顶层设计、落实总体设计优化工作及加强对总体和系统的监督管理,舰船系统应通过优化系统结构、提高“四化”(自动化、智能化、信息化及标准化)程度及提高系统效率等方面加强集成优化设计工作;展望了集成优化设计在改变设计理念、提升舰船能力及经济性等方面的收益。



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