首页> 外文会议>International Agro-Biotechnology Conference; 2005; Heilongjiang(CN) >Genetically-modified (GM) Foods and Development of the Detection Techniques

Genetically-modified (GM) Foods and Development of the Detection Techniques


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In order to improve crop yield, quantity, amplify ability of disease-resistant, insect-resistant and stress-resistant , many methods are applied to transfer the useful genes of different or wild close-relation varieties into the culti-vars, such as artificial hybridization and wild hybridization. Artificial hybridization has many limitations, such as the genes transfer can not be carried out among distant relative varieties, there are a lot of genes of no use or even harmless still existed, the efficiency of genes transferring is low. To solve these problems, scientists use advanced biological techniques to locate, separate and clone the genes we need, and then transfer them into the objective varieties. The process to transfer genes by biological techniques is called genetically-modified techniques.rnThere is no innate difference from the genes gotten by natural and traditional artificial hybridization, except the strong intention — only obtain the genes we want and the useless genes are keep away. Therefore the process of varieties screening was accelerated. Besides, the genes of wild species and artificial genes can also be diverted into the varieties we need, and the germplasm resource was broaden at the same time.



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