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XPrize Vehicle 100mpge City-Highway Math Model Electric-Hybrid Vehicles


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XPrize Vehicle Foundation guidelines include two vehicle categories: 'mainstream' and 'alternative'. 'Mainstream' four-wheel vehicles carry four-passengers and have 200mile range. 'Alternative' vehicles have no minimum wheel requirement, carry two or more passengers and require a 100mile range. However, both categories have the same fuel economy and emission requirements e.g., 100mpge (miles per gallon equivalent) or greater. A math model was developed to determine theoretical ideal mpge (assuming 100% o/a system drive line efficiency) and ideal maximum miles range given EPA FTP city/highway driving schedules. This study shows road load traction force is a function of driving schedule and specific vehicle design parameters, e.g., driving schedule acceleration cycles, vehicle test mass, tire rolling resistance drag coefficient, aerodynamic drag coefficient, equivalent flat plate frontal area and vehicle velocity. Overall power train system mechanical and electrical component losses are assumed to be ideal 100% efficient. Based on this math model and FTP city/hwy driving schedules sixteen commercially available battery electric and hybrid vehicles were evaluated to establish a reference baseline. Given vehicle EPA fuel economy label mpge ratings and this math model ideal mpge values, practical o/a mean effective mechanical-electrical system power train efficiency was found to be about 55% for electric and hybrid propulsion systems. Modest budget high school and amateur XPrize vehicle teams do not have access to wind tunnel nor EPA chassis dynamometer test facilities. This math model offers an effective method to estimate ideal mpge, ideal range, propulsion energy distribution: e.g, tire, aerodynamic, acceleration, regenerative braking energy recovery, for XPrize vehicle designs prior to competition.
机译:XPrize Vehicle Foundation指南包括两个类别的车辆:“主流”和“替代”。 “主流”四轮车可搭载四名乘客,航程为200英里。 “替代”车辆没有最低车轮要求,可搭载两名或以上乘客,并且要求行驶100英里。但是,这两个类别都具有相同的燃油经济性和排放要求,例如100mpge(英里/加仑当量)或更高。开发了一个数学模型,以确定给定的EPA FTP城市/高速公路驾驶时间表,从而确定理论上的理想mpge(假设系统驱动线效率为100%)和理想的最大行驶里程。这项研究表明,道路负载牵引力是行驶时间表和特定车辆设计参数的函数,例如行驶时间表加速周期,车辆测试质量,轮胎滚动阻力系数,空气动力学阻力系数,等效平板正面面积和车辆速度。动力总成系统的机械和电气组件的总损耗被认为是100%理想的效率。基于此数学模型和FTP城市/高速公路驾驶时间表,评估了16种商用电池电动和混合动力汽车,以建立参考基线。给定车辆EPA燃油经济性标签的mpge额定值和该数学模型理想的mpge值,发现电动和混合动力系统的实际平均有效机械/电气系统动力总成效率约为55%。预算有限的高中和XPrize业余车队无法使用风洞或EPA底盘测功机测试设施。该数学模型提供了一种有效的方法来估算理想的mpge,理想的范围,推进能量分布:例如轮胎,空气动力学,加速度,再生制动能量回收,用于XPrize赛车设计之前的比赛。



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