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去污剂的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计498篇,主要集中在化学工业、轻工业、手工业、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文104篇、会议论文9篇、专利文献587125篇;相关期刊94种,包括致富天地、技术与市场、农村青少年科学探究等; 相关会议8种,包括第十三届全国核化学与放射化学学术研讨会、2009年第十五次全国电化学学术会议、传化杯第七届全国染整前处理学术研讨会等;去污剂的相关文献由828位作者贡献,包括林晓艳、罗学刚、张丹等。



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  • 林晓艳
  • 罗学刚
  • 张丹
  • 武玉和
  • 叶帅
  • 白善良
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  • 谢颜仲
  • 凑屋街子
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  • 期刊论文
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  • 专利文献




    • 翟洪卫
    • 摘要: cqvip:常见的三类家用化学品是指含氯漂白剂、阳离子去污剂和含有阴离子和非离子型去污剂。畜禽接触未经稀释的含氯漂白剂,能引起消化道、皮肤及眼的刺激和溃疡,以及明显的呼吸刺激;接触阳离子去污剂可导致局部腐蚀性组织损伤以及严重的全身作用;动物接触到含有阴离子和非离子型去污剂的产品,通常能引起轻微的胃肠刺激。一旦发现动物摄入以上某一化学品引起的中毒,可采取文中推荐的诊断和治疗措施。1含氯漂白剂中毒各种畜禽都对含氯漂白剂较敏感。由于禽类肺部空气反向流动的解剖学和生理学特点,笼养鸡死于漂白剂和其他清洁剂烟雾(水汽)的危险性明显增加。
    • 郭知宇; 吴妍梅(辅导)
    • 摘要: 每到星期天,妈妈总会把我的脏衣服的衣领上滴几滴衣领净,来回地揉搓,然后放在洗衣机里,倒上洗衣液,一会儿就把我弄脏的衣服洗得干干净净了。我的家里还有许多各种各样的洗涤产品,比如肥皂、香皂、洗手液、强力去污剂等等,它们的作用是什么呢?都有什么不同呢?
    • 琦君
    • 摘要: 从我有记忆开始,母亲的一双手就粗糙多骨的。她整日地忙碌,从厨房忙到稻田,从父亲的一日三餐照顾到长工的“接力”(乡语“点心”之意)。一双放大的小脚没有停过。手上满是裂痕,西风起了,裂痕张开红红的小嘴。那时哪来像现在主妇们用的“萨拉脱、新奇洗洁精”等等的中性去污剂,洗刷厨房用的是强烈的碱水。母亲在碱水里搓抹布,有时疼得皱下眉,却从不停止工作。
    • 黄清臻; 章雷; 郭雪琪; 王莉莉
    • 摘要: 本文概述了放射性沾染的表面活性剂、螯合剂、氧化还原剂以及可剥离膜、自脆膜去污洗消剂与洗消去污技术的种类、特点、去污原理和应用,还包括了人员皮肤、伤口的去污洗消方法,简介了自脆型成膜技术、超临界流体消除技术,以及臭氧氧化、激光、电化学等离子体金属表面新型去污技术研究进展.
    • 赵艺林
    • 摘要: 牛奶。牛奶过期后乳酸含量会增加,而乳酸是一种天然的去污剂和增光剂,可以清理木地板。牛奶中所含的蛋白质和脂肪等物质,可以形成保护膜,让地板光亮如新,保护地板表层不被过多磨损或到划。
    • 张坤; 何泽银; 张涛; 杨川; 华卫星; 曹兴伟; 刘慧开
    • 摘要: 针对目前反应型压制去污剂喷洒作业中常出现喷嘴堵塞问题,提出一种压缩空气喷洒反应型压制去污剂的作业方法,设计了一种喷洒专用喷头。建立喷头喷洒过程流体分析模型,基于计算流体动力学方法(CFD)对喷头在不同入口压力下的内部流场压力、流速及喷洒状态进行了模拟。分析表明,当喷嘴入口压力高于2 MPa时,反应型压制去污剂的喷洒雾化均匀。为验证结构设计及分析模型的合理性,搭建喷洒试验装置,对反应型压制去污剂喷洒性能开展了试验研究。实际喷洒效果与仿真结果较为接近;去污剂的喷洒雾化较为均匀,喷洒效果较好。
    • 原维鸿; 沈先荣; 刘琼; 何颖; 陈伟; 王庆蓉; 罗群; 侯登勇; 唐雪
    • 摘要: 目的 研制一种可以有效清除皮肤钴(Co2+)、锰(Mn2+)放射性物质沾染的去污剂.方法 采用单因素考察和正交试验,研究去污剂配方组成;采用国家标准《消毒技术规范》中的皮肤刺激试验考察去污剂配方的皮肤刺激强度,按该标准中的评分方法评价其刺激性;采用常规去污沐浴露制备工艺制备去污剂;采用国标推荐的化学方法测定去污剂pH值、总活性物质、乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)含量和稳定性;采用志愿者手背皮肤进行CO2+和Mn2+稳定性核素沾染的去污效率测定.结果 筛选获得放射性沾染皮肤去污剂配方组成,制备获得高效去污剂.理化性质分析显示去污剂pH值为6.99,总活性物质含量为20.49%,EDTA含量为5.99%.稳定性试验结果显示,去污剂经-5°C和40°C环境放置24h后,无异味,无沉淀和变色现象,产品透明不混浊.皮肤冷态去污试验结果显示,去污剂对CO2+和Mn2+皮肤沾染的去污效率(分别为103.13%±0.05%和100.62%±0.09%)明显高于蒸馏水对照的去污率(分别为81.77% ±0.23%和79.63% ± 0.23%,P<0.01).结论 所研制的放射性沾染皮肤去污剂对冷态钴、锰核素沾染具有显著的去污效果,有望开发成放射性沾染皮肤的高效去污剂.%Objective To develop a detergent for decontamination of Co2+ and Mn2+ on skin.Methods Single-factor experimental and orthogonal experimental designs were performed to study the formula composition of the decontaminant.The skin irritation experiment was performed and assessed according to the standard method.The detergent was prepared according the conventional process of showering gel.The pH,ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) level,total active substances of the detergent,and its stability were evaluated according to the chemical method recommended in the national standard GB/T 13173-2008.The decontamination efficiency on stable isotopes of Co2+ and Mn2+ contamination was measured on the back of hand skin of volunteers.Results The formula composition of the decontaminant was obtained through the orthogonal experiment.The pH value of the detergent was 6.99,total active substance was 20.49% and the content of EDTA was 5.99%.After being kept at-5 °C and 40°C°C for 24h,the decontaminant showed no strange smell,no precipitation,no discoloration and still kept transparent.The decontamination effects on Co2+ and Mn2+ contaminated on hand skin were 103.13% ± 0.05% and 100.62% ± 0.09%,respectively,which was significantly higher than that of distilled water (81.77% ± 0.23% and 79.63% ± 0.23%,P<0.01,respectively).Conclusion The decontaminant has a high effect on decontamination of Co2+ and Mn2+ polluted on skin,and is hopeful to be developed as an effective detergent on radioactive isotopes contamination.
    • 马金辉; 于洁; 乔叶薷; 候陈玮; 鞠志海; 黑飞龙
    • 摘要: BACKGROUND: It is quite difficult to produce a decellularized lung scaffold, in which cells are removed and the extracellular matrix components (ECM) are preserved effectively. Perfusion of detergent-enzymes is an effective method with wide applications for decellularized lung scaffolds. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of two detergents (sodium deoxycholate, SDC and sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS) on the preparation of decellularized lung scaffolds. METHODS: Twenty-four male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized into three groups: control group with no intervention, SDC group and SDS group. Decellularized lung scaffolds were prepared by perfusion of SDC or SDS combined with enzymes. The rat lung tissues in the three groups were taken for histological staining, immunofluorescent staining and DNA quantification. A549 cells were cultured and seeded onto the decellularized lung scaffolds for 7 days followed by hematoxylin-eosin staining. The decellularized lung scaffolds prepared by perfusion of SDC or SDS were subcutaneously implanted into the rat back, and the implants were retrieved and assessed by Masson staining after 2 weeks. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: In the control group, there were abundant cells in the lung tissues. In the other two groups, the decellularized lung scaffolds were nearly transparent, and the morphology of the SDC scaffold was more close to the native lung. There were no residual cells and nuclei on the two scaffolds, and the DNA content in the SDS and SDC groups was significantly lower than that in the control group (P< 0.01). At 7 days of culture, A549 cells cultured on the SDS and SDC scaffolds migrated from the edge to the center of the scaffold. Comparatively speaking, the migration ability of A549 cells on the SDC scaffolds was stronger, and there was obvious cell invasion and growth in the middle part of the lung. After 2 weeks of scaffold transplantation, the SDC implants poorly fused with the surrounding tissues, with a clear boundary, a large number of infiltrating cells distributed evenly, and intravascular blood cells were clearly visible; the number of new blood vessels with larger diameter in the SDC scaffold was significantly higher than that in the SDS scaffold. These findings indicate that the SDC scaffold has better biocompatibility than the SDS scaffold, which can fuse with the surrounding tissues faster and produce more infiltrating cells and new blood vessels.%背景:制备脱细胞肺支架的一个困难在于必须充分去除细胞同时尽可能保留细胞外基质.灌注去污剂-核酸酶法已被广泛应用于脱细胞支架的制备.目的:对比脱氧胆酸钠和十二烷基硫酸钠两种去污剂用于制备脱细胞肺支架的效果.方法:取出24只雄性SD大鼠肺脏,分3组,正常对照组不进行任何干预;脱氧胆酸钠组灌注去污剂脱氧胆酸钠联合核酸酶,制备脱细胞肺支架;十二烷基硫酸钠组灌注去污剂十二烷基硫酸钠联合核酸酶,制备脱细胞肺支架;取3组肺组织,进行组织学染色、免疫荧光染色及DNA含量测定.将A549细胞分别接种于两组脱细胞肺支架上培养7 d,进行苏木精-伊红染色.将两组脱细胞肺支架分别埋于SD大鼠背部皮下,2周后进行移植组织Masson 染色.结果与结论:①正常对照组肺组织布满细胞,两脱细胞肺支架均没有残留的细胞和细胞核,但脱氧胆酸钠组肺支架内肺泡形态结构较十二烷基硫酸钠组完整;两组肺支架的DNA含量均低于正常对照组(P 0.01);②培养7 d,两组肺支架上的细胞均是由边缘向组织中间生长、浸润,脱氧胆酸钠组肺支架内的细胞生长、浸润速度明显优于十二烷基硫酸钠组;③肺支架移植2周后,十二烷基硫酸钠组肺支架与周围组织融合欠佳,边界清楚,可见大量细胞浸润,分布较均匀,血管内血细胞清晰可见;脱氧胆酸钠组肺支架内新生血管数量明显多于十二烷基硫酸钠支架,并且新生血管直径更大;④结果表明与十二烷基硫酸钠相比,采用去污剂脱氧胆酸钠制备的脱细胞肺支架生物相容性更好,与周围组织融合速度更快,细胞浸润和新生血管形成更明显.
    • 摘要: 淘米水是很好的去污剂,可以留下来洗碗或者浇花。沾了油的锅和盘子要先用用过的餐巾纸擦干净,洗起来既节水省时,又可少用洗涤剂,减少水污染。冲洗衣服时,可以加入少量肥皂粉,因为洗衣粉遇到肥皂会减少很多泡沫,既省水又节约清洗的时间。洗脸、洗手用小脸盆接住水,然后倒进大桶收集起来。洗手、洗澡、洗衣、洗菜的水和较干净的洗碗水都可以收集起来洗抹布、擦地板、冲马桶。
    • 摘要: a)节约用水。淘米水是很好的去污剂,可以留下来洗碗或浇花。沾了油的锅和盘子要先用用过的餐巾纸擦干净,洗起来既节水省时,又可少用洗涤剂,减少水污染。冲洗衣服时,可以加入少量肥皂粉,因为洗衣粉遇到肥皂会减少很多泡沫,既省水又节约清洗的时间。洗脸、洗手用小脸盆接住水,然后倒进大桶收集起来。
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