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NFV的相关文献在2013年到2023年内共计724篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、自动化技术、计算机技术、邮电经济 等领域,其中期刊论文442篇、专利文献282篇;相关期刊108种,包括电信工程技术与标准化、电信技术、电信科学等; NFV的相关文献由1313位作者贡献,包括逯利军、钱培专、陈鸣等。



论文:442 占比:61.05%


论文:282 占比:38.95%





  • 逯利军
  • 钱培专
  • 陈鸣
  • 余芳
  • 史凡
  • 朱雷
  • 阳志明
  • 胡森标
  • 赫罡
  • 唐宏
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 徐媚琳; 贾敏; 郭庆
    • 摘要: 软件定义网络和网络功能虚拟化能够有效解决大型网络难以管控、资源调度困难等问题。随着大规模卫星网络广泛应用,用户数量激增,对服务性能要求逐渐增加,这给网络管控和资源调度带来极大的负担,将软件定义网络的架构模型以及网络功能虚拟化等技术应用在大规模卫星互联网,可以有效解决目前存在的一些问题。提出基于SDN/NFV的新型卫星互联网架构,不同的卫星域可负责不同的功能,星间和域间可利用SDN和NVF进行有效协作,高效地利用网络资源,同时对其服务功能资源分配技术进行研究,优化VNF部署;提出基于资源感知的模拟退火算法,仿真结果表明此算法可以有效地降低服务功能链(SFC)数据流在传输时的端到端时延和带宽消耗,可以为用户提供更好的服务。
    • 林华; 薛静宜
    • 摘要: 本文主要介绍了SDN/NFV技术原理,阐述了两种技术的融合可进一步提升网络运行的高效性、集约性、可扩展性。根据高新视频、广播电视业务和移动互联网业务等对广电网络提出的新要求,本文提出了SDN/NFV技术在广电行业的应用,并介绍了特色应用部署方案。
    • 王鸿; 李凌; 何捷
    • 摘要: EVE-NG是一款虚拟网络仿真平台,能够模拟物理网络设备以及构建网络拓扑的操作。NFV也是构建于计算虚拟化基础之上,因此EVE-NG能够比较完整的模拟VNF。重点对EVE-NG平台进行的技术说明,主要包括与Web-IOU的对比、EVE-NG的后台机理、实验存储结构3个部分。
    • 冉崇书
    • 摘要: 新型城域网的CU分离,NFV网络架构,采用云化的IT架构,但是又具备传统电信业务的特征,针对运营商新型城域网的建设和发展情况,如何维护好新型城域网网络,如何构建新的运维方案,是保证日后网络稳定运行的关键。文章从业务分析保障、网络智能分析、告警分类聚合、业务自动下发、网络容灾测试、应急预案制定等六方面对新型城域网的运维方案进行了探讨。
    • 秦川
    • 摘要: 首先分析了地市边缘电信云资源池承载的业务以及机架需求,然后给出了地市边缘电信云资源池的机房选择建议,并从现有设备退网、整合以及机房空间、电源、空调、消防、土建等不同维度重点分析了传统通信机房DC化改造方案。
    • 陈斐; 陈志虎; 王台华
    • 摘要: 随着5G时代的到来,网络规模增长迅速,海量的网络管理规模在网络CAPEX、OPEX以及网络效率方面存在诸多问题,对于智能网络的高效率运营和可视化运维等方面提出更高的要求与挑战。本文根据中国移动江西公司推动网络智能架构以及SDN/NFV技术融合演进,以应用蓝图服务为基础的智能数据中心在自动化业务开通的基础上,能够清晰界定云网络边界、全局网络状态可视以及高效的运维能力等方面强化网络资源全局化可管、可控与可视。
    • Talha Ahmed Khan; Khizar Abbas; Afaq Muhammad; Wang-Cheol Song
    • 摘要: The scope of the 5G network is not only limited to the enhancements in the form of the quality of service(QoS),but it also includes a wide range of services with various requirements.Besides this,many approaches and platforms are under the umbrella of 5G to achieve the goals of endto-end service provisioning.However,the management of multiple services over heterogeneous platforms is a complex task.Each platform and service have various requirements to be handled by domain experts.Still,if the next-generation network management is dependent on manual updates,it will become impossible to provide seamless service provisioning in runtime.Since the traffic for a particular type of service varies significantly over time,automatic provisioning of resources and orchestration in runtime need to be integrated.Besides,with the increase in the number of devices,amount,and variety of traffic,the management of resources with optimization becomes a challenging task.To this end,this manuscript provides a solution that automates the management and service provisioning through multiple platforms while assuring various aspects,including automation,resource management and service assurance.The solution consists of an intent-based system that automaticallymanages different orchestrators,and eliminates manual control by abstracting the complex configuration requirements into simple and generic contracts.The proposed systemconsiders handling the scalability of resources in runtime by usingMachine Learning(ML)to automate and optimize service resource utilization.
    • 王厚全
    • 摘要: 以SDN/NFV等为代表的下一代网络技术具有可扩展、可重构、支持异构融合、资金投入低和运营维护效率高等特点,代表了网络技术发展的新趋势。文章基于SWOT分析视角,从技术、人才、科技成果转化、国家政策、市场机遇、技术壁垒、安全防控和利益分配协调等方面探讨了我国下一代网络技术研发及产业化面临的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战。结合我国下一代网络技术研发及产业化现状,从加快创新主体培育、优化项目资金支持方式、加快专业技术人才培养、搭建产学研合作新平台及建立技术产业安全协调机制等方面提出促进下一代网络技术研发及产业化发展的举措。
    • Federico MUNGARI; Milan GROSHEV; Carla Fabiana CHIASSERINI
    • 摘要: Digital Twin(DT)is a pivotal application under the industrial digital transformation envisaged by the fourth industrial revolution(Industry 4.0).DT defines intelligent and real-time faithful reflections of physical entities such as industrial robots,thus allowing their remote control.Relying on the latest advances in Information and Communication Technologies(ICT),namely Network Function Virtualization(NFV)and Edge-computing,DT can be deployed as an on-demand service in the factories close proximity and offered leveraging radio access technologies.However,with the purpose of achieving the well-known scalability,flexibility,availability and performance guarantees benefits foreseen by the latest ICT,it is steadily required to experimentally profile and assess DT as a Service(DTaaS)solutions.Moreover,the dependencies between the resources claimed by the service and the relative demand and work loads require to be investigated.In this work,an Edge-based Digital Twin solution for remote control of robotic arms is deployed in an experimental testbed where,in compliance with the NFV paradigm,the service has been segmented in virtual network functions.Our research has primarily the objective to evaluate the entanglement among overall service performance and VNFs resource requirements,and the number of robots consuming the service varies.Experimental profiles show the most critical DT features to be the inverse kinematics and trajectory computations.Moreover,the same analysis has been carried out as a function of the industrial processes,namely based on the commands imposed on the robots,and particularly of their ion-level,resulting in a novel trade-off between computing and time resources requirements and trajectory guarantees.The derived results provide crucial insights for the design of network service scaling and resource orchestration fra-meworks dealing with DTaaS applications.Finally,we empirically prove LTE shortage to accommodate the minimum DT latency requirements.
    • 刘德文; 桂燕兴; 刘艳清
    • 摘要: 基于MANO架构,能够完成网元的生命周期管理,但是缺乏对资源池做容量预测分析,难以保障网元的服务质量需求。文章提出了一种基于NFV的服务质量保障方法,即在现有MANO系统中加入服务质量管理功能。通过监控模块收集网元的链路拓扑信息,构建虚拟资源与物理资源的映射关联,一旦网元内部出现故障,能够做出自愈操作。
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