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MSE的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计160篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文122篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献36篇;相关期刊99种,包括华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)、太原师范学院学报(自然科学版)、中国图象图形学报等; 相关会议2种,包括第十三届全国图象图形学学术会议、中国电子学会电路与系统学会第十四届年会等;MSE的相关文献由307位作者贡献,包括A·W·伯顿、K·G·施特罗迈尔、S·J·韦格尔等。



论文:122 占比:76.25%


论文:2 占比:1.25%


论文:36 占比:22.50%





  • A·W·伯顿
  • K·G·施特罗迈尔
  • S·J·韦格尔
  • 卢小峰
  • 张海林
  • 李文娜
  • 裘潲君
  • I·A·柯斯基塔罗
  • J-P·科斯基南
  • J·C·瓦尔图利
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 罗卫红; 徐晓南; 王壬; 帖经磊; 李晓明; 宋雪
    • 摘要: 目的:评价超声骨刀劈开腭中缝辅助上颌骨骨性扩弓器(MSE)对上颌宽度不足成人患者的扩弓效果。方法:纳入21例反偏颌下颌后缩等同时伴有上颌宽度发育不足的成年患者,男6例,女15例,先行超声骨刀腭中缝劈开术,然后安装MSE进行上颌骨扩弓,分别于扩弓前、扩弓后拍摄CBCT,利用Planmeca Romexis软件进行测量,并进行统计学分析。结果:全部病例均有效扩开腭中缝,腭中缝前部扩开(3.84±1.47)mm、后部扩开(3.98±1.85)mm,呈平行扩开;双侧第一磨牙有少部分颊倾(P<0.05),颊侧牙槽嵴高度无变化;19例(90.5%)的骨性扩弓效率大于50%,14例(66.67%)的患者骨性扩弓效率达75%以上。结论:超声骨刀劈开腭中缝辅助MSE扩弓能有效扩开成人腭中缝。
    • 张戈; 翟剑锋
    • 摘要: CDN带宽异常值的预测和准确告警一直是网络运营的重点和难点,为此在时间序列LSTM (long short term memory network)基础之上,提出并实现了一套新的算法框架——局部加权回归串行LSTM.框架采用时序插值采样方法构造数据集,局部加权算法融入最小二乘回归拟合模型进行初始预测,预测结果串行LSTM时序模型进行最终带宽异常值预测,使用4sigma方法判断某时刻带宽是否为异常,并按等级标准发出异常告警.实验结果显示该模型实现了带宽异常值的预判及告警.
    • 郭志奇; 王志勇; 兰祖权
    • 摘要: 玛湖油田油层分布受岩性、物性、构造等多重因素影响,油层展布预测难度大,地层岩性变化大,压力系统复杂,钻井周期长,制约着油田效益开发的进程。为进一步提升玛湖油田水平井机械钻速,降低钻井周期,在玛湖油田水平井三开井段应用基于MSE的钻井优化方法,介绍了MSE优化理论及优化流程。累计在玛湖油田应用11口井,三开平均钻井周期由优化前的42.95d降至36.34d,综合提速21.29%,提速效果明显。
    • Jayalaxmi Anem; G.Sateeshkumar; R.Madhu
    • 摘要: Purpose-The main aim of this paper is to design a technique for improving the quality of EEG signal by removing artefacts which is obtained during acquisition.Initially,pre-processing is done on EEG signal for quality improvement.Then,by using wavelet transform(WT)feature extraction is done.The artefacts present in the EEG are removed using deep convLSTM.This deep convLSTM is trained by proposed fractional calculus based flower pollination optimisation algorithm.Design/methodology/approach-Nowadays’EEG signals play vital role in the field of neurophysiologic research.Brain activities of human can be analysed by using EEG signals.These signals are frequently affected by noise during acquisition and other external disturbances,which lead to degrade the signal quality.Denoising of EEG signals is necessary for the effective usage of signals in any application.This paper proposes a new technique named as flower pollination fractional calculus optimisation(FPFCO)algorithm for the removal of artefacts fromEEGsignal through deep learning scheme.FPFCOalgorithmis the integration of flower pollination optimisation and fractional calculus which takes the advantages of both the flower pollination optimisation and fractional calculus which is used to train the deep convLSTM.The existed FPO algorithm is used for solution update through global and local pollinations.In this case,the fractional calculus(FC)method attempts to include the past solution by including the second order derivative.As a result,the suggested FPFCO algorithm approaches the best solution faster than the existing flower pollination optimization(FPO)method.Initially,5 EEGsignals are contaminated by artefacts such asEMG,EOG,EEGand randomnoise.These contaminatedEEG signals are pre-processed to remove baseline and power line noises.Further,feature extraction is done by using WTand extracted features are applied to deep convLSTM,which is trained by proposed fractional calculus based flower pollination optimisation algorithm.FPFCO is used for the effective removal of artefacts from EEG signal.The proposed technique is compared with existing techniques in terms of SNR and MSE.Findings-The proposed technique is compared with existing techniques in terms of SNR,RMSE and MSE.Originality/value-100%.
    • Mua’ad Abu-Faraj; Abeer Al-Hyari; Ziad Alqadi
    • 摘要: Predicting the value of one or more variables using the values of other variables is a very important process in the various engineering experiments that include large data that are difficult to obtain using different measurement processes.Regression is one of the most important types of supervised machine learning,in which labeled data is used to build a prediction model,regression can be classified into three different categories:linear,polynomial,and logistic.In this research paper,different methods will be implemented to solve the linear regression problem,where there is a linear relationship between the target and the predicted output.Various methods for linear regression will be analyzed using the calculated Mean Square Error(MSE)between the target values and the predicted outputs.A huge set of regression samples will be used to construct the training dataset with selected sizes.A detailed comparison will be performed between three methods,including least-square fit;Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network(FFANN),and Cascade Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network(CFFANN),and recommendations will be raised.The proposed method has been tested in this research on random data samples,and the results were compared with the results of the most common method,which is the linear multiple regression method.It should be noted here that the procedures for building and testing the neural network will remain constant even if another sample of data is used.
    • Prem Junsawang; Zulqurnain Sabir; Muhammad Asif Zahoor Raja; Soheil Salahshour; Thongchai Botmart; Wajaree Weera
    • 摘要: The aim of these investigations is to find the numerical performances of the delay differential two-prey and one-predator system.The delay differential models are very significant and always difficult to solve the dynamical kind of ecological nonlinear two-prey and one-predator system.Therefore,a stochastic numerical paradigm based artificial neural network(ANN)along with the Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation(L-MB)neural networks(NNs),i.e.,L-MBNNs is proposed to solve the dynamical twoprey and one-predator model.Three different cases based on the dynamical two-prey and one-predator system have been discussed to check the correctness of the L-MBNNs.The statistic measures of these outcomes of the dynamical two-prey and one-predator model are chosen as 13%for testing,12%for authorization and 75%for training.The exactness of the proposed results of L-MBNNs approach for solving the dynamical two-prey and onepredator model is observed with the comparison of the Runge-Kutta method with absolute error ranges between 10−05 to 10−07.To check the validation,constancy,validity,exactness,competence of the L-MBNNs,the obtained state transitions(STs),regression actions,correlation presentations,MSE and error histograms(EHs)are also provided.
    • 李轩; 王茜
    • 摘要: 正交频分复用(OFDM)技术是多进制、多载频、并行传输的,其能够提高频带利用率、抗多径传输能力,并且以更高的速率传输数据.面对其多普勒频移会导致系统存在载波频率偏差(CFO)的问题,本文介绍了基于训练序列的Moose和Classen频域CFO估计技术,然后发现两者结合后系统的频偏估计更稳定.通过MATLAB仿真发现:在[-0.370.37]之间,两者结合后的频率估计技术载波频率偏差较好,并通过均方误差(MSE)显示出其系统的稳定性也较好.
    • 徐超; 王以玲; 任旭升; 林鹏; 靳淑梅; 张志超
    • 摘要: 目的:利用锥形束CT(cone beam CT,CBCT)研究上颌骨骨性扩弓(maxillary skeletal expansion,MSE)对上颌第一磨牙及牙槽骨的影响.方法:选取2017年6月—2020年9月于济南市口腔医院就诊并需行骨性扩弓治疗的正畸患者24例,使用Ⅱ型上颌骨骨性扩弓器(maxillary skeletal expanderⅡ,MSE-Ⅱ)进行扩弓.患者于扩弓前(T1)及扩弓后3个月(T2)分别拍摄CBCT,对磨牙中央窝、基骨、鼻底宽度,第一磨牙倾斜角度、颊舌侧骨壁高度、厚度以及牙根长度进行测量.结果:MSE扩弓后磨牙中央窝、上颌基骨、鼻底宽度均明显增宽;上颌第一磨牙倾斜角度明显增大;双侧第一磨牙颊侧骨壁高度降低、厚度变薄,而腭侧骨壁未见明显变化;上颌第一磨牙近中根、远中根以及腭侧根均未出现明显的长度变化.结论:MSE可有效改善上颌宽度,且不会造成明显的牙根长度变化,但仍可造成较为明显的磨牙颊倾和颊侧骨壁丧失,在治疗中需要警惕.
    • 摘要: 军事/Military PAC-3 MSE导弹与美国陆军综合作战指挥系统开展首次集成测试11月4日,洛马的“‘爱国者’先进能力-3导弹阶段增强”(PAC-3 MSE)与美国陆军综合作战指挥系统(IBCS)进行了首次集成测试。在试飞中,两枚PAC-3MSE导弹成功与旧CS集成,并对新墨西哥州白沙导弹靶场上空的战术弹道导弹(TBM)目标进行了拦截,同时这也标志着PAC-3MSE完成了首次战场监视计划(FSP)测试。
    • 徐超; 王以玲; 任旭升; 林鹏; 靳淑梅; 张志超
    • 摘要: 目的:利用锥形束CT(cone beam CT,CBCT)研究上颌骨骨性扩弓(maxillary skeletal expansion,MSE)对上颌第一磨牙及牙槽骨的影响。方法:选取2017年6月-2020年9月于济南市口腔医院就诊并需行骨性扩弓治疗的正畸患者24例,使用Ⅱ型上颌骨骨性扩弓器(maxillary skeletal expanderⅡ,MSE-Ⅱ)进行扩弓。患者于扩弓前(T1)及扩弓后3个月(T2)分别拍摄CBCT,对磨牙中央窝、基骨、鼻底宽度,第一磨牙倾斜角度、颊舌侧骨壁高度、厚度以及牙根长度进行测量。结果:MSE扩弓后磨牙中央窝、上颌基骨、鼻底宽度均明显增宽;上颌第一磨牙倾斜角度明显增大;双侧第一磨牙颊侧骨壁高度降低、厚度变薄,而腭侧骨壁未见明显变化;上颌第一磨牙近中根、远中根以及腭侧根均未出现明显的长度变化。结论:MSE可有效改善上颌宽度,且不会造成明显的牙根长度变化,但仍可造成较为明显的磨牙颊倾和颊侧骨壁丧失,在治疗中需要警惕。
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