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医源性疾病的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计541篇,主要集中在外科学、内科学、预防医学、卫生学 等领域,其中期刊论文531篇、会议论文10篇、专利文献32436篇;相关期刊298种,包括中国肛肠病杂志、蚌埠医学院学报、山西医科大学学报等; 相关会议10种,包括中华医学会第第二十次全国医学信息学术会议、全国妇产科临床医学新进展学术研讨会、中华医学会第一届全国公共卫生学术会议等;医源性疾病的相关文献由1165位作者贡献,包括等、李小平、吴金术等。



论文:531 占比:1.61%


论文:10 占比:0.03%


论文:32436 占比:98.36%





  • 李小平
  • 吴金术
  • 杨含维
  • 邢哲斌
  • 邢文华
  • 刘福勇
  • 崔宏
  • 张毅
  • 徐德征
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 郭巍; 卞策; 汪忠镐; 朱广昌; 侯国峰; 孙立凤; 贾新宽
    • 摘要: 随着中心静脉置管和介入手术的广泛应用,医源性血管内异物的发生率随之升高。自20世纪80年代起,国内已经开始对医源性血管内异物进行治疗[1-2]。常见的医源性血管内异物包括各种导管、导丝、完全植入式静脉输液港、经外周静脉穿刺的中心静脉导管(peripherally inserted central venous catheter,PICC)、下腔静脉滤器及各种封堵装置。
    • 张楠; 张峰; 高翔; 邵嘉伟; 毕伟
    • 摘要: 目的对不同方法治疗医源性股动脉假性动脉瘤(FAP)临床效果进行回顾性分析并文献复习。方法收集2014年4月至2020年12月河北医科大学第二医院收治47例医源性FAP患者的临床资料。统计采用不同方法治疗FAP患者的有效率。术后进行3个月至1年随访,观察不良事件。结果10例患者行超声引导下压迫治疗,7例成功,3例失败,其中2例转为外科手术,1例转为超声引导下凝血酶注射治疗。11例患者行超声下局部凝血酶注射治疗(包括1例压迫治疗失败改行凝血酶注射治疗),其中2例凝血酶注射治疗失败,改外科手术治疗,总有效率81.8%(9/11)。31例患者行外科手术治疗(包括4例改行外科手术治疗),其中股动脉FAP切除+动脉壁破口修补术18例,自体大隐静脉补片成形术11例,人工血管或自体大隐静脉转流术2例,总有效率100%(31/31)。术后随访3个月至1年,47例患者均未出现下肢功能障碍,无动脉瘤复发及下肢动脉缺血症状,疗效满意。结论超声引导下压迫、超声下局部凝血酶注射、外科手术均是治疗医源性FAP安全、有效的方法,需根据患者的具体情况进行选择。
    • 谢惠; 李娜; 王昕; 康倩; 余东亮; 张杰; 杨浪; 何玉琦; 盛剑秋
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨内镜吻合夹(over-the-scope clip,OTSC)在闭合医源性肠道穿孔中的疗效.方法 对应用OTSC夹封闭肠道穿孔患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 20例患者穿孔长径为1.0~4.0 cm,均在内镜下一次成功闭合,平均封闭时间为9.1 min,平均住院6.5d,术后无迟发性穿孔、出血等并发症发生,无病患死亡.结论 使用OTSC封闭医源性肠道穿孔是一种安全、有效的治疗方法.
    • 赵韫琦; 赵钢
    • 摘要: 随着现代医学飞速发展,人们越来越重视先进医疗技术给疾病治疗带来的立竿见影的治疗效果,常忽视了其长远效果及新技术(包括药物等)给病人造成副损伤,从而导致医源性疾病、药源性疾病发病率不断攀升.事实上,人体有着自身抵御疾病的自然力,无论中医还是西方医学鼻祖,都将医学定义为依靠人类自然力帮助人类度过患病难关,治愈疾病最后还是要依靠人体自身的自然力来完成的.因而,提高人体自身自然力在抵御疾病中重要性的认识,回归医学初衷,是未来医学发展所面临新的课题,也是医学教育、医学研究、医学知识普及的重要任务.
    • 丁超; 裴景慧; 梁宏涛; 董青军; 张强; 陆金根; 王琛
    • 摘要: 复杂性肛瘘绝大多数由于隐窝源性发病,异物残留所致亦有少数.但因肛周脓肿、肛瘘挂线术后橡皮筋残留包埋延误病情案例临床报道甚少,常引起肛门周围大范围组织的炎症反应和高位复杂性肛瘘形成,且异物难以被医生发现.本例患者因肛周脓肿挂线术后橡皮筋脱落,长期包埋于瘘管腔既继感染,致范围波及肛周及会阴部、腹股沟、骶尾部的高位复杂性肛瘘,其瘘管内口位置很高,瘘管走形极其复杂,溃口多达18个并有多个潜在腔隙瘘管.笔者综合运用传统中医顾氏外科特色疗法,最终成功治愈疾患,随访期间未见复发.
    • 林轶群; 赵锡艳; 逄冰; 刘红梅
    • 摘要: 仝小林教授提出“诸病乱投,百药杂陈,皆属于医”,以提醒医务人员注意防范医源性疾病的发生.糖皮质激素与中医理论中“肾”的作用十分相似,具有温肾助阳、启阴布液的功效,并具有少火生气、壮火食气的特点.长期大剂量应用糖皮质激素者早期多属热证,中期多属阴虚或气虚证,晚期多属阳虚或阴阳两虚证.
    • 王柳清; 肖月兰; 张守成; 王虹
    • 摘要: 1例26岁女性患者因美容需求在私人诊所于下颌部注射肉毒素100 U,14 d后又在双侧小腿各注射肉毒素200 U.第2次注射后次日患者出现全身乏力,胸闷,但不影响日常生活.3周后症状加重,行走费力,双上肢抬举困难,并出现胸闷、饮水呛咳、双上睑下垂等症状.发病4周后入院,体检见双侧上睑下垂,抬头困难,双上肢近端肌力4级、远端肌力5-级,双下肢肌力3级,蹲下后无法起立,考虑为重症肌无力.但入院后新斯的明试验和重复神经电刺激检查结果均不支持重症肌无力的诊断.入院第4天医师查房时见患者下颌处有肿胀,经追问病史,明确肉毒素中毒诊断.给予营养神经等对症处理12 d后,患者四肢乏力、胸闷等症状缓解,双上睑下垂明显好转,肌力基本恢复正常.%A 26-year-old female patient received injections of botulinum toxin in a private clinic for cosmetology. One hundred units of botulinum toxin were injected firstly into the mandible,and then 200 units were injected into each gastrocnemius 14 days later. On day 2 after the second injection,the patient suffered from fatigue and oppression in chest,which did not affect her daily life. Above-mentioned symptoms aggravated 3 weeks later and even difficulty in walking and limbs lifting,bucking in drinking,and bilateral blepharoptosis appeared. She was admitted to hospital 4 weeks after the onset of the disease. Physical examination showed that the patient had bilateral blepharoptosis,difficulty in head-raising,grade 4,5,and 3 muscle strength respectively in the proximal limbs,distal limbs,and lower extremities,and unable to stand up after squatting. Myasthenia gravis was considered. However,results of the prostigmin test and repetitive electrical nerve stimulation test did not support above diagnosis. Swelling in the patient's lower jaw was found during the doctor's regular ward rounds on day 4 after the admission and the diagnosis of botulinum toxin poisoning was confirmed by inquiring the history of disease. After 12 days of symptomatic treatments,the patient's weakness of limbs and oppression in chest relieved,bilateral blepharoptosis markedly improved,and her muscle strength returned to normal basically.
    • 段红茹; 柳静文
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨急性心肌梗死合并医院感染患者的病原菌分布和耐药性,分析合并医院感染对患者预后的影响.方法:选取急性心肌梗死患者160例,按照是否合并医院感染分成为研究组(合并医院感染)98例,对照组(未合并医院感染)62例,详细记录两组患者临床资料,对研究组患者相关标本进行细菌培养和药敏试验,并比较两组24个月内病死率.结果:98例患者共分离病原菌125株,革兰阴性菌占分离菌株总数的55.20%;革兰阳性菌占29.60%;真菌占15.20%.革兰阴性菌中以肺炎克雷伯菌、大肠埃希菌、鲍氏不动杆菌为主,药敏试验结果对左氧氟沙星、氨苄西林耐药率较高;革兰阳性菌以金黄色葡萄球菌为主,对红霉素、左氧氟沙星、氨苄西林耐药率较高,≥80%;真菌以白念球菌为主,对曲康唑的耐药率较高.研究组患者治疗后24个月总病死率明显高于对照组24个月总病死率,比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:急性梗死合并医院感染患者病死率明显高于未感染者,细菌病原体分布以革兰阴性菌为主,药敏试验可避免滥用抗生素引起的病原菌变迁和用药抵抗,提高治疗效果.避免医院感染是减少患者死亡的重要因素.
    • 肖荣; 赵海春; 胡东升; 袁仕安; 林国安
    • 摘要: Objective To explore the epidemiological characteristics and prevention strategy of neonatal burns in southern Henan province.Methods From February 1967 to May 2018,a total of 49 cases of neonatal burns were admitted to the burn center of the 159th Hospital of People's Liberation Army,aged 0-28 (3.57 ± 7.35) days,28 cases of male and 21 cases of female,with total 1%-46%(8.66 ± 7.29) % total body surface area (TBSA) burns including superficial Ⅱ degree (4.23 ± 3.79) %TBSA,deep partial-thickness burn (7.29 ± 6.71)% TBSA,and full thickness burn (5.73 ± 5.05)%TBSA.The average time from injury to admission was (2.79 ± 4.40) days.While admission,there were 4 cases with moderate shock and 6 cases with inhalation injury.There were 7 cases of neonatal asphyxia,2 cases of neonatal hard swelling and 1 case of hydrocephalus.All of the cases were collected and retrospectively analyzed.According to the admission time,the cases were divided into 3 groups,1960s-1970 s,1980s-1990 s,and 2000s-2010 s.And their causes,injured body parts,burn area,the times of operation,hospitalization time,complications and prognosis were comparatively analyzed.Data were processed with one-way analysis of variance,chi-square test and Fisher's exact test.Results Hot liquid scald accounted for 57.14% of the total number of cases,26.53% of burns caused by flame,and 6.12% of cases by neonatal thermostat.Compared with the ages,the number of thermal scald increased,and the nunber of flame burns decreased (with P values below 0.05).The proportion of iatrogenic factors increased year by year (P < 0.05).Neonatal burns were mostly injured in head,neck,trunk and limbs,while hip,perineal,digestive tract and inhalation injuries were rare,with no significant difference in the different ages (with P values above 0.05).There were no remarkable differences in burn area and burn areas of different degrees of burn among the newborns of the different ages (with P values above 0.05).The total number of operations were close,but the number of hospitalization days was gradually reduced (P < 0.05).Hypoalbuminemia,electrolyte imbalance disorder and diarrhea were the most common complications in neonates.Sepsis and death rate were significantly reduced (with P values below 0.05).The total cure rate was 91.84%.Conclusions To improve the national awareness of burn prevention and first aid,standardize the nursing process of newborn babies,and reduce iatrogenic burns are the fundamental solving ways.The application of new technologies such as hemodynamic monitoring,multidisciplinary cooperation,NPWT and MEEK skin grafting are key measures for the treatments of severely burned neonates.%目的 探讨豫南地区新生儿烧伤的流行病学特点及防治策略.方法 回顾性分析解放军第一五九医院全军烧伤中心1967年2月至2018年5月收治的49例新生儿烧伤病例资料,年龄0~28 d,平均年龄(3.57 ±7.35)d,男28例,女21例.烧伤总面积1% ~ 46%总体表面积(TBSA),平均(8.66±7.29)%TBSA,浅Ⅱ度(4.23±3.79)%TBSA,深Ⅱ度(7.29 ±6.71)%TBSA,Ⅲ度(5.73 ±5.05)% TBSA.受伤至入院平均时间(2.79±4.40)d.入院时伴中度以上休克者4例,吸入性损伤6例,合并新生儿窒息7例,新生儿硬肿2例,脑积水1例.将所有病例按入院时间不同分为20世纪60 ~70年代、20世纪80~ 90年代和2000年至今3组,比较分析其烧伤原因、烧伤部位、烧伤面积、手术次数、住院时间、并发症及预后情况.对数据行单因素方差分析x2检验及Fisher确切概率法检验.结果 热液烫伤占全部病例总数的57.14%,火焰烧伤占26.53%,新生儿恒温箱致烧伤占6.12%.各年代间比较,热液烫伤逐渐增多,火焰烧伤逐渐减少(P值均小于0.05).医源性因素所占比例逐年上升(P值均小于0.05).新生儿烧伤以头面颈、躯干及肢体部位受伤居多,臀部、会阴、消化道及吸入性损伤较少见,各年代间差异均无统计学意义(P值均大于0.05).各年代新生儿烧伤面积及不同烧伤程度烧伤面积差异均无统计学意义(P值均大于0.05),手术次数相当,但住院时间逐渐缩短(P<0.05).新生儿并发症仍以低白蛋白血症、电解质紊乱及腹泻居多.创面脓毒症、败血症及死亡病例现阶段明显减少(P值均小于0.05).总治愈率为91.84%.结论 提高全民烧伤防范意识及早期处理水平,规范新生儿护理流程,减少医源性烧伤,防患于未然,是解决新生儿烧伤的根本措施;液体复苏过程中重视血流动力学指标的监测,多学科联合救治,负压创面治疗技术及MEEK植皮等新技术的应用是严重烧伤新生儿救治的关键措施.
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