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医源性早产的相关文献在1998年到2022年内共计64篇,主要集中在妇产科学、临床医学、预防医学、卫生学 等领域,其中期刊论文62篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献744篇;相关期刊47种,包括中国妇幼健康研究、中国社区医师(医学专业)、现代中西医结合杂志等; 相关会议1种,包括第五届全国计划生育学术会议等;医源性早产的相关文献由162位作者贡献,包括张玲玲、张磊、张艳民等。



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  • 张玲玲
  • 张磊
  • 张艳民
  • 曾蔚越
  • 李璐瑶
  • 郑笑娟
  • 陈丽明
  • 陈健
  • 陈哲
  • 马淑荣



  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 刘云; 刘铭
    • 摘要: 早产(preterm birth)是导致新生儿及5岁以下儿童死亡和患病的首要原因,其中70%为自发性早产(spontaneous preterm birth,sPTB),其余30%为因母体或胎儿并发症造成的医源性早产。sPTB是早产防治中关注的重点,但其病因复杂,常涉及多个环节的相互作用,故积极寻找sPTB安全有效的预防措施一直是产科研究的热点和难点。孕中期经阴道超声检查子宫颈长度(cervical length,CL)可有效预测sPTB的发生,与sPTB风险呈负相关。近年来虽有研究证据显示.
    • 刘亚璇; 徐发林; 段稳丽; 董慧芳; 王银娟; 张一; 张茹
    • 摘要: 目的了解河南省早产儿出生状况及早产原因,为早产防治提供理论依据。方法对河南省17地市53家医院2019年1月1日至12月31日产科分娩的活产早产儿进行流行病学调查,了解早产儿发生率、胎龄和出生体重分布、产前糖皮质激素使用及早产原因构成等情况。结果53家医院早产儿发生率为5.84%(12406/212438)。胎龄<28周、28~<32周、32~<34周、34~<37周早产儿比例分别为1.58%(196/12406)、11.46%(1422/12406)、15.18%(1883/12406)、71.78%(8905/12406)。出生体重<1000 g、1000~<1500 g、1500~<2500 g、2500~<4000 g、≥4000 g的比例分别为1.95%(240/12313)、8.54%(1051/12313)、49.53%(6099/12313)、39.59%(4875/12313)、0.39%(48/12313)。自然分娩占28.76%(3568/12406),剖宫产占70.38%(8731/12406)。早产儿产前糖皮质激素使用率为52.52%(6293/11983),其中胎龄<34周早产儿使用率为68.69%(2319/3376)。医源性早产是导致早产的首位原因,其次是自发性早产和胎膜早破性早产,分别占40.06%(4915/12270)、30.16%(3701/12270)、29.78%(3654/12270)。医源性早产前3位原因依次是妊娠期高血压疾病[47.12%(2316/4915)]、胎儿宫内窘迫[22.85%(1123/4915)]、前置胎盘/胎盘早剥[18.07%(888/4915)]。结论河南省早产儿发生率处于相对较低水平,晚期早产儿占比较高。医源性早产是导致该省早产发生的主要原因,妊娠期高血压疾病和胎儿宫内窘迫是医源性早产的主要原因。
    • 李静; 毛宝宏; 丁仲军; 裴建赢; 王晶晶; 王燕侠
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨早产、自发性早产和医源性早产的相关高危因素.方法 回顾性调查2010年1月至2012年12月在甘肃省妇幼保健院住院分娩足月儿和早产儿的孕妇的住院资料,分娩足月活产儿5639例、早产儿540例,分为足月产组(≥37周孕龄)和早产组(3000元)(OR=0.62,95%CI:0.50~0.78)是早产发生的保护因素,而母亲妊娠合并症,比如妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)(OR=3.97,95%CI:1.70~9.25)、妊娠期高血压疾病(HDP)(OR=4.43,95%CI:3.35~5.87)、妊娠期胆汁淤积症(ICP)(OR=4.88,95%CI:3.25~7.32)是早产发生的独立高危因素.②按早产的病因分类,本研究中340例为自发性早产儿,余200例为医源性早产.经分层多因素非条件Logistic回归分析表明,与足月产相比,经产妇(OR=2.66,95%CI:1.87~3.76)、GDM(OR=4.52,95%CI:1.42~14.38),尤其是HDP孕妇(OR=14.19,95%CI:10.10~19.93)更易发生医源性早产,而ICP孕妇更多出现自发性流产(OR=12.875,95%CI:12.75~13.00).结论 应及早识别早产潜在的高危因素,加强围生期管理,以减少早产的发生,改善围生儿结局.%Objective To explore the risk factors of preterm birth , spontaneous preterm birth and iatrogenic preterm birth .Methods A retrospective study was conducted on medical data of pregnant women with full term birth or preterm birth hospitalized in Gansu Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital from January 2010 to December 2012.There were 5639 full-term births and 540 preterm births, and they were divided into full term group (≥37 gestational age ) and preterm group ( 3000 yuan) (OR=0.62, 95%CI:0.50-0.78) were protective factors of preterm birth .However, pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) (OR=3.97, 95%CI:1.70-9.25), hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDP) (OR=4.43, 95%CI:3.35-5.87) and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) (OR=4.88, 95%CI:3.25-7.32) were independent high risk factors of preterm birth .There were 340 cases of spontaneous preterm birth and 200 cases of iatrogenic preterm births in this study divided by causes .Stratified multivariate unconditional logistic regression analysis revealed that compared with full term births , iatrogenic preterm delivery was more common among multipara (OR=2.66,95%CI:1.87-3.76), GDM (OR=4.52,95%CI:1.42-14.38) and especially HDP puerpera (OR =14.19,95%CI:10.10 -19.93) , and spontaneous preterm birth happened more frequently in ICP puerpera (OR=12.875, 95%CI:12.75 -13.00).Conclusion Potential risk factors of preterm birth should be identified earlier and perinatal management should be strengthened to reduce incidence of preterm birth and improve outcomes of perinatal infants .
    • 刘凤; 王飞; 黄泰
    • 摘要: 目的:提高对择期剖宫产分娩与新生儿急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的认识.方法:通过对本科室的26例足月剖宫产儿(观察组)出现ARDS的临床资料进行回顾性分析,并与28例早产RDS新生儿(对照组)临床资料对比,进一步讨论择期剖宫产导致新生儿出现ARDS的可能机制以及积极有效的治疗方法.结果:择期剖宫分娩的新生儿发生ARDS与早产儿相比有相似的临床表现,但观察组发病程度重.开始治疗24 h内,观察组的PaO2、PaO2/FiO2均明显低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组的PaCO2明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).观察组1例患儿放弃治疗,25例痊愈;对照组28例患儿均痊愈.结论:应加强围产期管理,避免择期剖宫分娩,预防医源性早产,提高新生儿生存质量.
    • 王芳芳; 覃继英; 马丽
    • 摘要: 目的:分析医源性早产产妇的临床心理护理方法.方法:抽取收治的252例医源性早产产妇进行分析,随机分组,对照组实施常规护理干预,观察组采用心理护理干预,对比两组的临床效果.结果:通过对比,观察组明显优于对照组,差异显著,具有统计学意义.结论:针对医源性早产产妇实施心理护理,能够有效提高治疗效果,提高SAS、SDS分数,降低并发症,改善产妇生活质量,具有良好的临床运用价值.
    • 孙波
    • 摘要: 目的:研究分析医源性早产原因及母婴结局。方法:选取2015年8月至2016年11月在本院治疗的80例早产患者为研究对象。根据早产性质将患者分成对照组与观察组,每组40例患者。对照组属于自发性早产,观察组属于医源性早产。以两组患者妊娠结局比较作为观察指标。结果:医源性早产患者在孕妇并发症、剖宫产比例、RDS发生率、病死率明显高于自发性早产。另外,医源性早产的新生儿体质量、Apgar评分明显低于自发性早产。医源性早产患者主要包括:妊娠期高血压18例,占45.0%;胎盘因素性出血12例,占30.0%;妊娠合并内科疾病7例,占17.5%;胎儿生长受限3例,占7.5%。结论:医源性早产发生率高、构成因素复杂,应做好孕前健康教育,定期产检,加强高危妊娠管理,最大化避免医源性早产出现。同时对不可避免的早产,给予相应干预措施,适时终止妊娠,以取得良好结局。
    • 田颖; 李跃霞; 杜晓艳
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the causes, incidence of iatrogenic preterm birth and to compare the prognostic effect of different gestational age on preterm labor infants.Methods Totally 314 cases of iatrogenic preterm labor in Ha-erbin the First Hospital from January 2009 to December 2014 were retrospectively analyzed.Relevant information was used for statistical description and statistical analysis.Results From January 2009 to December 2014, the incidence of iatrogenic preterm birth was 6.76%, accounting for 31.06%of the total recorded preterm births.The incidence of iat-rogenic preterm birth was increasing.The top three causes of the iatrogenic preterm birth were severe pre-eclampsia, placenta previa and multiple births.Human factor was an important cause.The prognosis of premature infants at differ-ent gestational age was significantly different with a better prognosis at delivery time≥34 weeks than <34 weeks ( P<0.01) .Conclusion Iatrogenic preterm birth has become an important reason of preterm birth.To improve the prognosis of premature infants, obstetricians should choose individual treatment and prolong the gestational age as far as possible to 34 weeks.%目的:研究医源性早产的高危因素及发生率,探讨不同孕周对早产儿预后的影响。方法回顾性分析2009年1月至2014年12月哈尔滨市第一医院收治的314例医源性早产病例的临床资料,对发生率、相关发生因素等进行分析。结果医源性早产发生率为6.76%,占早产总数的31.06%,医源性早产的发生率呈上升趋势。医源性早产的发生因素分别为妊娠期高血压疾病,胎盘因素性出血,双胎妊娠,子宫因素,胎儿因素及产科合并症。分娩时间≥34周较<34周并发症及围生儿死亡率均显著降低(P<0.01)。结论医源性早产已成为早产的重要原因。为改善早产儿预后,产科医师应制定个体化治疗方案,适当延长孕周至34周及以后。
    • 田素芳
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨医自然早产与医源性早产危险因素分析。方法:选取我院2015年6月至2016年6月28例早产的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:早产的主要构成因素是重度子痫前期,其次为胎膜早破、前置胎盘、多胎妊娠、胎儿窘迫、妊娠合并内外科疾病、胎盘早剥、羊水过少。医源性早产的分娩方式剖宫产占95%,围生儿的并发症发生率及死亡率与医源性早产无明显的相关性,而孕周及早产儿体重是影响围生儿并发症发生率及死亡率的主要因素。结论:医源性早产和自然早产高危因素具有明显的差异,减少早产的发生率需要从产期保健出发,加强对妊娠的管理,防止产前并发症产生,确保医院产科各项保胎措施能够得到顺利实施,减少孕妇正常分娩的风险。
    • 李艳虹
    • 摘要: 目的::探讨医源性早产发生原因及提升早产儿存活率的方法。方法:回顾分析某院2009年~2013年间收治的医源性早产病例,统计其早产原因,比较不同干预措施对围产儿及产妇结局的影响。结果:2009年1月~2013年12月期间某院接收医源性早产者582例,分别占到分娩总数和早产总数的6.5%、43.9%;妊娠高血压、前置胎盘是医源性早产的主要原因,分别占到总数的31.9%、18.5%;产前定时产检可以有效提升医源性早产母婴结局,其产后出血及新生儿窒息率分别控制在3.8%、0.7%,无围产儿死亡例,优于不定时产检组及无产检组观察组;剖宫产为医源性早产的主要分娩方式,占到总数的88.8%。结论:医源性早产占早产比率呈逐年递增趋势,妊娠高血压和前置胎盘为主要原因,通过定时产检和选择合适的分娩方式可以有效提升医源性早产母婴结局。%Objective:To discuss the reasons of iatrogenic preterm labor and methods to raise live birth rate of premature.Methods:Retrospectively analyze iatrogenic preterm labor cases received by a hospital from 2009 to 2013,collect the reasons and compare the influences of different intervention measures on maternal and neonatal outcomes.Results:A hospital received 582 cases of iatrogenic preterm labor,accounting for 6.5%and 43.9% of the total number of delivery and total number of preterm birth.Hypertension of pregnancy and placenta praevia are the main reasons of iatrogenic preterm labor,accounting for 31.9% and 18.5% of the to-tal number.Regular prenatal check can effectively improve maternal and neonatal outcomes,postpartum hemorrhage and neonatal asphyxia were controlled at 3.8% and 0.7%,better than cases without prenatal check.The uterine-incision delivery was the main delivery mode of iatrogenic preterm labor,accounting for 88.8% of the total number.Conclusion:The proportion of iatrogenic preterm labor in total number of preterm birth increases gradually,hypertension of pregnancy and placenta praevia are the main reasons of iatrogenic preterm labor,and regular prenatal check and proper delivery mode can effectively improve maternal and neonatal outcomes.
    • 于荣; 王凤英; 崔志清; 孙菲
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨不同类型早产发生率、相关因素及妊娠结局。方法收集首都医科大学宣武医院妇产科2009年1月—2013年12月不同类型早产孕妇和新生儿的临床资料,对不同组别孕产妇(未足月胎膜早破组301例、未足月分娩组234例、医源性早产组193例)并发症发生情况、分娩方式、新生儿资料进行比较。结果2009—2013年早产率逐年增加,但差异无统计学意义( P >0.05)。医源性早产组产妇年龄、剖宫产率、Apgar评分异常率及并发症明显高于未足月分娩组、未足月胎膜早破组( P <0.05),而孕周、胎儿出生体质量低于未足月分娩组、未足月胎膜早破组( P <0.05);3组早产中经产妇和未进行过产前检查者明显高于初产妇和接受过产检者( P <0.01),医源性早产组经产妇和未进行过产前检查的早产发生率高于未足月胎膜早破组和未足月分娩组( P <0.05)。医源性早产中妊娠期高血压疾病患者高占67.36%(130/193),胎盘因素占15.54%(30/193),胎儿因素占7.77%(15/193),其他占9.33%(18/193)。结论早产率逐年增加,其中医源性早产、未足月胎膜早破是早产发生率增高的重要因素,而减少医源性早产对降低早产的发生率至关重要。%Objective To explore the different types of the premature delivery rate, related factors and pregnancy outcome.Methods From January 2009 to December 2013,clinical data different types of preterm birth pregnant women and neonates in department of gynecology and obstetrics,Xuanwu Hospital of Capital University of Medical Sciences were collected, for different groups of pregnant women ( preterm premature rupture of membranes group was 301 cases, preterm labor group was 234 cases, iatrogenic preterm group was 193 cases) , complications, mode of delivery and the data of the newborn were compared.Results From 2009 to 2013, complications and preterm birth rate were increased year by year.Iatrogenic preterm labor group’ s age,the rate of cesarean section maternal,Apgar score abnormal rate and complications were significantly higher than that of the preterm labor group and preterm premature rupture of membranes group ( P <0.05), and gestational age, birth weight were less than preterm delivery group, preterm premature rupture of membranes group ( P <0.05);3 groups of preterm’ s parous women and not carried out prenatal examination’ s women were obviously higher than that of primipara and received antenatal examination subjects ( P <0.01) , iatrogenic preterm group of preterm’ s parous women and not carried out prenatal examination’s women’ prenatal premature occurrence rate were higher than that of preterm premature rupture of membranes group and preterm delivery group ( P <0.05).Iatrogenic preterm delivery group’s patients with hypertensive dis-order were 67.36%(130/193), placental factors accounted for 15.54%(30/193), fetal factors accounted for 7.77%(15/193), the others was 9.33%(18/193).Conclusion Preterm birth rate has increased year by year, iatrogenic preterm birth, preterm premature rupture of membranes are important factor of preterm birth, while decrease the iatrogenic preterm labor is vital to reduce the rate of premature delivery.
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