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医原性疾病的相关文献在1992年到2021年内共计106篇,主要集中在外科学、内科学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文102篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献35866篇;相关期刊41种,包括中国临床保健杂志、医学临床研究、中华放射学杂志等; 相关会议2种,包括首届全国卫生法规、标准效益评价技术研讨会、中华医学会全国第三届微生物检验学术会议等;医原性疾病的相关文献由320位作者贡献,包括夏永祥、张炯、徐佑璋等。



论文:102 占比:0.28%


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论文:35866 占比:99.71%





  • 夏永祥
  • 张炯
  • 徐佑璋
  • 汪祖林
  • 王学荣
  • 黄志刚
  • 丁寅君
  • 万兴丽
  • 付由池
  • 付黎明
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 杜雨馨; 武犁; 沈吟
    • 摘要: 面部注射美容指应用经皮注射的方法,将填充物或药物注射到面部的目标位置,以达到美容或整形目的的一种医学美容手段.常见的面部注射美容有面部注射美容填充和肉毒素注射两类.面部注射美容所导致的医源性眼部并发症包括上睑下垂、眼肌麻痹、视力下降等.本文选择了面部注射美容填充、肉毒素注射两种常用的面部注射美容技术,对其医源性眼部并发症进行了综述.
    • 谢朝云; 熊芸; 蒙桂鸾; 陈应强; 杨忠玲
    • 摘要: 目的 分析老年急性心肌梗死患者医院获得性肺炎的相关影响因素.方法 选择2015年1月~2019年1月贵州医科大学第三附属医院感染管理科住院的老年急性心肌梗死患者2171例,调查患者临床资料及其分离出的病原菌种类等情况,对其合并医院获得性肺炎相关因素进行单因素和多因素logistic回归分析.结果 2171例患者中,发生医院获得性肺炎132例(6.08%).共检出病原菌株126株,其中革兰阳性球菌24株(19.05%),革兰阴性杆菌86株(68.25%),真菌16株(12.70%),前5位菌种分别为大肠埃希菌、白色念珠菌、鲍曼不动杆菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、金黄色葡萄球菌.单因素分析显示,年龄、住院天数、长期吸烟、慢性肺部疾病、糖尿病、心功能分级、侵入操作、病程、卧床时间、意识状态、受凉、C反应蛋白、血糖、降钙素原为老年急性心肌梗死合并医院获得性肺炎的危险因素(P<0.05,P<0.01);服用他汀类药物和PCI术是老年急性心肌梗死合并医院获得性肺炎的保护因素(P<0.01).多元logistic回归分析显示,心功能分级、侵入操作、卧床、昏迷、降钙素原是老年急性心肌梗死合并医院获得性肺炎的独立危险因素,服用他汀类药物和PCI术是老年急性心肌梗死合并医院获得性肺炎的独立保护因素(P<0.05,P<0.01).结论 保护心功能,减少不必要的侵入性操作,早期下床,重点关注昏迷患者病情变化,使用他汀类药物,根据适应证采取PCI术可减少医院获得性肺炎发生;监测降钙素原可作观测因素.
    • 李娅; 曾平; 朱鸣雷; 刘晓红; 李冬晶
    • 摘要: 目的 分析老年住院患者急性痛风发作及其并发症的诱因,避免出现类似可诱发住院获得性问题的因素.方法 回顾性分析6例老年患者住院期间急性痛风发作及下肢深静脉血栓形成( DVT)的临床特点及诱因.结果 6例患者年龄(69 ±6)岁,均为男性,均有高尿酸血症,入院时血尿酸(582 ±106)μmol/L,5例既往有痛风病史,均无DVT病史.病因分析:急性感染性疾病入院3例,慢性病入院3例;住院时间(26 ±17) d,同期老年科住院日(16 ±5)d;合并代谢性疾病6例、心脏疾患3例、慢性肾功能不全2例、肺部疾患1例;入院时红细胞沉降率(ESR)、超敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)均升高.诱因分析:入院后新增药品广谱抗菌药物3例、他汀类3例、阿卡波糖3例和血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂2例.均于入院初期接受多项外出检查,均因代谢性疾病调整饮食,2例明确有活动减少.痛风发作表现:5例于入院1周内发作,4例为多关节炎,2例伴发热. 6例DVT确诊于痛风发作后(2.7 ±1.4)d,均为下肢远端静脉受累,其中5例为小腿肌间静脉受累.结论 老年痛风或高尿酸血症患者住院医源性问题有诱发痛风发作风险,带来DVT等并发症,延长住院日,值得引起注意.%Objective To detect the possible causes of acute gout attack and its complications among hospital -ized elderly patients,and in order to avoid those factors that can lead to hospital acquired conditions (HACs).Methods The clinical manifestations and causes of 6 cases of elderly patients with acute gout attack and lower extremity DVT during hospital stay were analyzed retrospectively.Results ①The average age was (69 ±6) years.All of the six cases were male and with the history of hyperuricemia.Five cases were with gout.②Etiological factors analysis :Three cases were admitted to hospital with acute infectious diseases ,and another three cases with chronic diseases.Other diseases combined were metabolic diseases ,heart diseases,chronic renal failure and pulmonary disease.ESR and hs-CRP tested on admission were all elevated.③Causative factors analysis :drugs added after hospitalized were antibiotics ,statins,acar-bosesand ACE inhibitors.After admission,all patients received several examinations outside of the ward and adjusted diet because of metabolic diseases.④Clinical features:five cases of gout attack occurred within one week.Four cases were pol-yarthritis,while two cases with fever.All cases were with the distal lower extremity venous involved ,and five of those were calf intermuscular DVT.Conclusion Elderly hospitalized patients with a history of gout or hyperuricemia are at risk for the onset of acute gout attack caused by HACs ,which may cause complications such as DVT and prolong hospital stay.
    • 程红; 万兴丽; 苏绍玉
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the skin lesions prophylactic effects of the early warning and monitoring management for newborns with characteristics of iatrogenic skin lesions in high-risk group and high risk link.Methods From June 2014 to June 201 5,a total of 1 1 57 newborns with characteristics of iatrogenic skin lesions in high-risk group and high risk link,who were hospitalized in department of Neonatology,West China Second University Hospital,Sichuan University,were chosen as study objects.Five hundred and fifty-seven newborns who were admitted from June to December, 2014 were included into control group,and underwent general prevention for iatrogenic skin lesions. Another 600 newborns who were admitted from January to June,201 5 were included into observation group.In addition to general prevention for iatrogenic skin lesions,we used a self-design table Monitoring Table for Newborns in High-Risk Group of Iatrogenic Skin Lesions and"Iatrogenic Skin Lesions Record Form" to focus on early warning and monitoring,prevention and cure for newborns who was prone to iatrogenic skin lesions.The occurrence condition of iatrogenic skin lesions among different birth weight infants in both two groups were analyzed,meanwhile the differences of incidence rates of iatrogenic skin lesions and its main types between two groups were compared.There were no significant differences between two groups in constituent ratio of gender,gestational age and birth weight(P >0.05).The study protocol was approved by the Ethical Review Board of Investigation in Human Being of West China Second University Hospital,Sichuan University.Informed consent was obtained from the parents of each participant.Results ①Incidence rate of iatrogenic skin lesions of extremely low birth weight infants (93.3%)in control group was higher than that of normal birth weight infants(25.9%),low birth weight infants(29.6%)and very low birth weight infants(55.9%), respectively,and all the differences were statistically significant(χ2 =27.68,25.02,7.69;P =0.000, 0.000,0.006 ).② Incidence rate of iatrogenic skin lesions of extremely low birth weight infants (71.4%)in observation group was higher than that of normal birth weight infants(1 9.6%),low birth weight infants(1 5.2%)and very low birth weight infants(29.7%),respectively,and all the differences were statistically significant(χ2 =1 7.90,23.57,7.82;P =0.000,0.000,0.005 ).③The top four main types of iatrogenic skin lesions were lesion by medicine exosmose,diaper dermatitis,compression injury by nasal oxygen therapy and lesion by paste.The incidence rates of iatrogenic skin lesions(21.2%), lesion by medicine exosmose(6.5%)and by paste(3.3%)in observation group were lower than those of control group(34.5%,10.8%,6.1%),respectively,and the differences were statistically significant (χ2 = 25.60,6.74,4.98;P = 0.000,0.009,0.026 ).Conclusions Conduct the early warning and monitoring to newborns in high-risk group and high risk link of iatrogenic skin lesions can take various preventive measures in a timely and effective manner,thus can reduce the incidence rate of neonatal iatrogenic skin lesions.%目的:探讨预警监控管理在具有医源性皮肤损伤高危人群和高危环节特征的新生儿中的皮肤损伤预防效果。方法选择2014年6月至2015年6月,四川大学华西第二医院新生儿科住院患儿中,1157例具有医源性皮肤损伤高危人群及高危环节特征的新生儿为研究对象。将2014年6~12月入院的557例患儿纳入对照组,对患儿采取医源性皮肤损伤普遍预防;将2015年1~6月入院的600例患儿纳入观察组,除进行医源性皮肤损伤普遍预防外,还采用本研究自行设计的《新生儿医源性皮肤损伤高危人群监控表》及“医源性皮肤损伤记录单”,对容易发生或已经发生医源性皮肤损伤的患儿进行重点预警监控和防治。分析两组不同出生体重患儿医源性皮肤损伤发生情况,比较两组患儿医源性皮肤损伤及主要类型发生率差异。两组患儿性别构成比、胎龄构成比及出生体重构成比比较,差异均无统计学意义(P >0.05)。本研究遵循的程序符合四川大学华西第二医院人体试验委员会制定的伦理学标准,得到该委员会批准,征得患儿家属知情同意,并与患儿家属签署临床研究知情同意书。结果①对照组超低出生体重儿医源性皮肤损伤发生率(93.3%)分别较正常出生体重儿(25.9%)、低出生体重儿(29.6%)及极低出生体重儿(55.9%)高,且差异均有统计学意义(χ2=27.68、25.02、7.69,P =0.000、0.000、0.006)。②观察组超低出生体重儿医源性皮肤损伤发生率(71.4%)分别较正常出生体重儿(19.6%)、低出生体重儿(15.2%)及极低出生体重儿(29.7%)高,且差异均有统计学意义(χ2=17.90、23.57、7.82,P =0.000、0.000、0.005)。③两组患儿医源性皮肤损伤主要类型发生率由高到低依次为:药物外渗伤、尿布皮炎、鼻塞式氧疗所致压伤及黏贴伤;观察组患儿医源性皮肤损伤发生率(21.2%)、药物外渗伤发生率(6.5%)及黏贴伤发生率(3.3%)均较对照组低(34.5%、10.8%、6.1%),且差异有统计学意义(χ2=25.60、6.74、4.98,P =0.000、0.009、0.026)。结论实施高危人群及高危环节医源性皮肤损伤预警监控,能及时有效采取各种预防措施,从而降低新生儿医源性皮肤损伤发生率。
    • 刘妍; 李佩; 闵培; 苏军凯; 陈钟; 钟玲; 蔡艺玲; 张鸣青
    • 摘要: Iatrogenic gastrointestinal perforation is one of the severe adverse events of endoscopic therapeutic procedure. For acute iatrogenic perforation,management by endoscopic techniques is a simple and rapid modality to close the perforation with minimal invasiveness and avoiding the traditional surgical trauma. Endoclips,suture with special instruments,covered stents,degradable sheets combined with tissue adhesive,and combined endoscopic techniques such as snares combined with endoclips,are the major endoscopic therapeutic modalities for closure of iatrogenic gastrointestinal perforation. In this article,the current status and progress of endoscopic management for acute iatrogenic gastrointestinal perforation were reviewed.%医源性消化道穿孔是内镜治疗的严重并发症之一。对于急性医源性穿孔,简单而快速的内镜治疗能避免传统开放性手术治疗带来的创伤,使手术最大限度地微创化。医源性消化道穿孔的内镜下闭合方法主要有金属夹闭合术、专用缝合器械缝合、覆膜支架封堵、可降解生物材料联合组织胶封堵以及内镜联合治疗如圈套联合金属夹等。本文就医源性消化道急性穿孔内镜处理的现状和研究进展作一综述。
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