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microRNAs的相关文献在2004年到2023年内共计1570篇,主要集中在肿瘤学、内科学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文577篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献990篇;相关期刊300种,包括生物技术通报、基础医学与临床、现代生物医学进展等; 相关会议3种,包括中华医学会第三次全国肝纤维化、肝硬化学术会议、第九届全国环境与职业医学研究生学术研讨会、第四届中国畜牧科技论坛等;microRNAs的相关文献由4225位作者贡献,包括张云福、张玉丽、裘建英等。



论文:577 占比:36.75%


论文:3 占比:0.19%


论文:990 占比:63.06%





  • 张云福
  • 张玉丽
  • 裘建英
  • 裘霖
  • 刘苏燕
  • 吴诗扬
  • 董艳
  • 戴宗
  • 邹小勇
  • 徐刚
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 张文典
    • 摘要: 肌肉减少症(肌少症)是一种与年龄相关的骨骼肌质量和功能降低为特征的疾病,严重影响生活质量。国内外对肌少症的机制有大量研究,同时发现许多microRNAs的应用前景。本综述旨在总结目前发现的microRNAs在肌少症诊治中的成果。
    • 刘畅; 李静; 江思婧; 牟雁东
    • 摘要: “骨免疫学”的提出为修复骨缺损提供了新的方向。通过加载生物因子赋予生物材料骨免疫调节能力是常用的方法之一。microRNAs作为内源性的非编码小RNA,调节人体至少30%的蛋白基因编码,并且具有低免疫原性,作为改性生物材料的生物因子具有巨大潜力。但鲜有调节骨免疫微环境的microRNAs报道。本综述阐述了生物材料植入体内后的宿主反应、巨噬细胞在骨愈合中的作用、miR-21、miR-26a、miR-29等靶向调节成骨细胞及免疫细胞的microRNAs。试图探寻一种新的生物材料改性策略,将具备骨免疫微环境调节能力的microRNA作为生物活性因子加载到生物材料上,未来应用这一策略使生物材料植入体内后靶向调节骨免疫微环境,获得理想的成骨效果。
    • 朱安民; 谭薇
    • 摘要: microRNAs(miRNAs)是一种具有调节基因表达功能的非编码小RNA分子,可以在包括血清或血浆在内的许多生物液中由细胞和组织释放。大量研究已经证实不同的miRNAs在糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)中的表达可特异性增高或减少,最近越来越多的证据表明血清和血浆中某些miRNAs在DR中存在特异性表达并参与DR的发生发展,并且能够成为诊断DR以及监测DR进展的生物标志物。此外,调节这些miRNAs水平可能能够延缓DR进展,以便对DR患者进行早期干预,miRNAs有望成为DR的新型治疗靶点。本文主要就近年miRNAs诊断DR、监测DR的进展及作为可能的新型治疗靶点进行综述。
    • YAN Xiao-xiao; LIU Xiang-yang; CUI Hong; ZHAO Ming-qin
    • 摘要: MicroRNAs(miRNAs) are small(ca. 20-24 nucleotides) non-coding RNAs that have recently been recognized as key post-transcriptional modulators of gene expression;and they are involved in many biological processes in plants, such as root growth and development. The miRNAs regulate root elongation, lateral root(LR) formation and adventitious root(AR) development in response to hormone signaling, nutrient uptake and biotic/abiotic stress. This review provides multiple perspectives on the involvement of miRNAs in regulating root growth and development in plants. We also discuss several crucial mechanisms of miRNAs, their relationships with transcription factors and the target gene-mediated hormone signaling interactions in the regulation of root growth and development.
    • 杨阳; 王升儒; 朱乾坤; 郭建伟; 林莞锋; 仉建国
    • 摘要: 目的:分析先天性脊柱侧凸(CS)患者和健康人骨髓间充质干细胞中的差异microRNAs(miRNAs)表达谱。方法:获取CS患者(椎体形成障碍亚组、椎体分节障碍亚组)及健康对照组的骨髓,分离培养、鉴定骨髓间充质干细胞,提取总RNA后标记miRNAs,使用微阵列芯片技术检测三组受试者骨髓间充质干细胞中的miRNAs表达谱,并对差异miRNAs进行生物信息学分析,通过qRT-PCR技术对获得的差异miRNAs进行验证。结果:在椎体形成障碍亚组和健康对照组之间鉴定出29个差异表达miRNAs,在椎体分节障碍亚组和健康对照组之间鉴定出27个差异表达miRNAs。两组差异表达miRNAs的交集共有10个。生物信息学分析结果显示,细胞内信号转导、高尔基体部分和蛋白质丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶激活物活性分别是生物过程、细胞定位和分子功能中最显著的富集项,黏蛋白型O-聚糖的生物合成是所涉及的最重要的信号通路。qRT-PCR成功验证了其中2个差异表达的miRNAs:miR-412-3p和miR-766-5p。结论:本研究成功构建了CS患者与健康人骨髓间充质干细胞中的差异miRNAs表达谱。这些差异表达的miRNAs可能对阐述CS的发病机制具有重要意义,并有助于建立早期诊断生物标志物。
    • Greta Varkalaite; Evelina Vaitkeviciute; Ruta Inciuraite; Violeta Salteniene; Simonas Juzenas; Vytenis Petkevicius; Rita Gudaityte; Antanas Mickevicius; Alexander Link; Limas Kupcinskas; Marcis Leja; Juozas Kupcinskas; Jurgita Skieceviciene
    • 摘要: BACKGROUND Gastric cancer(GC)is one of the most frequently diagnosed tumor globally.In most cases,GC develops in a stepwise manner from chronic gastritis or atrophic gastritis(AG)to cancer.One of the major issues in clinical settings of GC is diagnosis at advanced disease stages resulting in poor prognosis.Micro RNAs(mi RNAs)are small noncoding molecules that play an essential role in a variety of fundamental biological processes.However,clinical potential of mi RNA profiling in the gastric cancerogenesis,especially in premalignant GC cases,remains unclear.AIM To evaluate the AG and GC tissue mi RNomes and identify specific mi RNAs’potential for clinical applications(e.g.,non-invasive diagnostics).METHODS Study included a total of 125 subjects:Controls(CON),AG,and GC patients.All study subjects were recruited at the Departments of Surgery or Gastroenterology,Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and divided into the profiling(n=60)and validation(n=65)cohorts.Total RNA isolated from tissue samples was used for preparation of small RNA sequencing libraries and profiled using next-generation sequencing(NGS).Based on NGS data,deregulated mi RNAs hsa-mi R-129-1-3 p and hsa-mi R-196 a-5 p were analyzed in plasma samples of independent cohort consisting of CON,AG,and GC patients.Expression level of hsa-mi R-129-1-3 p and hsa-mi R-196 a-5 p was determined using the quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and 2-ΔΔCt method.RESULTS Results of tissue analysis revealed 20 differentially expressed mi RNAs in AG group compared to CON group,129 deregulated mi RNAs in GC compared to CON,and 99 altered mi RNAs comparing GC and AG groups.Only 2 mi RNAs(hsa-mi R-129-1-3 p and hsa-mi R-196 a-5 p)were identified to be step-wise deregulated in healthy-premalignant-malignant sequence.Area under the curve(AUC)-receiver operating characteristic analysis revealed that expression level of hsa-mi R-196 a-5 p is significant for discrimination of CON vs AG,CON vs GC and AG vs GC and resulted in AUCs:88.0%,93.1%and 66.3%,respectively.Comparing results in tissue and plasma samples,hsa-mi R-129-1-3 p was significantly down-regulated in GC compared to AG(P=0.0021 and P=0.024,tissue and plasma,respectively).Moreover,analysis revealed that hsa-mi R-215-3 p/5 p and hsa-mi R-934 were significantly deregulated in GC based on Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)infection status[log2 fold change(FC)=-4.52,P-adjusted=0.02;log2 FC=-4.00,P-adjusted=0.02;log2 FC=6.09,P-adjusted=0.02,respectively].CONCLUSION Comprehensive mi RNome study provides evidence for gradual deregulation of hsa-mi R-196 a-5 p and hsa-mi R-129-1-3 p in gastric carcinogenesis and found hsami R-215-3 p/5 p and hsa-mi R-934 to be significantly deregulated in H.pylori carrying GC patients.
    • Feng-Shou Chen; Xiang-Yi Tong; Bo Fang; Dan Wang; Xiao-Qian Li; Zai-Li Zhang
    • 摘要: Spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury is a devastating medical disorder with poor prognosis that is associated with several pathophysiological conditions.However,multiple stimuli can trigger SCII,so the underlying mechanism of this pathology has not yet been fully established.MicroRNAs(miRNAs)are a class of non-coding RNAs that mediate a variety of nervous system diseases and regulate numerous physiological functions,including apoptosis,autophagy,inflammation,and blood-spinal cord barrier damage.miRNA expression profiles are known to be altered after spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury.Therefore,gaining a better understanding of the significant roles that miRNAs play in spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury could help develop potential preventive and therapeutic strategies for spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury.This review summarizes the current state of our knowledge about the relationship between miRNAs and spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury,as well as potential miRNAs that could be targeted to treat spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury.
    • Elisa Gnodi; Raffaella Meneveri; Donatella Barisani
    • 摘要: Celiac disease(CeD)is a multifactorial autoimmune disorder spread worldwide.The exposure to gluten,a protein found in cereals like wheat,barley and rye,is the main environmental factor involved in its pathogenesis.Even if the genetic predisposition represented by HLA-DQ2 or HLA-DQ8 haplotypes is widely recognised as mandatory for CeD development,it is not enough to explain the total predisposition for the disease.Furthermore,the onset of CeD comprehend a wide spectrum of symptoms,that often leads to a delay in CeD diagnosis.To overcome this deficiency and help detecting people with increased risk for CeD,also clarifying CeD traits linked to disease familiarity,different studies have tried to make light on other predisposing elements.These were in many cases genetic variants shared with other autoimmune diseases.Since inherited traits can be regulated by epigenetic modifications,also induced by environmental factors,the most recent studies focused on the potential involvement of epigenetics in CeD.Epigenetic factors can in fact modulate gene expression with many mechanisms,generating more or less stable changes in gene expression without affecting the DNA sequence.Here we analyze the different epigenetic modifications in CeD,in particular DNA methylation,histone modifications,non-coding RNAs and RNA methylation.Special attention is dedicated to the additional predispositions to CeD,the involvement of epigenetics in developing CeD complications,the pathogenic pathways modulated by epigenetic factors such as microRNAs and the potential use of epigenetic profiling as biomarker to discriminate different classes of patients.
    • 杨红霞; 姜敏
    • 摘要: 呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)是引起2岁以下儿童急性下呼吸道感染最常见的病原体,也是导致患儿住院的主要原因,对儿童健康构成了严重威胁,然而其具体的致病机制至今尚不清楚,目前也尚无有效的抗病毒药物及疫苗。microRNAs是一种小的非编码RNAs,是基因表达转录后调控中最重要的分子。研究显示多种microRNAs在RSV感染后出现异常表达,并可通过参与先天免疫反应、调控淋巴细胞分化、影响细胞因子生成等机制在RSV感染后发挥调节作用,很可能是RSV感染诊断的潜在生物标记和治疗靶点。本文综述microRNAs在RSV感染中的研究进展,为探讨RSV的致病机制及抗病毒药物和疫苗的研发提供新的思路。
    • 李艳丽; 申元英; 郭乐
    • 摘要: 黏膜免疫是机体整个免疫网络的重要组成部分,又是具有独特结构和功能的独特免疫体系,其在抵抗感染方面起着极其重要的作用,是机体抵抗感染的第一道免疫屏障。近年来,越来越多的研究显示,微小RNA(miRNAs)具有强大的免疫调控功能,其中miR-146a作为协调免疫反应和炎症信号最重要的miRNAs之一,在包括免疫反应在内的多种生物过程和途径中发挥关键作用。本文综述了miR-146a与黏膜免疫的相关研究进展。
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