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Micro的相关文献在1990年到2023年内共计2287篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文680篇、专利文献1607篇;相关期刊293种,包括电子元器件应用、电子与电脑、电子产品世界等; Micro的相关文献由2971位作者贡献,包括刘召军、孙雷、刘强等。



论文:680 占比:29.73%


论文:1607 占比:70.27%





  • 刘召军
  • 孙雷
  • 刘强
  • 陈新
  • 周圣军
  • 赵铮涛
  • 郭太良
  • 刘胜芳
  • 高健
  • 吴涵渠
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献






    • 付莹
    • 摘要: 微型发光二极管(MicroLED)是很多国家都在研究的新一代显示技术,其亮度、响应速度、解析度以及色彩饱和度都优于有机电致发光二极管(OLED),同时功耗更低、寿命更长。由于MicroLED尺寸极其微小,在巨量转移以及封装过程中,易出现晶片损坏、移位、漏装等缺陷,因此,修复对MicroLED产品的优良率及生产成本的控制都至关重要。本文基于MicroLED修复技术的相关专利,总结了多种修复手段,并介绍对应的重点专利,为MicroLED修复技术的研究提供参考。
    • 石秋香; 刘璐; 白鹭
    • 摘要: 计算思维作为21世纪的一项普适的能力,逐渐被人们提上了日程,开启了广泛的研究.STEAM教育理念强调从跨学科和解决真实问题的视角来培养学生的综合素质,从计算思维能力培养方面提出了新的要求,利用跨学科理念培养计算思维能力是一种新的研究思路.本文选择《掷骰子游戏》项目,以Micro:Bit编程项目作为教学案例,从问题来源于真实情境、问题解决方案的制订、尝试解决方案、作品展示与分享交流四个角度探究计算思维能力的培养途径,以期为计算思维能力的培养提供借鉴.
    • 刘海武
    • 摘要: 在小学阶段开展惠及全体学生普通课堂的创客教育,可通过信息技术学科教学,以Micro:bit创客课程为依托,借助互动技术,以范例为学习支架,通过范例展示分析、模仿制作,进行作品功能的多维创新扩展、分享与交流,培养小学生的创新能力.
    • 石秋香; 刘璐; 白鹭
    • 摘要: 计算思维作为21世纪的一项普适的能力,逐渐被人们提上了日程,开启了广泛的研究。STEAM教育理念强调从跨学科和解决真实问题的视角来培养学生的综合素质,从计算思维能力培养方面提出了新的要求,利用跨学科理念培养计算思维能力是一种新的研究思路。本文选择《掷骰子游戏》项目,以Micro:Bit编程项目作为教学案例,从问题来源于真实情境、问题解决方案的制订、尝试解决方案、作品展示与分享交流四个角度探究计算思维能力的培养途径,以期为计算思维能力的培养提供借鉴。
    • Jing Liang; Xiao-Feng Tian; Wei Yang
    • 摘要: BACKGROUND The incidence of colon cancer(CC)is currently high,and is mainly treated with chemotherapy.Oxaliplatin(L-OHP)is a commonly used drug in chemotherapy;however,long-term use can induce drug resistance and seriously affect the prognosis of patients.Therefore,this study investigated the mechanism of Opainteracting protein 5 antisense RNA 1(OIP5-AS1)on L-OHP resistance by determining the expression of OIP5-AS1 and micro RNA-137(miR-137)in CC cells and the effects on L-OHP resistance,with the goal of identifying new targets for the treatment of CC.AIM To study the effects of long non-coding RNA OIP5-AS1 on L-OHP resistance in CC cell lines and its regulation of miR-137.METHODS A total of 114 CC patients admitted to China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University were enrolled,and the expression of miR-137 and OIP5-AS1 in tumor tissues and corresponding normal tumor-adjacent tissues was determined.The influence of OIP5-AS1 and miR-137 on the biological behavior of CC cells was evaluated.Resistance to L-OHP was induced in CC cells,and their activity was determined and evaluated using cell counting kit-8.Flow cytometry was used to analyze the apoptosis rate,Western blot to determine the levels of apoptosisrelated proteins,and dual luciferase reporter assay combined with RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation to analyze the relationship between OIP5-AS1 and miR-137.RESULTS OIP5-AS1 was up-regulated in CC tissues and cells,while miR-137 was downregulated in CC tissues and cells.OIP5-AS1 was inversely correlated with miR-137(P<0.001).Silencing OIP5-AS1 expression significantly hindered the proliferation,invasion and migration abilities of CC cells and markedly increased the apoptosis rate.Up-regulation of miR-137 expression also suppressed these abilities in CC cells and increased the apoptosis rate.Moreover,silencing OIP5-AS1 and up-regulating miR-137 expression significantly intensified growth inhibition of drug-resistant CC cells and improved the sensitivity of CC cells to LOHP.OIP5-AS1 targetedly inhibited miR-137 expression,and silencing OIP5-AS1 reversed the resistance of CC cells to L-OHP by promoting the expression of miR-137.CONCLUSION Highly expressed in CC,OIP5-AS1 can affect the biological behavior of CC cells,and can also regulate the resistance of CC cells to L-OHP by mediating miR-137 expression.
    • 赵岩; 靳趁心
    • 摘要: 目的:用Micro CT评价不同光照模式对复合树脂充填体微渗漏的影响。方法:选取24颗新鲜拔除的上颌前磨牙,在牙冠颊面制备圆形窝洞(直径1 mm,深度1 mm),窝洞用光固化树脂(3M Z250)充填并固化,按照光固化模式随机分为常规模式组(A组)、弱光引导组(B组)、间歇光照组(C组)。标本经冷热循环及氨硝酸银染色剂浸染后,用Micro CT测量复合树脂充填体和牙齿界面的银沉积物体积,定量评价微渗漏程度。结果:常规模式组微渗漏大于弱光启动组和间歇光照组,差异有显著性(P0.05)。结论:弱光引导模式和间歇光照模式能够比常规光照模式更有效降低复合树脂(3M Z250)的微渗漏。
    • B. Smitha Pai; M. A. Goutham; Veera Pandin
    • 摘要: Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) vector sensor is a recent advancement in the field of underwater acoustic sensors. The major incentive provided by this acoustic vector sensor is that it provides information about the direction of the incoming acoustic source signal in addition to the measurement of the pressure associated with the acoustic signal. We are reporting a design of a MEMS acoustic vector sensor for underwater applications using piezoresistive film of Reduced Graphine Oxide (RGO), realized on kapton (polyimide) film as the starting material. The sensor is designed and fabricated by deposition of RGO on a kapton, which is a flexible substrate by the method of drop casting making the process simple, low-cost and scalable. The application of the piezoresistive transduction principle and ingenious structure of the vector sensor based on bionic principle improves miniaturization and the low-frequency sensitivity. The fabricated sensor shows a repeatable response in both static and dynamic conditions, to the applied strain due to the acoustic signal in a given direction. The experimental results show that fabricated sensor based on MEMS technology and piezoresistive effect is feasible and it possesses intrinsic two-dimensional directivity. The fabricated device has given good response for the low-frequency acoustic signals due to the effect of piezoresistive transduction principle and the resonance frequency of the device is found to be around 80 Hz with the displacement sensitivity around 3 mV/mm and 2 mV/mm of X and Y axis directions respectively.
    • Joseph S. Ojo; Omololu O. Daodu; Olalekan L. Ojo
    • 摘要: In this paper, some distinctive features of the vertical profile of precipitable liquid water content (LWC) with considerable respect to rain rates (R) and radar reflectivity (Z) obtained in a tropical location are presented. Assessment of LWC allows applications in the specific area of flight icing severity, aviation safety as well as signals traversing through the atmosphere. The parameters were typically measured using vertically-pointing Micro Rain Radar (MRR) over a period of 2 years (2011-2012) at Akure, a tropical location of Nigeria. The radar scanned at every 10 seconds and integrated over one minute samples to reduce event logging error associated with the instrument. The vertical profile of the LWC typically reveals a prominent seasonal variation. However, majority of the LWC profiles has low LWC, less than 0.1 gm?3 while the maximum observed LWC is about 3.18 gm?3. A strong like hood relation was observed between the melting layer height and the LWC, with the LWC reaches peak at the considerable height of about 4160 m which coincides precisely with the freezing height level (rain height of ~4520 m) of the study location. Good correlation was also observed between the LWC and R in most of the heights considered. The results obtained will assist system engineers to assess the level of absorption, reflection and attenuation of electromagnetic signals as a result of precipitable LWC along the transmitting paths. The novelty of the present work is in the area of linking LWC and Z as against usual relation between Z and R.
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