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化学行为的相关文献在1983年到2021年内共计108篇,主要集中在农业基础科学、原子能技术、化学 等领域,其中期刊论文77篇、会议论文11篇、专利文献129063篇;相关期刊53种,包括西安文理学院学报(社会科学版)、中国学术期刊文摘、中国土壤与肥料等; 相关会议9种,包括第五届上海照明科技及应用趋势论坛、中国核学会核化工分会2014学术交流年会、第十一届全国核化学与放射化学学术研讨会等;化学行为的相关文献由284位作者贡献,包括梅光泉、杨创煌、杨映斌等。



论文:77 占比:0.06%


论文:11 占比:0.01%


论文:129063 占比:99.93%





  • 梅光泉
  • 杨创煌
  • 杨映斌
  • 洪川
  • 范显华
  • 高运明
  • 丁自友
  • 余秀明
  • 刘德军
  • 刘维屏
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 廖博文; 孙赫
    • 摘要: 由于铂族金属具高熔点、高沸点、低蒸气压及优越的抗腐蚀性、抗风化的能力等,已被广泛应用于国民经济各部门。铂族元素在不同过程中具有不同的环境化学行为
    • 曹晓川
    • 摘要: 研究提出了基于QWASI模型的合金冶炼废气中重金属化学行为建模分析方法,并描述了合金冶炼废气中重金属在水体流动、大气扩散、质量传播和土壤沉积中的化学行为,计算获得了重金属污染物在各个环境介质中的浓度.通过对某合金冶炼厂排污渠水体、水生生物和两岸植被内部组织结构中的重金属污染物浓度水平分析,得到了重金属污染物分布特征、浓度水平以及迁移规律,为今后开展合金冶炼废气中重金属污染土壤修复活动时选择根系比较发达的植物提供了新思路,同时也为合金冶炼废气中重金属在土壤环境中的影响评价和监测、管理提供了科学依据.
    • 曾雄辉
    • 摘要: 环境持久性有机自由基,简称EPFRs.传统的自由基,半衰期非常短,而环境持久性有机自由基的半衰期较长,它可以存在数分钟到几十天左右.现在国家把EPFRs当作新出现的一种有环境风险物质,可以诱发出许多疾病,包括肺部和心血管疾病的癌症.目前,国内外都开始重视对EPFRs的研究.我国就有许多技术人员长期都在研究土壤中持久性自由基,还有土壤里天然的有机物和一些外源有机污染物在演变和转化过程中自由基的稳定性和环境的效应,特别是多环芳径在土壤中的变化.
    • 邵亚; 王毅伟; 蔡崇法; 杨顺华; 张海涛
    • 摘要: Selenium is an essential micronutrient for animals and humans. Extensive studies have been conducted on distribution of selenium, but seldom studies have been done in Se-enriched, longevity, and karst region. Accurately mapping the spatial distribution of soil Se is the basis for Se-enriched soil utilization, planning, and environmental management. To better understand the Se distribution in the soils in a Se-enriched, longevity, and karst area of China, this study focuses on the total Se in soil in the Guilin Yongfu Baishou river catchment, and 226 soils (0-20 cm) samples were collected by random sampling in 180 km2 research area in March, 2015. Coordinates and elevations of the sample sites were recorded using a Garmin GPS. Factors affecting the chemical behavior of soil Se were studied to obtain geographical environment factors and related soil properties in the study area through lab analysis and ArcGIS spatial analysis. Auxiliary variables, including soil properties (pH value, soil organic matter, and amorphous iron oxides) and geographical environment factors (elevation, slope, aspect, curvature, compound topographic index, and stream power index) were preliminary selected for predicting total soil Se through stepwise regression. The adjusted determination coefficient (adjustedR2) was used to select the regression model, and then elevation, soil organic matter, amorphous iron oxides and compound topographic index were selected as variables. Co-kriging (COK) was used for interpolation of discontinuously distributed auxiliary variables (soil organic matter, amorphous iron oxides), and the correlation coefficient between prediction value and chemical analysisvalue was used to measure the prediction accuracy of COK. The amorphous iron oxides prediction value showed significant correlation with analysisvalue (R=0.62,P<0.01). However, the soil organic matterprediction value was no significantly correlated with analysisvalue in the researched area. In the end, elevation, amorphous iron oxides, and compound topographic index were selected as variables for spatial prediction of soil Se with geographically weighted regression model (GWR). The predicted results of GWR on soil Se were compared with the results obtained from ordinary Kriging (OK), and mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) were adopted to validate the prediction of soil Se by these methods. In order to quantify the improvement on prediction precision, a relative improvement (RI) in correlation coefficient was used to measure the improvement on the prediction accuracy of GWR and OK. Compared to OK, the MAE and RMSE of GWR were 0.19 and 0.24, which reduced by 13.64% and 7.69%, respectively. The correlation coefficient between prediction value and chemical analysisvalue increased from 0.32 to 0.51. The application of GWR resulted in relative improvement (RI) of 59.38%. The study results showed that the precision of total soil Se prediction could be improved if geographical environment factors and related soil properties were properly selected. The problem of discontinuously distributed auxiliary variables could be resolved by COK method. The spatial distribution of soil selenium was related to topography (elevation) and soil property factors (amorphous iron oxides), which had important influence on selenium chemical behavior in soil. Because of the complexity of terrain in the karst area, the correlation coefficient is still low, and it is worth further research.%土壤硒精准预测和制图是富硒土壤资源开发利用和环境规划管理的基础。该文以西南典型岩溶区桂林永福百寿河流域为例,在分析影响土壤硒化学行为因子的基础上,通过野外样品采集和室内化学分析以及ArcGIS空间分析,获取了研究区相关地理环境因子和土壤属性因子数据。利用逐步回归方法选择土壤硒空间分布预测的辅助变量,使用协同克里格模型对非连续分布的辅助变量进行插值。在此基础上利用地理加权回归模型对土壤硒空间分布进行预测,同时以普通克里格插值结果作为参照。研究结果表明:使用地理环境因子和影响土壤硒化学行为的土壤属性因子可以提高土壤硒预测精度;协同克里格插值解决了辅助变量数据连续分布的问题;土壤硒的空间分布与地形和影响土壤硒化学行为的因子有关。
    • 李双华
    • 摘要: 随着人们环保意识的加强,对农产品以及食品安全问题的关注度也越来越高,农药对于环境的危害越来越受到人们的重视,施用后的农药对于环境的影响主要包括农药本身以及农药在环境中的代谢产物对于环境的影响。农药降解是指化学农药在环境中从复杂结构分解为简单结构,甚至会降低或失去毒性的作用。研究农药在水环境中的化学行为,对于评估其本身及其代谢产物对环境造成的影响和合理指导农药的使用具有重大意义。
    • 孙亚乔; 段磊; 王晓娟; 李万鹏; 姚萌
    • 摘要: 利用微波消解法和Tessier的5步连续提取法分析测定了韩城燎原矿区高硫煤矸石堆放场不同深度土壤的9种重金属含量和不同赋存形态,并结合重金属分配系数分析了它们的释放迁移能力。结果表明,堆放场土壤重金属As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Sn、V、Zn的均值皆超过远离堆放场土壤背景值和中国土壤背景值,其中以As、Cd、Zn为最显著。在不断接受煤矸石堆放场雨水淋溶释放的酸性水入渗条件下,污染土壤中重金属的生物有效性和迁移性为:Cd>Zn>Ni>Sn>Pb>Cu>As>Cr>V。由于受到土壤含水率和有机质的影响,在土壤40—60cm范围内,重金属Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn释放迁移能力为最弱。酸性水入渗对As、Cd释放迁移能力影响较小,而对Cd释放迁移能力影响较大。
    • 张金平
    • 摘要: 同位素是具有相同原子序数的同一化学元素的两种或多种原子之一,在元素周期表上占有同一位置,化学行为几乎相同,但原子量或质量数不同,从而其质谱行为、放射性转变和物理性质有所差异。自然界中存在的每一种元素都有自己的同位素。有些同位素比较稳定,不会发生结构上的变化,这是稳定同位素;而另一些同位素会不停地向四周发出各种射线,这就是有着多种用途的放射性同位素。
    • 周明亮; 戴万宏; 曹玉红
    • 摘要: 为了了解土壤中蚯蚓活动与重金属化学行为的相互影响关系,降低重金属对土壤生物的毒害作用,国内外众多学者就土壤中蚯蚓对重金属的累积效应以及利用蚯蚓作为土壤重金属污染的指示生物等方面开展了大量的研究工作。本研究从材料选择、评价方法及蚯蚓对重金属影响机理等3个方面综述蚯蚓对土壤重金属的化学行为以及生物有效性的影响。并在此基础上对今后该领域的研究提出了建议。
    • 王杨
    • 摘要: 介绍了燃煤电厂汞控制研究现状,分析了燃煤中汞的含量和赋存状态、燃烧中汞的化学行为特性,探讨了汞的监测和控制技术,为我国燃烧电厂汞排放控制提供参考.
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